
Yugioh: New Duelists X

Yuji Kusanagi a 15 years old boy who likes playing DM. But after a certain event involving DM, he was expelled from his school, then his parents decide to burn all his cards and duel disk. Fed up, he ran away from home and decide to become a duelist like he always wanted.

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72 Chs

Sakura Days, 2nd Petals

Time flew so fast...

It has been two years since I've started study here, and now I'm officially graduated.

At first, I thought I would meet someone or something interesting, but...

"What a waste of time..." complained me.

The very first day I arrived, I was talked by those monk- students who were supposed to be my classmate, just because my father is a card designer and not a fashion designer.

This school, as far as I know, is a school reserved only those of very wealthy people or a very gifted student.

But the majority of the students here are those from the rich, children who born with a golden spoon in his or her mouth.

A gifted student like me is always looked down, and sometimes were bullied.

The first time I saw a fellow gifted student being bullied, I realized just flaunting your talent, lie low, or even report it to the school won't help.

To adapt to this school, I must join a clique or a student group, and getting accepted is such a headache.

First I must know the middleman of the group to introduce me to the leader or the members, and... getting to know which middleman I can trust is exhausting.

For the first week, I must widen my eyes and ears to observe which and who is acceptable or had a standing in the group.

Next, to made them agree to introduce me, I must... well... prepare a bribe, and the bribe I must choose for them is... expensive... totally

I even felt it'll be alright for me to just drop out from this school and comes back to my old school.

But, for my own desire, I must hold on.

Being accepted into a clique is not over, after being accepted... there are many exhausting procedures I must follow through...

Even after that is over, I can't lower my guard around those people... these guys... even though they just rich, stupid, and snobbish, is even more perceptive when it's come to talks or attitudes

Just a slip of a tongue your standing and status would be questionable, and had a high risk you would be kicked out from the group

Mimicking the way they talk is so exhausting and... embarrassing... to think they really laugh uhu-aha like a third rate villain in the movie it's just... embarrassing.

Of course not all of them like that

Not only that, when I've met or knew those fellow gifted student, I...


"Ho- how?!"

were disappointed.

Like this guy who is renowned as the youngest and brightest Chess Champion were defeated by me.

At first, I was happy that I can fight against someone so amazing, he even manages to cornering me.

For the first time I felt excited and feeling the adrenaline rushed in, but... in the end he was defeated.

We've fought each other repeatedly, but in the end... It was me who's the winner.

After that, we stop playing...

He never bothered me, nor invite me to play again...

Thus, I search for another gifted students or any other accomplished students... wish to search for that someone or something that can make me go all out, Ieven restrict my self

But, after defeating them again, and again... I've realized... I was cursed

No matter whom, no matter what the competition is... I'm always win

Nothing can excited me anymore, nothing can filled the emptyness or boredom inside

Then, my endeavor caught the attention of the clique I was in or the leader of the senior clique to be precise

To my surpri... no, it's not so surprising. I know that they would use for their agenda, the real question is how and when they would decide it.

They even made me to visit a tea party, ball, or similar thing...

Without any entertainment... I oblige, I even pray that there's someone or something from this event that can make my blood boil with excitement...

But like it was before... nothing changed...

One of the solace I can found in this school were the test conducted by that organization

The test is... Not what you think it would happen... the test are just... test

No torture, No psychological game or anything.... just a normal test

I received a bunch of questionnaires whether it was academic or non-academic, and I must answer it on paper... like the usual exam

The difference is, after I finished filling those questionnaires I must explain it to them, why I answer this, why I choose these methods, etc... simple as that

If I should answer what is the strangest thing about the questionnaires... then... none, but the test is not onlythat

Sometimes... those guys requested me to duel against an A.I;  and of course... I won it... but at least dueling against an A.I. is pretty exciting... more so than playing chess against that guy who hailed as the youngest chess champion

But A.I is still an A.I in the end, I can't talk to them, nor they can make me go all out

Thus, it is even easier facing them after couples of rounds, because certain A.I had a peculiar repeated habit like they always targetted the first card that I set

Thanks to it though... I finally knew that game like Duel Monster is much more interesting

As the daughter of a card designer, this news brings joy to my father

So much that he almost created cards with my name and looks on the card...

After graduating from grade school, rather than go to that exhausting school again, I choose the middle school near my neighborhood

Those guys from SOL Technology begged me to attend it... but of course I refuse

Unlike that school, the middle school I attend is pretty normal, clique existed but not as demanding and exhausting as the previous one, there is no world chess champion or whatever grandeur titled student in here, just... normal students enjoying their time.

"... Boring"

After my experience in that school, I prefer to be alone rather gather in a crowd... enjoying my private time... alone... reading on the rooftop... hoping if someday I would meet that someone or something

This habit of mine... continues... in the blink of an eye... I'm already on my third years...

"What a waste of time..." said me, as I look upon the grayish cloud.

That was I think until I met him...


"Draw!" Yuji draws a card, looking at the newly drawn card, he let out a slight smile, "From my hand, I activate the spell: Pot of Greed"

Yuji then draws two cards in one go, [This would do]

"I summon Elemental HERO Stratos on attack position!", a HERO with mechanical wings appears on his side of the field, "Then, I activate Stratos' effect, Air signal! This allows me to add one HERO monster from the deck to my hand. Call forth, Elemental HERO Blazeman"

A card ejected from his deck, then shuffle after Yuji took it.

"Let's go! I activate another spell: Double Summon. Get ready! I summon Blazeman in attack position"

Sakura narrowed her eyes, "Is he going for Sunrise combo?" whispered her.

