
Yu-Gi-Oh System in One Piece

MagicParadise · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 3

As Vox was walking around the city, he could not help but feel disgusted by these people.

'They will need better education, but it all is meaningless if the power at the very top does not change it. Going by the story line, Luffy should achieve it, but Oda is an oddball, who knows he might just let Luffy lose at the last minute, I can't put my future in their hands.'

Thinking hard, Vox ignored all cries for help. 'I can join the Marine and become a puppet but have a good life, I can become a pirate and be hunted where ever I go... or i can become a pirate hunter, having the best of both worlds, the freedom, the money and not being hunted.'

Still in deep thought, a young girl no older than 6 years clutched at his leg.

"Mister.. please help my brother..[sniff]" hearing the sad a small voice, Vox looked down to see a blond haired little girl crying as she looked at him while on of her hand was pointing in the direction of a heavily wounded boy who looked around 10 years old.

As Vox was about to ignore her and leave a distant memory came back to him.


"Don't worry little one, your brother will be alright." a middle aged man said as he rubbed the dark haired boys head.

The boy looked at his brother that was being attended by the nurses.

"What is your name little guy?" The man asked as he crouched down to see the boy face to face.

"V..Vox, Vox Skaarf." Said the little boy named Vox as he wiped his tears from his eyes.

"What an unique name." said the middle aged man as he smiled, his hand cleaning the tears from Vox's face.

"Alright Vox, how do you say about being adopted by me? You and your brother can then live with me and my wife."

{End Flashback}

"Tsk" clicking his tongue, Vox walked towards the boy, seeing his condition he could not help but curse. 'he left arm is broken in 2 pieces at least, not to mention all the bruises and possible internal injuries. He is just a kid damn it.' Slowly picking up the little kid Vox walked out of the city to the nearby forest with the little girl walking behind him.

"Don't worry, he won't die." Vox said as he looked at the boy. Just like the little girl, he too has blond hair and a handsome face, that looked quite cute for his age. 'They are lucky they have not being sold as slaves already.'

Vox walked a bit into the forest and put the boy near a tree. He then took out Night Wing Sorceress's card and summoned it. He is not worried about the kids seeing it for 2 simple reason, no one will believe them and he is planning to take him in just like how his adopted father did. Besides he threw the card behind the tree so it was not really visible.

Night Wing Sorceress came out a kneeled. "At your service Master." Seeing the beautiful woman the little girl's eyes sparkled for a second before remembering her brother.

"Night Wing, can you heal this kid?" Vox was hopeful, she is a spellcaster and unlike the game she does not have only a linear attack.

Alas, he was disappointed seeing Night Wing Sorceress shake her head.

"Alright... I guess I will have to my limited knowledge to patch him up as best as I can and hope for the best." murmured Vox to himself, obviously if he does that the boy will be semi crippled, but there are cards that can heal it. All he has to do is wait to draw one.

"Night Wing, Go and fly at the outskirts of the island, if you see any ship, pirate, navy, merchant, it does not matter. If you are capable of beating them, take the money and come here. If they are pirates, those without blue clothes, Kill them all." Vox said as gave the other card to Night Wing and the authority over it. He needs funds, a lot of funds.

"As you command, master." With a flap of her wings Night Wing dissapeared in the forest. Vox looked at the system, Nothing in it can help him, shaking his head he took two nearby twigs and some clothes from the bag of his as he tried to set the boys arm straight.

Thankfully he was unconscious, or it would have hurt a lot. After finishing with the arm, he slowly touched the rest of the boys limbs and body. "2 broken ribs, thankfully it seems that they did not pierce anything, otherwise he would be pale from internal bleeding. The other injuries will heal naturally, people in this world have stronger bodies."

Finding nothing else, he used the extra clothes in the back to cover the boy while he gave a long shirt to the little girl.

"Wear it." Vox said as he looked at her clothes riddled with holes. Seeing that the little girl wore it above her own clothes.

"What is your name?" Vox said as he crouched to look her into the eyes. 'Such unique colors, Violette'

"My name is Ina..' said the little girl as she looked down, a bit scared of Vox. After all it were adults that made their life a living hell.

"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you." Vox said as he patted her head, which made Ina flinch a bit. Seeing that Vox was saddened.

"Must have been hard for you two, how do you say I adopt the two of you as my brother and sister?" Vox said and put his most sincere smile he could manage, it was easy because he was sincere in his offer. 'I was given a second chance by my father, It is only right I give someone else a second chance.'

