
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 1 :Fishing on the Canglan River

September ninth, the sun.

Things happen, big things.

Five thunder fell from the sky in the Canglan River, the female emperor of the Western Qin Dynasty disappeared mysteriously!

Northwest of the great river named Canglan, through the Qin, Wei, vast eight thousand li into the sea, ranked among the world's three rivers.

On this day, five earth-shaking thunder connected heaven and earth, blasting straight into the Canglan River Qingfeng Gorge, the mighty river cut off ten miles, ten peaks collapsed, suspected of heaven anger, shocking the world.

There is a powerful country in the northwest named Qin, one of the five overlords of the Warring States, heavy armor and iron horses to deter the four seas. Today, the female emperor of the Qin Dynasty ruled the country by means of iron and blood.

On this day, the female emperor of Qin disappeared mysteriously, the court and the opposition were in chaos, and the world was in uproar. The Empress Dowager personally came to the court, and awarded Gao as the town grand general, led the regent, and intimidated the temple and the state.

And the same day...

A young raincoat shaped like a chicken falling soup, broken hats, long hair disheveled, standing on the bank of the river refers to the day to scold.

"Grandma, a ball! I just caught a gold carp, didn't I? As for that? Huh? Oh, my God, are you fucking sick?! I got a beef with you. What? This is the second time, you hit me here, what do you want? Huh?"


A burst of saliva, the teenager sighed and sat down: "Finished, the fishing boat is gone, the little man I eat the guy ah..."

The young man looked depressed, muttered a few words, and finally got up and looked around, ready to find out if there was a fish that was killed by lightning, and dinner had to be solved after all.

"God has a conscience." After picking up seven or eight big fish that should have been killed by the thunderstorm, the boy soon forgot the trouble of being split and became happy.

However, at this time, the boy was surprised to find that between the rubble of the river, a white dress swayed with the waves.


The young man walked quickly and saw a woman lying on her back on the gravel, her eyes closed, as if faint.

Closer look is not greatly amazed, this woman is only twenty-five or sixteen years old, although ragged, scattered hair, appearance can be called a beautiful city.

Just that a pair of waxing eyebrow shape such as slender sword, slanting into the temples, appears extremely strong.

The man in the water? The young man tested the wings of his nose, but he still breathed.

In the same is the world reduced... In the water of the people of the same pity, the young man took up the woman, holding the fish in one hand, deep foot shallow foot along the river bank.

"I am a fishing and hunting boy, do not envy the mandarin ducks do not envy fairy, no desire in my heart and no desire, carefree between heaven and earth..."

After humming a little tune all the way for about half an hour, he saw a hut under the mountains in front of him, and a dog with messy hair was running towards him happily barking. The young man grinned and showed his white teeth.

"Home is better than home, home..."

Smoke soon rose from the hut. The young man's hands and feet were quick, and eight big fish went to the gills, scaled, grilled and cleaned, and in a short time, they had been cleaned up.

Hang seven fish with salt, ready to dry for storage. Finally, he picked up a big grass carp of more than six pounds, and the teenager looked at it with one hand akimbo with satisfaction: "OK, just you, today's dinner." MMHHHMMM... What do they call it back home... What's the fish stew?"

"Melon coward, how is the harvest today, I am starving!"

Looking over his shoulder, an old man in sackcloth with a thin figure and a wretched appearance pushed open the wood leaf on his back and walked into the courtyard.

"Old man, all day long know to eat, you did not go to collect medicine?" Picking herbs every day, I haven't seen anything valuable."

The young man's mouth was scolded, but his hands did not stop, lifted the lid of the pot and turned the big fish, and the rich aroma was instantly dispersed, permeating the whole small yard.

The old man sucked his nose and index finger moved: "Good fish, this taste fresh ah."

The young man rolled his eyes: "That is the little master workmanship, cheap you old guy."

"That is, that is, I say you little brat, where did you learn this craft, even the famous chef of Linjiang Pavilion is no better than."

The young man was proud and snorted: "The cook in Linjiang Pavilion is still my apprentice, otherwise the business can be so good?"

The old man grabbed the spoon in one hand: "You can, you don't have to spend money to eat in Linjiang Pavilion." Give me a taste."

The young man snatched it back and stared: "Go! Wash your hands."

The old man looked at the fish in the pot and complained: "You said you were a fish boy who was cleaner than the princes and nobles every day, took a bath twice a day, washed your hands countless times, and learned habits from who..."

"You are an old man who has to give me some kind of medicine bath every day, go quickly, and you are sloppy and don't know how to practice medicine."

"After soaking in the medicine bath, you also have to wash twice, poor clean..."

Muttering to muttering, or dilly-dallying into the house to find water.

Hooran, the old man cried out from the room.

"There are goblins!"


The old man rushed over, one hand grabbed the boy's arm, one hand pointed to the head of the room: "There is a leprechaun ah, a white girl!"

The teenager kicked him angrily: "What are you yelling about, the drowning man picked up by the river."

The old man was suspicious: "There is such a beautiful girl?" I think it is probably a demon demon, and I think it is probably a fox spirit..."

"Fox! You know medicine, old man. Let's see if we can make some soup."

"Really not a goblin?" The old man touched his head and suddenly looked at the young man: "If it wasn't for the leprechaun, it would be good for you to be a daughter-in-law, anyway, you are also a demon."

"You're the old goblin!" The boy lifted his feet again, and the old man rushed back into the house with his butt covered.

The teenager squatted next to the stove, holding a root of grass in his mouth, and waiting with the shaggy dog's head.

Soon the old man leaned his head out of the window and waved to him.

"Come, come, come and see."

"What's the matter?

The young man got up lazily and went into the house.

"Boy, look, there's something wrong with this girl."

'What's the matter? Young doubt, turned his head to look, saw the woman lying on the bed, immediately snack a surprise.

I saw the woman's original white jade face on a red, covering half of the cheek, the original beauty suddenly destroyed a clean, completely unable to identify the original appearance.

"What's going on here?

The boy wondered.

The old man shook his head: "I don't know, all of a sudden, I said it was a troll, you don't believe it, look, it's about to appear..." Why don't we throw them out as soon as possible, my old man hasn't married a wife yet..."

The young man angrily kicked him: "The old is not serious, hurry to see, you are not known as a medical expert, perhaps is what poison."

The old man reluctantly walked over, sat on the bed, stretched out two fingers on the woman's wrist: "Laozi's medical skills are excellent, not to brag with you, when your boy was saved by me..."

"Ok, OK, I know, I've said it a thousand times, don't bother."

The old man squinted his eyes, shook his head for a while, then put down his hand and hit his mouth with a few thin lala whiskers.

"See something?"

"Well... this The girl's internal meridians are confused, the Qi and blood are irregular, and the head has been hit hard, and the injury is bizarre..."

"Is there a cure?"

"Well, it's not easy..."

"I told you you were a deceitful charlatan!

"Said the boy, pointing to his nose.

The old man suddenly jumped up: "Liar? Laozi I am proficient in Qhuang, one of the world of medicine, I dare to call second, no one dares to call first, you a melon coward dare to say that I am a liar?"

Young disdain: "Brag who will not, not will not cure." Where we come from, quacks like you are usually liars!"

Teenagers are mean and don't give face at all.