"Blazeman's effect activate, when Blazeman is normal or special summon, I can add a Polymerization from my deck to my hand, it's time... Blazing road!"

Yuji took the Polymerization from his deck, show it to Sakura, then shuffle the cards in his hands.

"At this chance, I fuse both Elemental HERO Stratos and Blazeman on the field"

A whirlpool of Yellow and Blue energies appears on top of the field. Both HERO then jumped toward the vortex of energy.

"A HERO that bring a new storm upon the battlefield. With the power of freedom and revolution, lend me your strength! Elemental HERO Great Tornado!!"

From the center of the whirlpool, a HERO dressed in green armor and black shroud slowly descends to the ground.

E•HERO Great Tornado (LV.8)

ATK/2800 DEF/2200

"Great Tornado's effect: Sandstorm activate!"

Elemental HERO Great Tornado lunged toward Gigaplant, he then creates a rotating orb made from dust and sand on his hand.

After the rotating orb gets bigger with the size of a basketball, he then throws it toward Gigaplant.

Gigaplant extends his tentacles to catch the dropping orb, but because of the rotating force, his tentacles were tangled, and some of it even ripped apart.

The orb explode, creating a spherical, rotating explosion that grinds the monstrous plant alive. Alas, the plant survived, albeit with a damaged body.

Gigaplant (LV.6)

ATK/2400>1200 DEF/1200>600

"Not bad, Yuji!" shouted Sakura.

"Battle! Elemental HERO Great Tornado, pulverize Gigaplant!" shouted him, as he points his index finger toward the monstrous plant.

Elemental HERO Great Tornado pulls back his left arm with an open palm, generating a large bow made of wind, dirt, and sand. Then, he creates a large rotating arrow like a Javelin made from the tornado.

He takes a deep breath, and fired the tornado arrow toward the monstrous plant.

Looking at incoming projectile, Sakura waved her hand, "Reverse card, Quick-play spell: Raging Mad plants, activate!"

The monstrous plant's color changed into a deep crimson color like blood, not only that, the monstrous Gigaplant becoming much bigger and feral unlike before.

Gigaplant (LV.6)

ATK/1200>2700 DEF/600

Yuji gasped seeing the monstrous transformation, but after looking at its attack he felt... relieved.

Even after receiving a boost from Sakura, the monstrous plant failed to block the incoming projectile.

Gigaplant: Gug... gugya...

A large hole appears on it chest like a gaping chasm, the monstrous plant then fell, scattering like a broken glass.

Sakura |LP 4000>3900|

Sakura smirked, "All of that for a mere 100 points"

"Better than nothing" replied him.

"True" replied her back.

After the battle phase is over, Yuji set two cards from his hand into The Duel Disk plate, "Turn... end"

Sakura looking at him let out a chuckle, Yuji who is confused tilted his head and asked, "What so funny?"

She shakes her head, "Nothing... it just... I remember something... unpleasant"

He scratches his right cheek, totally confused of what she said.

"Alright. My turn, draw" Sakura draws a card, creating a beautiful arc in the air.


The corners of her mouth bend upward, looking at her expression Yuji knew that this turn she would start off her counterattack, he then shifted his gaze toward his set card on the left corner.

"I set two cards" told her, "Is she done?" wonders him, as he saw her set two cards.

Sakura giggling, "You maybe wonder if I'm done right?" asked her, while Yuji slowly nod, "No I'm not done yet" answered her.

"From my hand I activate spell card: Card of Sanctity", Yuji's eyes widened looking at her card, she continues, "Each player, draws until they had 6 cards on their hand"

In the blink of an eye, Yuji and Sakura's hand resource were recharged.

"Now then... shall I bring him?" asked Sakura

Yuji gulped his saliva, "Go ahead"

She pulled out a card from her hand, then put it on top of the Duel Disk's plate, "I summon Evil Thorn"

On her field appears a wilted plant with one white bellflower on the right branch, and a dark corn-shaped fruit with sharp spikes.

"Then I activa-"

"At this moment, reverse the set card!"

Before she finished speaking, Yuji bluntly cut off her words. Sakura sighed, knowing that Yuji impolitely disturb her moment.

She shifted her gaze then saw the name of the card that Yuji activated, and she secretly cursed him in her heart.

Threatening Roar: Your opponent cannot declare an attack this turn.

"Yuji!" pouted her, but her opponent Yuji didn't seem to care of her mood right now, he even smiles looking at her cute pouted face.

Looking at him smiling she continues, "Don't think that even I can't destroy your monster right now, I can't deal damage to you!" told her, as she's pointing her index finger toward him, "Evil thorn's effect activate"

The fruit part inflated like a balloon, when it explodes, the spikes on its fruit fired toward Yuji, hitting him.

Yuji |LP 2300>2000|

On her field, two more Evil Thorns arrived. Sakura then show Yuji a spell card on her hand, "I fuse two Evil Thorns on the field"

A whirlpool of orange and purple energies appears on her back, swirling like a vortex.

Sakura raised her hand, "O' dragon born from one of the greatest sins of humanity" The two plants sucked into the vortex of energies.

On her field appears a giant luminescence flower bud. Glowing white petal, resembling the shinning pale moon.

"With the power of my beautiful flowers and its lovely fragrance, be reborn into this world!"

The whirlpool of energy is gone, only the flower bud on the field which is slowly moving.

"Fusion Summon!" She claps her hands, joining together like in prayer.

Thus, the luminescent flower bud slowly blooms.

"Come! My beautiful ace with his venomous fangs"

Revealing the incarnation of nightmare, from beneath the beautiful white petals.

"Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!!!"