The little girl once more flinched at his words then she looked him in the eyes, seeing his smile and eyes filled with kindness that only her parents showed her, she could not help but cry.

Vox gave her a hug, not minding the smell.

"It's oke, you are safe now." a light of determination flashed in Vox's eyes as he made up his mind.

As they were waiting there, he heard multiple System sounds.


Killed Enemy, +2 Points!

Killed Enemy +1 Point!



Killed Enemy +5 Points!



As Vox looked on at the upcoming notifications, he could not help but be excited. Because 2 notifications caught his attention.


Enemy Captain Killed: +1 Cybernetic Revolution Booster Pack



Enemy Captain Killed: +1 Basic Card Draw


'Sweet! If I remember correctly Booster packs have 6 cards in them. this will be a huge boost to my strength.'

As Vox opened the inventory, he could not help but be excited. He let Ina sit next to her brother and watch him as he went a bit deeper into the forest and clicked on the booster pack and the random draw.


+1 Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi

+1 Power Bond

+1 Cyber Dragon

+1 Cyber Twin Dragon

+1 Mechanical Hound

+1 Dimension Wall

+1 Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai]

Spiritual Wind/Fire Art -Miyabi/Kurenai

(Trap Card)

Tribute 1 Wind/Fire monster, damage 1 enemy equal to the attack of the tributes attack.

Dimension Wall

(Trap Card)

Creates a wall in front of the user that connects to a different point in the users eye field(Haki range) The wall stays for 1 second and anything that goes through, comes out the other side.


Cyber Dragon 5☆ (Light)


When in a fight and you have no monsters summoned, you can special summon this card to the field. (Has to be a real fight, system knows)

ATK 2100 / DEF 1600

Cyber Twin Dragon 8☆ (Light)


"Cyber Dragon" + "Cyber Dragon"

A fusion summon of this card can only done with the above Fusion Materials. This card combine the attack from both heads, doubling the damage once a day.

ATK 2800/ DEF 2100


Mechanical Hound 7☆ (Earth)


When this card is the only remaining card in your possession, who ever wounded by this card can't use his abilities for 10 minutes. This effect can one happen on each individual once a day.

ATK 2800 / DEF 1500


Power Bond

(Spell Card)

Fusion summon 1 machine-type fusion monster by using the materials in your possesion, The fusion monster has it's attack doubled but can only stay for 30 seconds before being destroyed.

(A/N: As you can see, I severely nerfed power bond by limiting it to what it is, but to be honest, 30 seconds is still to much time and I wanted to have it at 10 seconds, the reason is simple. If you somehow manage take summon a Cyber End Dragon with this, with the old power bond, you will die at the end of it because of the damage you take. And because I go by that 4000 ATK = A marine Admiral, an 8000 ATK Cyber End Dragon would be OP and 30 seconds is enough to destroy Marineford in a few attacks. Not to mention Cyber Twin Dragon that can deal 9600 with its effect and sink the whole island to the ground.

0-1000= Ranges from weakest to a commander, depending in the card, effect and so fort. the attack stat is not everything. A good example is Cyber Twin Dragon and Mechanical Hound.

1500 = Captain

2000 = Commodore

2500 = Real Amiral

3000= Vice admiral(except for Garp)

3500= The disaster and other high ranking officers from the Yonko

4000=weakest admiral

4500= is medium admiral

5000 is a strong admiral

5500 is Fleet Admiral

6000 is Yonko level

6500 Is white beard in his prime, the reason for this is simple, there are some equip spell that can increase attack to that extent if you have enough cards equipped. (those will be nerfed too btw.)

PLEASE DO REMEMEBR that this is only the base strength, aka body strength, amirals have devil fruits that make them stronger, same with cards that have special effects, a Dark Magician will be able to fight off a vice admiral simply because it is a master of dark magic with many tricks up its sleeve, the cards are not linear like in the game, they can think and plan for themselves and have many other uses than just battle.

Sorry for this long A/N, just wanted to clarify a bit)

Looking at his draws, Vox was very excited. 'Power Bond, cyber dragon AND Cyber Twin Dragon. 1 more and I will have a trump card. Then there is Dimension Wall and Mechanical Hound can be used as my personal guard dog. The spiritual arts are really not that useful though.'

As Vox looking at the new cards, the points keep coming, it wasn't until the next morning that Night Wing Sorceress came back with a huge bag floating from behind her.

[AN, do you guys want me to write the effects of all relevant cards or can ya do search by yourself? i don't want it to make it unnecessary long, i will do it until I hear it from the comments.]