
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 20:The Black Sail, the Water Ghost

"What people! Come out!" Xiong SAN shouted loudly.

"Hee hee hee hee..." From the forest came a strange and eerie laugh, male and female indistinguishable. Something black, like a flag, flew out of the forest and planted itself on a stone in front of them.

"Get out of here, Grandpa!"

Bear five grabbed a head size stone into the forest, but did not make any sound, as if by the dark jungle swallowed.

"Hee hee..." Strange laughter came again: "Black sail soul, water ghost rope life..."

"I'd like to see who's playing tricks here!"

Ding Shaoan shaking hands to the jungle shot a dozen flying knives.

This time there was a clanging sound in the woods, and it was clear that someone was blocking the flying knife.

"Audacity! See black sail still do not surrender, seek death!"

In an instant, numerous figures flew out of the forest and surrounded the people in the clearing.

Jiang Fan heart sink, these people dress up and were killed before those people are very similar, are black suit, do the other party so quickly found their own route and catch up?

The first two, a man and a woman, each wearing a strange black and white tight suit, the face is the same pale.

The man had long, slender features and raised blue fingers, and was unusually feminine. The woman was of a very slim figure, with a long scarlet tongue hanging out and rolling nimbly.

"Who are you, and why did you attack us?"

Ding Shaoan clenched a short knife, vigilant staring at each other.

The man's mouth issued a strange strange smile: "mountain savage, have you never heard of the black sail on the river?"

Ding Shaoan took a look at the black flag, his face sank: "Are you black sail gang?"

The woman swallowed her long tongue and her voice was sharp: "Yo - I didn't think anyone here had some insight."

Ding Shaoan stared at each other: "We black mountain nine bears and you black sail help well water not offend the river, why surprise me."

The man said, "No need to ask, hand over the young man and the woman, and spare your life."

He was looking for himself. Jiang Fan in the heart of doubt, he has been careful enough, why is the other side quickly traced to the whereabouts? Then he said, "So you are looking for me?"

The woman said: "Little brother, you really can run ah, the harm of this gang has gone around several circles, the help of the old people are angry with you."

Jiang Fan busy said: "I came out to enjoy the mountains and rivers, naturally have no purpose, who knows you want to find me."

The woman laughed and said: "Boy, kill my black sail help 18 good hands, but also expect to walk away?" It's too careless of us to be Chen's master."

Jiang Fan said, "I killed your people? Rumors, rumors, who saw it?"

The woman said, "Ouch! How can I not accept it? If not, why are you two running? And burn down the house?"

Jiang Fan shook his head like a rattle: "I am tired of living in the little master, I plan to change a place can't it?"

The woman twisted her waist to take two steps, "Little brother is really tough-talking, but my black sail gang naturally has a way to find out the truth, no need to quibble."

Jiang Fan said, "As you can see from this sister, how can we kill so many people because we can't fight at all?" I think there must be a misunderstanding, why don't you go back and look into it?"

The woman smiled: "Don't bother so much, take you two back better check some."

Jiang Fan sighed and said helplessly: "It seems that you are convinced that I did it." It doesn't matter what the little man says, okay, even if I did it, but why do you people have to kill me, can't the little man defend himself? Speaking of which, beautiful woman, can you explain, in the end, I have sinned against you?"

The woman smiled when she heard the word beauty, "Little brother wants to know why, just go with us." Don't worry, looking at your pretty little face, your sister may not kill you."

Jiang Fan shook his head, and he did not expect to be able to ask what the root cause was: "Since the beauty refused to say, then I have no way, can not willingly go to the bandits' den." I'm afraid my friends won't agree either."

The woman glanced at Ding Shaoan and others: "I believe they will, and the black sail gang for the enemy is not good."

Bear three is very simply said: "These two people are my employer, Jianghu has Jianghu rules, how can you say to pay."

The woman smiled and said, "Do not meet, but you are dead." Are you really going to lose your lives for two strangers?"

Bear five crossed the cooked copper rod, the whole body is excited, Shouting: "Less nonsense, see the real chapter under the hand!"

The man looked at him unexpectedly: "Actually a first-class good hand, but... Do you really think you guys can compete with us?"

Bear four pulled open his coat, showing his strong muscles: "Haha, is not the opponent played just know."

The woman's eyes light up: "Ouch, good physique, better to play with my sister."

Bear four cold hum and raise two head big hammer: "slut, grandpa is not good this mouth, keep with you good play."

The woman laughed: "Horizontal practice of diamond Gong, this exercise can not be good practice oh, not the boy body, have not touched a woman?" Come, sister let you have fun."

Bear four two hammers touched, sparks splashed: "recede, or grandpa let you play with this hammer!"

The man smiled coldly and said, "I really do not know whether to die or live, since I do not know what is good or bad, then I will stay alive!" Go for it!"

At the sound of the word, fifty or sixty men rushed forward.

However, the first to greet them is the bear five that eight cooked copper rod, this thing is thicker than goose eggs a circle, less than 200 pounds, bear five natural strange force, a stick swept, two opponents were swept off the waist, flesh flying, and one was swept away.

Bear four big hammer swing up, when the first two people a hammer one, all broken bones and broken tendons.

Although Xiong SAN is thin, but the strength is the biggest of them, the wheel of the axe wheel, the opponent vertical split in two from the middle.


In an instant, the two groups of people were fighting together.

Black Mountain nine bears in addition to Ding Shaoan, almost all of them are of infinite strength, with heavy weapons, especially violent, naturally very bloody.

Bear and peach blossom eyes did not hand, they two people on the one hand to protect Jiang Fan two people, on the other hand pay attention to each other that a man and a woman, these two weird guys gave them a lot of pressure.

"A master." White Xiaocui said.

"Can you tell?" Jiang Fan, look at her.

"Yes, for some reason, the sense is very clear, at least higher than Bear Five."

Bear five is a first-class master, the other side is stronger than him, that is at least the level of martial arts. For this lake, Jiang Fan knows something about the martial arts. For example, from the division of martial arts, the initial is divided into three levels. Namely: third-rate, second-rate and first-class fighters. Third-rate down is not nothing, just not in the flow. To the top, it is enough to be a teacher, so it is called martial arts. Martial arts to the extreme, known as the master of martial arts, and beyond the master of the strong, there is the ability to start the Zongli school, so they are also called Wuzong, Jianghu people generally called the master. There are said to be more than the great masters, but they belong to the super-powerful, rare legends on earth.

Generally speaking, most of the rivers and lakes are second - and third-rate fighters, first-class masters have been very strong, and of course fewer martial artists.

I didn't know these two weird guys were martial artists.

Sending such a master to kill himself a guy who doesn't know anything about martial arts, is really serious enough. Jiang Fan estimated that 80% is their own killing of the dozen bandits a little too harsh, was the opponent misestimated the strength.