
Yugioh: Screw the Rules, I have a System!

Waking up as Seto Kaiba has got to be cool right? what about Kaiba with a system and all the hard work done for you? sign me up (Just want to remind everyone I’m really not that good of a writer I just doing this for fun nothing more nothing less. if you like it cool, if you don’t no sweat it’s more a bad comedy then a serious fanfic)

KaitheSovereign · Anime & Comics
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Seto Fucking Kaiba

In a luxury room full of highest quality designer curtains, sheets, Blankets, furniture, and electronics laid a young man with Dark brown hair in an almost perfect shape as if it could never change from that shape.. probably a lot of gel. The young man sat up and looked around in confusion, as if not understanding were he was or how he gotten their.

A loud Dinging noise caught him off guard as the large sets of blinds slowly open like a parting gate revealing large glass panels and a bright sun beaming right at him. "So.. I Get drunk, end up in a penthouse? Not the worst ways to wake up even better I actually don't have a headache."

Swinging his legs off the bed he paused again something was right he felt lighter, a lot lighter, moving his hand down to his stomach surprise to surprise the slight gut he had was no where to be seen he had a completely flat no not flat very compact muscles as if you could get punched and their hand would hurt. Shock went through the young man's head and he looked on his bodies for any scars.. someone must have pulled out the fat to get to his kidneys or something but no scars. Something was up and he needed to figure it out fast where his immediate thoughts, unaware that his life as who he once was is no longer a factor..

[???/Kaiba Pov]

'What the absolute fuck is going on? Why on earth am I like this I feel.. fantastic but holy shit this makes absolutely no sense.. ok let's go back a few steps. I was at the bar with my friends, ugh I don't know why but for some reason that words doesn't stick to my tongue right now.. did we get into an argument?' I couldn't even think straight, I move over to the offshoot room and damn was it huge you would think I lived in Greece with the damn marble and tiled floor, the Countertops and Water spouts of this bathroom were also marble or crystal. I must of gotten really lucky if I woke up in some penthouse.

As I wash my face I let out a sigh but looking up my pupils shrink as I see what's looking back at me, Young, angular, Blue eyes, Brown hair.. a very peculiar appearance that I recognized.

"Is that motherfucking Seto Kaiba!?" I couldn't help but shout out in shock

[Ding! Seems you had enough brains to finally notice Host, now listen up your past life has no matter outside of your knowledge of Yugioh. Your family, Freinds, Lovers, Kids doesn't matter all that matters is you becoming the Greatest duelist in this new world. Become the King of Games, No Becoming The Emperor of Games! this world is not the one you know from the anime or manga things have changed but host you better keep your eye on the prize!]

"This motherfucker is giving me the biggest sass I've ever heard." I say out loud with a growl

[Shut it peasant! Ahem I mean host regardless of what I may say it still stands to reason I'm here to keep your sorry ass at the top and unlike the Og Kaiba you will not only be the greatest duelist but you will get All the bitches you need your concubines after all emperor. Now before you complain I'll open this starter pack since Kaibas first deck is shit outside of the Blue eyes.. I mean seriously he fucked with Joey about having stuff like armored lizard and Aligator sword but then he has fucking Hitotsu-Me Giant and Grappler.. also seriously 3 copies a level 5 with 1800. Rude Kaiser is shit monster as is the two fucking copies of Crawling dragon! I get it Kaiba wants to have intimidating monsters but hell man.]

"I get it just do it!" I huffed annoyed while I wasn't the original kaiba and knew his first deck wasn't the best I mean hell he lost to yugi only because heart of the cards bullshit to be honest both their first decks where not good even based on the era.

