
yu-gi-oh: I have a stand deck?!

Jonah kamijo was an avid lover of yugioh and all things anime ,he would go to tournaments and play to be the real life king of games,even winning a couple world championships,even winning the 2024 world championship. but like all good things come to an end,due to a scandal stating that he cheated in every tournament by the opponent in the finals who bribed the judges and staff,he was ousted by the world of competitive card games. three years have passed now feeling like he had no purpose he decides to off himself (don’t know if we are allowed to say kill himself or commit suicide),but decides to read the final chapter of his favorite manga series,jojo bizarre adventures. but before he could off himself after reading his manga,an earthquake happens throwing a teenage girl off the bridge they both were on,and in a final act of bravery he saves the girl not knowing she was a goddess,who decides to grant him a chance to play yugioh again,but she decides to give him a system that gives him stand cards instead of regular yugioh cards. but as he is about to be reborn she gives Jonah one final surprise,he gets the body of jotaro kujo. now watch as he makes friends,makes lovers(yandere oc characters),and shows the world what a true duelist looks like.

Thelostswordman · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

(13)system update and stand disks.

[ding! You have saved Solomon motou and Mokuba Kaiba from their soul prisons!]

[you have been given a stand disk shop with 6 stand disk monsters included]

[now adding feature…conplete]

As I hear the prompt 6 new cards manifested in front of rosaria and myself,rosaria who has been with Pegasus for 7 years has seen what a millennium item can do,so while she was shocked she was more intrigued than anything.

"Well that's new…do you also have a millenium item?" She asks,curious about her new lover.

"I don't have one,but I'll try to explain who I am to you after the tournament." I promise her making her smile.

"Well you should probably go back to your room,im sure mokuba wants an explanation." She suggested,prompting Jonah to nod his head before promising to come get her for dinner.

As he got out of the room he sees Mokuba walking with a maid,and when the maid sees me she stops in front of me.

"Evening mister kamijo,I just finished explaining to young master Mokuba about what you did,are you by chance going to your room?"

"I am,so your kaiba's brother huh? It's good to meet you." I say to Mokuba holding my hand out,and with a bit of hesitation shook my hand,"nice meeting you." Was all he said before i walked to my room with Mokuba in tow ,"so Mokuba…do you like studying technology?" I awkwardly say trying to break the ice with mokuba who was clearly intimidated by me.

And as he heard my question his eyes lit up,"of course I love studying technology,my big brother and I are always trying to improve dueling technology! But why do you ask?"

"Well…before my grandfather passed away he and I were wanting to make a mobile duel terminal that could be worn on your arm,sadly he only made one before passing." I explain,making a believable backstory considering I was reincarnated into this world.

As I open the door to my room I see Solomon motou and a maid who was placing a few cots near the bed.

Solomon who was near the door turned and saw me,"so you must be the young man that helped me." He says before standing up.

"Yeah,my name's Jonah kamijo but you can call me Jonah" I say before shaking Solomon's hand.

"Oh yeah,Miss maid do you think you can bring in a laptop for Mokuba? I got a flash drive that he might like." I ask the maid who was about to leave.

"Of course mister kamijo! I'll have one of the technicians of the island come by with one."she said before walking out,but I couldn't help but hear her mutter something about being hot.

"Anyways,I'm new to domino city,and ironically enough I live next door to your shop mr.motou." I say to Solomon who chuckled.

As I pull out my bag,I grab the duel disk and the flash drive,then show it to Mokuba, Who's eyes lit up in wonder.

"Whoa this is awesome!!" He says looking at every angle taking in the craftsmanship that was built into it.

"Thanks! I have some schematics for making them on this flash drive,but I wasn't sure who to partner with,so I was thinking if I meet your brother,maybe I can partner up with him and make a passive income." I explain holding up the flash drive showing it to Solomon and Mokuba.

Before Mokuba could ask a question the door opens up and a man with a laptop came in.

"Mister kamijo,here's the laptop you requested." The man said before handing me the laptop,I thank him before booting it up.

After a few minutes it fully boots up and I hand the drive to Mokuba,"well you two have fun looking at the schematics,I'm going to work on my deck." I say to them before looking at the new stand disk cards.

