
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 2:If You're Blind, I'm Blind

The old man was very angry, his face was red: "Who says I can't cure?" If I can't fix it, no one can. You wait!"

The old man got up angrily, went to the shelf in the corner, stood on tiptoe and took down a scroll from the top shelf.

Untying the rope, the old man turned up the parchment, inside was a row of silver needles, different lengths and sizes, each crystal awn shining cold.

"Old man, you are a very dedicated old liar, did you sacrifice all this stuff?"

The old man hum, too lazy to pay attention to this poison tongue, two fingers picked up a three-inch silver needle, which stabbed into the woman's head, and then, the technique is like the wind, and the silver needle will be filled with the woman's head in a moment.

"Baby girls are trouble." The old man said, a finger empty pick, a silver needle unexpectedly jumped, with the old man's gesture, suddenly stabbed into the woman's chest.

Soon the woman was covered with silver needles.

The young man opened his mouth wide: "Old thing, OK, you can still do tricks?"

The old man is proud: "Awesome, Lao Tzu is a false name?"

The teenager shook his head: "No, I am more sure that you are a charlatan, and the charlatans in our hometown generally have a few tricks..."

'Go back to where you came from! The old man was angry.

The two were arguing, when suddenly the woman on the bed uttered a sound.


Two people hurried to the past, saw the woman frown, expression seems to be very painful, not long, the woman suddenly opened her eyes.

The young man felt as if a pair of cold stars were shining in front of him, and the double phoenix eyes were so beautiful, but so fierce.

'Bold! The voice of the woman is like ice beads, cold as a knife.

"How are people? ..."

However, before the words were finished, his eyes closed and he fainted again.

An old man and a young man looked at each other, and the young man scratched his head: "What happened?" What did she say?"

The old man held his chin and said, "He said God? What else is on earth? It seems..."

"What a mess, I sound like a real earth, what mean, did not understand ah."

The old man pulled the young man, and the thief light flashed in his eyes: "Melon coward, I see this girl's history is not simple ah, this momentum, enough!"

Young aftertaste just a moment, the woman as if the nine days of Huang came to the world, imposing, the eyes actually seem to have a sword shadow, the meaning of killing.

"It is a little... You see a lot of old things, do you recognize this thing?"

The young man said, from his arms out of a dark sign.

The old man took it over and weighed it a few times in his hands: "Well, start with ice heavy, I don't know what material."

"Neither have you?"

The old man shook his head: "No, what is it? Looks like a token."

He thought about it and said to the young man: "Melon coward, I'm afraid this girl is not small, you don't get into trouble."

The teenager put away the token: "Let's see, we can't just watch the dead."

The old man waved his hand: "Don't say I didn't tell you, good people don't get rewarded..." Huh? Is the fish cooked?"

The woman woke up again, three days later.

However, this time, the woman's eyes are not so fierce, but a little confused.

"Where is this?"

The woman woke up, looked around, and then asked the old man who was looking at her by the bed.

"Huh? It's different..." The old man stabbed the young man.

The young man was not in the mood to answer him, and said with a smile: "Wake up, you have been asleep for three days."

"Three days?" The woman's sword brow slightly frowns, as if she is thinking something, but suddenly presses her finger on her temple.

"A tight headache..." The woman kneaded and then looked at the two again: "There is another question, who are you?" Who am I?"

The old man and the young man stared at each other.

The old man leaned over and stared. "Girl, you don't remember anything?"

The woman pucks her eyebrows, as if trying to think of something, but finally shakes her head: "No, you tell me."

Don't Remember nothing? These two words spring into the teenager's mind.

The old man held his chin, carefully looked at the woman for a long time, and asked tentatively: "Girl, you don't even remember what your name is and how you came here?"

"The name..." The woman thought hard again and finally shook her head.

The old man looked at the woman, held his chin and turned to pace back and forth. Soon, the young man saw the old thing's eyes rolling wildly. Suddenly, there was an obscene smile on his face.

Turning around again, the old man looked concerned.

"Granddaughter-in-law, I think you are 80% fall river hurt the brain?"

"Granddaughter-in-law?" The woman froze and pointed at herself: "Me?"

The old man touched his head, as if puzzled: "Ah, yes." He pointed to the young man: "My grandson, Jiang Fan, you are his daughter-in-law, don't remember?"

The teenager looked at him, mouth agape.

The old man is serious: "grandchildren, nothing, we slowly think, back I give you a few pairs of decoction to make up the body."

The woman looked at him, looked at Jiang Fan, and suddenly said: "I was blind at the beginning?" How did you marry your family?"

What the fuck? !

Jiang Fan originally wanted to confess the truth, and suddenly hold back.

A pot of delicious fish soup was served, and Jiang Fan first gave the woman a bowl: "You have not eaten for three days, drink some soup to warm the stomach, and then eat." Otherwise, it's easy to get indigestion."

"What is indigestion?" The woman had obviously never heard of the word.

"Oh... In your case, your stomach has been empty for a long time, and you need to restore your function first.

The woman gave an exclamation and sat down at the table.

Just a little curious to look down at the chair, but also a few groping on the armrest.

Jiang Fan also did not speak, this set of tables and chairs is done in accordance with his hometown style, there is no, the woman obviously did not have this experience.

Just finished grooming the woman for a linen clothes, this is Jiang Fan's clothes, but also the woman is tall, wearing actually not big. Only the woman is a little dissatisfied with her lack of decent clothes (including underwear).

The creamy white fish soup is fragrant with finely chopped coriander and green onion.

The woman took the soup spoon, carefully tasted a mouthful, the eyes lit up, threw away the spoon and picked up the bowl three or two bites have been drunk, and licked the lower lip, looking at Jiang Fan said: "This fish soup is good, why do you feel that you have never drunk such a delicious soup?"

"Hehe..." Jiang Fan speechless, the old man is full of mouth running horse: "We fish for a living, this thing drinks every day, your granddaughter-in-law this is amnesia forgotten."

The woman thought about it, and no longer tangled, looked at Jiang Fan and said, "I just looked in the mirror when I was bathing, and now I understand that I was not blind, maybe you were blind." Finally look at the old man: "You are blind too."

Jiang Fan:...

The old man enjoyed himself, took a few bites of dishes, then broke open the clay seal of a small jar of wine, carefully filled the pottery bowl, leaned over and sucked a small mouthful, smashing his mouth: "Fragrant!" If nothing else, my dear son, your wine is the best in the world."


Jiang Fan for their own generational fall in the end of this matter powerless to ridicule, and finally just in the feet for a little cheap.