
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 21:Bear vs. Bandit

This is not a good thing, which means that there are a lot of masters looking for themselves. Unexpectedly, he was so careful, even at the expense of taking the opposite path and then going north to make a detour, and he was found very quickly. There are some great men in the enemy.

Many people, although the strength of the other party is not as good as nine bears, but 50 to the number of second - and third-rate fighters at the same time, or to the seven bears caused a lot of trouble, and let Jiang Fan surprise is that these people seem to have some joint attack tactics, the seven bears formed a strong contain.

In fact, most of the time against the enemy can be won in the blink of an eye, but in some cases, it also occurs.

Fortunately, the other party started carelessly, was killed a few, otherwise the situation is not optimistic.

However, Jiang Fan was also surprised to find that although these seven bears are a little straightforward, they also know how to cooperate with each other, perhaps because of years of getting along with each other.

"Later on... If, if not, keep you safe, you escort them... Let's go!"

Bear did not take out any sword, but Jiang Fan knew that his iron fist was his most powerful weapon. I don't know how strong, but a hundred pounds of rock can't stop it.

It makes him nervous, which means those two weird guys are different.

But bear big arrangement, let Jiang Fan heart some moved. War and danger, this big bear did not think of himself, but took the lead in considering himself and white Xiaocui. A man like that is a robber? Jiang Fan felt a little strange.

Ding Shaoan a pair of peach eyes sharp light: "Boss, do not have to long others ambition, we may not lose."

Suddenly, Bear Seven gave a roar, and he was surrounded by five men with strange weapons, long chains and three claws of steel. This long soft weapon is as flexible as a snake in the hands of these people, and Xiong Seven is accidentally hooked by a steel claw on the shoulder, although he struggles to break free, he is pulled off a large piece of skin.

Fortunately, Bear eight threw out an iron halberd in time to solve his encircle, but bear eight also lost his left hand weapon, some scrambled.

"This claw..." Jiang Fan looked at it seriously and said: "It seems to be used to hook boats on the river."

"The Jiang Bandit can't be wrong." Ding Shaoan cold voice said: "They should be Chen old turtle's hands." Your enemy is actually the number one bandit leader of the Canglan River, if you hadn't told me earlier, the little master really shouldn't have taken this deal!"

"Regret it?"

"Does it work?" Ding Shaoan hate hate way: "Chen old turtle is Yin ruthless, very grudge, after today, even if we let go, he will never give up, the two sides will inevitably be at lopsided."

"I can't believe that you guys are very good at fighting, but that's it, my sister has no time to play with you."

The long-tongue girl suddenly raised her hand, and a white silk like a poisonous snake went toward the weakest bear nine volumes.

"No way! Ding Shaoan drink, flying knife shot, hit the white twill front end, actually issued a ding a sharp sound, obviously interrupted tied what iron.

White aya deviated from the direction, but directly rolled up a thigh thick pine tree, actually directly pulled up, toward Ding Shaoan hit.

The main characters of the other side, Ding Shaoan is not afraid, directly meet up, his body is very fast, in Jiang Fan view, it is just like teleportation, so a flash, has been the body to the woman near, long and narrow short knife with cold awn, wipe to the other throat.

When the other side uses long weapons, he chooses close combat in order to effectively contain the opponent.

But the woman is not simple, a foot long slender iron do not know when has appeared in the left hand, just against Ding Shaoan's short knife.

At the same time, the right hand of the long-tongued woman shook, white satin turned back, toward Ding Shaoan heart stab to go.

"Brush! Ding Shaoan hands a point, the short knife actually separated into two handles, left hand short knife look also do not see the attack fell behind, the right hand knife turned a beautiful knife flower, stabbed each other's heart.

Two rabbits up and down, as fast as flint, just in the blink of an eye on the exchange of more than ten tricks, quickly separated again, the woman seemed a little surprised.

"Oh? Pretty boy, good knife skills."

Ding Shaoan double knife in the hand rotation, "girl, you are not bad, or let brother teach you a few more moves?"

The woman giggles: "Little white face, looks pretty pretty, as with my sister, and a group of bears like men have no meaning."

Ding Shaoan said: "The little man also likes beautiful people, but like the fourth brother, he does not like sluts."

Said, the body seemed to translate the general brush once again deceive the body close to the front, two people launched a second fight, this time two people have an understanding of each other, move hands to be more fierce and fierce.

Bear saw that the man stared at the two people fighting, the eyes seemed to have the intention of meddling, laughed and said: "You, you don't... Idle!"

He exhaled and went out with one blow.

The man was ready to hand, against bear's fist, unfortunately, he underestimated the strength of the opponent, the next second, the man's face appeared startled, the right arm shook rapidly, the whole person with bear's fist flew back out of ten meters, the shoulder shook a few times, before the fist was removed.

"Big black, what a lot of strength!" Man surprised looked at bear big, at the moment he also dare not underestimate each other.

Bear is not nonsense, it is a thunderous punch.

The man did not dare to hold the big, this time the palms folded, from the top down on the bear big fist back, to the sky more than three zhangs high, a turn in the air, the sleeve flew out of two slender cold awn fly bear big.

Bear big arms a cross, a palm-wide black iron wrist guard to block the cold light, issued a crisp sound.

The next moment, the man has been like a big bird flailing down, the hands of two thin iron thorn to bear big eyes.

At the moment, both sides are in full swing.

Jiang Fan heart move, pull white small cui back to a rock in front. Although the nine bears held a semi-arc to prevent the other side from rushing to two people, but in case at this time, if someone vacates his hand and breaks through the line, it is easy for him and white Xiaocui to be dangerous, he did so at least to ensure that there is no way to sneak attack behind.

Both hands are not without weapons, but it is the last time they used the knife, but for them, this thing really does not play much role, can only be used to scare people, better than nothing.

"Can you still use that gourd?"

White small Cui eyes fixed on Jiang fan waist gourd asked.

Jiang Fan shook his head: "That gourd can only be used once."

White Xiaocui will no longer speak, backhand hold the handle of the knife.

More than 50 people besiege nine people, the other side is numerous, and most of them are good hands, but the nine bears have extraordinary skills, and the battle is very fierce.

Anyone knows that the final decision is the battle of black men and white women and bear boss, Ding Shaoan. The black man and white woman with iron with black and white two long twill, the number of ways is very strange.

However, bear big two fists as if steel cast iron, the force is infinite, although the man's feminine number is not adapted, but still hold the upper hand.

And Ding Shaoan and women's battle is completely very hot to very hot, sharp to sharp, close combat dangerous abnormal.