[Here it is Dumbass your first deck but don't worry I'll give you a good gift for unlocking me also don't at me if it's over 40 cards bastard it's at least better then the og Kaiba deck but you ain't getting to many op cards bitch]

"What an aggressive system, it's like I have my own personal ultra douchebag Kaiba screaming in my head"

[Shut it dragon fucker ahem.. sorry biased to your original soul. Regardless Deck time mother fucker! Let's just make it an even 50 Alright you bastard

Monsters 25

3x Blue eyes white dragon (no shit)

1x Tyrant Dragon (I'm such a nice guy)

1x WattailDragon (Summoned skull but dragon)

1x Red Eyes black Dragon (fuck Joey)

3x Thunder dragon

3x Masked Dragon

3x Divine Dragon Ragnarok

2x Lancer Lindwurm

3x Keeper of Dragon magic

3x Versago the destroyer

2x Kidmodo dragon

Spells 17

1x Monster Reborn

2x Polymerization

1x Graceful charity

1x Harpies feather duster

1x Pot of Greed

2x Smashing ground

3x Stamping destruction

1x Mystical space typhoon

2x Return of dragon lord

2x Burst Stream of destruction

Traps 8

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Mirror Force

1x Ring of Destruction

3x Sakuretsu Armor

2x Widespread Ruin


Blue eyes ultimate dragon

Black Skull Dragon

Meteor black dragon

King Dragun

Twin Headed Thunder dragon]

"Well it's pretty good even some newer cards, 25 monsters is a lot but I can understand somewhat."

[Shut it Rich Boy, go out and enjoy your new life oh and don't worry about the company or how I changed things. You could say Seto made a nice Ai does most if not all the work of the company, and dear Mokuba whoever that was I replaced, I mean what's better then having a little brother? A little sister so I just did a minor shift in canon of the yugioh verse.]

"What did you do?" Perhaps asking the asshole system wouldn't get me no where but hell if I care… no wait this systems said something about concubines the mother fucker did it on purpose

[Hehehe, Well As some say screw the rules I make the rules! You see I just so happened to pluck a character named Skye from a distant future and switch her with Mokuba. So now my blue eyes gets a blue angel~ isn't that fun?]

"If you were physical I would strike you." I growled

[Well at least she isn't useless and actually intelligent unlike all the stupid shit Mokuba did, besides being older then Mokuba as well makes it so she isn't as gullible as him either. Just so you know as well I'm being nice and protecting you both from supernatural shit unless you lose a duel so be happy.]

"Why would I be happy about that shit?" I asked with a huff then again I thought about it "nevermind thanks.." Pegasus couldn't hold Mokuba err Skye over my head now since she wouldn't lose her soul unless I lost the duel but then I would lose it to, plus the bastard can't read my mind nor could Marik and Ishizu mess with me with their items… I kinda want me an item.

[Fuck those things I'll make you something better eventually, now you bastard get out of this bathroom and go to school like a good little bitch with your nice cute sister]

"I'll fucking kill you." I growled

[Hahaha so says the Dragon emperor future ruler of this world.. metaphorically at least since you could own about anything]

I sigh then look into the mirror before giving a familiar Seto scowl. "The world is in the palm of my hand but plot armor always took it away from the original… not this time, screw plot armor im SETO FUCKING KAIBA!"

[That's the spirit! Now let's go go go you Moody Dragon Fucker!]

Damn you! I'll kill you for this I swear!


Hello hello! It's me your boi! I decided to scrap everything as you may have seen cause I hate shit work. This is probably gonna turn into shit to… But! This is going to be one of those "I'm doing this for fun and meme's" type of situation also a real bummer no one has done something similar so you scrubs stuck with me till someone takes my idea. I hope you do many better writers then I! Anyway I hope you will enjoy this flaming disaster I am shit at deck making to but it's non meta in Og yugioh so it's more of What makes things go 'boom' the best during a back and forth struggle.

Kaiba deck was always shit that I doubt would actually work in a duel his cards are all to different and his staples are the only thing keeping him floating plus the semi plot armor he has when he faces anyone but main villain or Yugi

New Story, Damn ill do my best! support me with a vote or add to collection even if it’s shit!

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