Nothing much to know I’m a mid tier writer at best
of reading
Read books
I practically hear him salivating over the destroyer armor.
A few other examples of good leaders Koko Hekmatyar from Jormungand Teletha Testarossa from full metal panic Najenda from Akame ga Kill Shiroe from log horizon Reinhard Von Lohengramm legends of a galactic heroes (man basically reformed and created an entire empire to lead into battle)
I think halo and mass effect first their is alot of tech that could help him in the marvel dc verse as the skrull, Kree and Shi’ar of marvel plus You add any of the major races in dc you’ll need all the help you can get.
I am really not a fan of Emilia either truthfully If I picked a waifu from Re zero it would be Crusch. I like ram esthetics better than Rems as well but she’s a bit to sharp for my liking.. so Crusch would be a better choice. To me rem and Subaru are better together as well
Outside of Mordred? Gareth
I don’t want to spoil but I think I know who it is, and I know the theory about this certain character but I won’t spoil it
3rd phantom I had so many hours in that game I think I played through it 6 different times over the years although the first four play throughs were more me trying different characters and choosing the weapons for the main character. I only got Bankai at the point you are supposed to once in my four play throughs the last two playthroughs I just used action replay to fool around making orihime, chad and Kon op with stats maxed. Arturo is such a cool villain and it bugs me he wasn’t canon. I know sometimes anime and creators make non canon characters canon I feel like he should have been one.
No problems glad to read your story surprisingly not a lot of bleach stuff and if their is it’s usually only a quick stop in a multiverse story or not very well written bleach Translated books. With the rare gem here and their
Yeah I was the same about the bouts and if your using aura very nice. Apparently the fullbringers who died were in soul society with ganju during the battle with the Quincy oddly enough The others I suggested where mostly from movies or filler. Shusuke I suggested because I could see him becoming a hollow do to his desires and obvious and I’m guessing since your using muramasa you won’t change Koga into one. (I also just really like Yin and Yang’s designs which is why I offered them)
For filler characters I would think you would add game characters in their to so maybe just a small list (im sure movie characters are up for grabs to since the movies are not really known if canon or not) Arturo Plateado was not only very powerful but was a natural Arrancar as well, in the games he even broke off from Aizen and collected shards of the broken Sokyoku. Bounts I’m not sure if they can become hollows but would make sort of sense if they could The dark ones from Memory of nobodies Sojiro, Yin and Yang from diamond dust rebellion I guess Homura? But I’m not sure I wasn’t a fan of fade to black movie Sadly the only ones I could say are a no are the guys from hell since their already well hell residents Shusuke, Kibune and Koga are the ones I’m not sure about. Aura Michibane falls into that category as well