Just a guy who writes for fun
of reading
Read books
You are so welcome
Hey wanted to let you know I advertised your fic to my viewers to help you out.
Oh the ripping and tearing will show, I’m planning on having a portal appear when John is tearing apart Don Corneo’s forces.
Oh thank god!
Wait Mirio dies in the future?! I loved that character, but this is your fic so go ahead and kill him off, but at least make it a heroic death.
A wonderful chapter, but I want to ask, if Izuku goes to the USJ facility,who will he unlock? Im wanting to suggest a Berserker class, particularly these three. 1. Hercules 2. Spartacus 3. Lancelot Hope this helps.
No worries man, I just hope my quirk name and file actually gets added in, another author loved my previous idea in his fic and added it in, so I got a habit of helping authors and suggesting ideas so don’t hesitate to ask for assistance.
This is juvia right?
I mean im enjoying it so far, but if you wish to rewrite it then go ahead I won’t stop you.