[stand disk-locked out of heaven](dark-fairy)(lvl8)(effect)(atk:2800 def:2800)

[when there is a monster that doesn't have a stand equipped to it,you can equip this card to said monster,when summoned you can target a monster on the field,it cannot attack nor be used to tribute or summon,and its effects are negated(if it has any)(the card this is equipped to gives its effect to it)

[stand disk- déjà vu](light-spellcaster)(lvl7)(effect)(atk:2700 def:1500)

[when there is a monster that doesn't have a stand equipped to it,you can equip this card to said monster,this card can attack every monster once,if this card gets destroyed it goes back to your hand after your opponent's next turn.)(this card gains the effect of the monster it's equipped to)

[stand disk-smooth criminal](dark-warrior)(lvl9)(effect)(atk:1000 def:1000)

[when there is a monster that doesn't have a stand equipped to it,you can equip this card to said monster,when summoned both players must placed the top 5 cards of their deck to the graveyard,and this card gains the combined atk of each monster sent this way)(this card gains the effect of the monster it's equipped to)

[stand disk-Mc hammer](earth-warrior)(lvl6)(effect) (atk:2000 def:2000)

[when there is a monster that doesn't have a stand equipped to it,you can equip this card to said monster,if this card is equipped to a warrior monster,this card can attack directly,but the damage is halved)(this card gains the effect of the card it's equipped to.)

[stand disk-pink season](dark-fairy)(lvl8)(effect)(atk:???? def:???)

[when there is a monster that doesn't have a stand equipped to it,you can equip this card to said monster,this card gains 300 atk and def based on the number of levels of monsters in both players graveyard,you must banish one monster to attack.)(this card gains the effect of the card it's equipped to)

[stand disk-stairway to heaven](light-fairy)(lvl9)(effect)(atk:3000 def:2900)

[when there is a monster that doesn't have a stand equipped to it,you can equip this card to said monster,once per turn you can choos one card on the field,send it to the graveyard,its effect is negated)(this card gains the effect of the monster it's equipped to)

(A/N: I don't know what these cards will look like(except pink season,we all probably know who I'm referencing there),maybe I'll have smooth criminal look like Micheal Jackson made of smooth marble,you guys decide what the others look like.)

As I look at these new cards I remember part 6 and how stand disks were made by white snake.

"But god damn these cards got some busted effects." I mutter to myself as I look at each of them before pulling out my deck.

"Okay guys I need to make room for these stand disk monsters,nerancha I'll take you and moody jazz out of the deck."I say via my necklace,getting a reluctant agreement from nerancha and a cellphone beep from moody jazz giving me the okay.

(You can take my zombified minions out.)

DIO who was watching me via his spirit form suggested his zombie army be replaced,and was eyeing locked out of heaven.

"Got it."I say to DIO before taking out,lil bomber, waboku and man in the mirror,replacing them with the other three.

As I put the taken out cards into my inventory I put my deck away and look out the window and see it's almost time for the finals.

As I was about to get up the door swings open and seto Kaiba walked in and sees his brother.

"Mokuba!" He says to the kid.

"Big brother!" Mokuba says running to seto who was giving a faint smile and gave his brother a hug.

"Oh right! Jonah was showing time this drive filled with schematics for a portable duel terminal,I want to have him partner with us to make these for the public,it will be huge!!" Mokuba says to seto who raises and eyebrow before turning to me.

"Thanks…for helping my brother." Seto says clearly struggling to say thanks,before going over to his brother and looking at the schematics himself.

After about ten minutes seto walks over to me and pulls out a card,"this will let you come inside Kaiba corp,feel free to meet my brother anytime." He says before telling his brother to come with him to his room.

Not long after yugi and the others walk in,and when yugi saw his grandpa he ran and gave him a hug,and soon took his grandpa to his room,and after a few minutes everyone leaves,giving the room to myself.

"…you can come out now." I say to the floor in front of me and a man with a turban and a key appeared.

"Who might you be?" I ask the man,considering I knew who he was I figured I should let him introduce himself.

"I am shadi,guardian of the pharaoh's tomb and the millenium items,I felt the hold of the millenium eye ease up on Pegasus,and followed the source to you." He explains as I nod,following along to his explanation.

"Anyways I wish to look at your mind." He finishes before showing me his key.

"Well considering it's an hour before dinner,I was going to nap and talk to my monsters,so you have my permission." I say to shadi,getting a nod from him before turning his key.

And then everything went dark.


I have to admit I had a fun time choosing what songs or albums to make into stand disk monsters,but feel free to suggest sings or albums/artists,and I'll see if I can add them.

But next chapter during dinner Jonah will duke it out with bandit Keith,should I give him the star platinum treatment or have DIO kill him with déjà vu,making him die over and over again in an infinite loop outside of the timeline?(I really hate bandit Keith,can you tell?)

But thank you all who have supported me throughout my writing career,it means a lot and I'll see you next week,peace😁✌️

have a good day or night y’all

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