
Yujiro after ascension

As Yujiro is training as normal, He suddenly ascends to the next realm. Being the first human to ever ascend in history he reaches another world full of cultivation and magic.

Blood2K · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Part 1 - Ascension.

Thinking of how powerful he is, Yujiro alone in this world stands at the pinnacle of existence in this world. Training to the peak of existence he is unstoppable.

As he is training a new martial art, he suddenly starts to feel pain all over his body, A pain he couldn't tolerate.

He starts to divert all the pain across his body to reduce the overall pain to no help.

He suddenly begins to float as a bright beam of light in the sky begins to pull him up.

(Thinking in his head) "What is happening?" As he is quickly being pulled up as he resists.

In an action to avoid the pull he suddenly releases a pressure that releases his hold from the light in the sky.

Falling back to the ground

"So, the light in the sky wasn't that powerful huh."

SUDDENLY the light turned red, and the beam of light quickly pulled Yujiro into the sky.

Disappearing forever from this world he has no chances of returning.

All of the other strong beings in this world instinctively begin to look at the beam of light as they begin to run there.

But before they could reach it the light and Yujiro Hanma was gone.

Yujiro was conscious through this entire process, being sucked through time and space wasn't pleasant. but suddenly he appears in the sky and starts to fall at least 400 feet.

He easily breaks his fall as he hits the ground hard.

"Where am I" Looking into the sky "Why is there 2 moons?"

Looking around all he sees is an expansion of hills. Green hills. He began to walk forward as he suddenly feel the pressure of a large wolf behind him, Larger than anything he has ever seen.

The wolf had giant fangs and a bright red fur. growling at the Hanma looking at him as a meal as he doesn't have any internal energy.

Suddenly the wolf was hit in his neck as Yujiro appeared in his face with such speed and knocked the wolf out before it could react.

"Well, well isn't this a beauty of a creature." he says out loud.

Inspecting this creature, he detects an organ that isn't normally in a wolf or an animal of this kind. he can detect the energy but has no way of using it.

Picking up the wolf on his shoulder he begins to walk in a single line until he reached a line of trees, the start of a large forest.

Walking into the forest he detects a large pressure coming from his left, but it is super far away.

"What should I do next? I feel I've been walking for hours and hours.

hearing the clashing of swords, he goes sprinting to the site and see 2 people fighting with large swords.

"This force I feel is powerful... Sounds fun."

[At the battle]

"Lei Gang give up, your out of energy and you're not strong enough." Says the middle-aged man.

"Never" says Lei Gang as his internal energy began to flare.

"Are you guys done bickering or are you going to fight." Yujiro says as he is watching the battle from the side.

"Who are you." Says the middle-aged man as he steps away from the downed Lei Gang.


"So not going to answer me huh."

The middle-aged man spins in a circle and goes flying at yujiro at high speed. but as he got close to him, he gets grappled and dragged across the ground.

"So, this is the limit to your power." Says yujiro

He suddenly throws the middle-aged man across the field and says, "Try again."

"How... You don't have any internal energy nor Qi, who side are you on?"

"Help me defeat him and ill introduce you to my sect elders" Lei gang yells out.

Yujiro runs and punches the man with such force that it caused his organs to rupture, and he drops dead. this happened in the span of a second.

Lei Gang looked up at him in fear as he approached him.

"So, introduce me to these elders you were speaking about kid."

Detecting a presence surrounding him he yells "Come out before I make you come out."

a young man walks out with a sword in hand.

"Who are you." Says the young man with long silky robes.

Suddenly a bunch of people came from all directions screaming "Are you okay." As they ran to Lei Gang aid.

The young man explained he was the Elder of the Demonic sect, and the boy Lei Fang was the child of the demonic emperor.

Suddenly Yujiro ran at the elder and attempted to punched him.

but the elder Evaded his attack.

"OH, really you want to battle?" He says.

Getting into position Yujiro says "interesting, you are strong let's fight."