
Freezing sperms (R-18)

The next day at Going Merry

"Are you okay now, Dan?" Robin asked me while we were having breakfast in the kitchen.

"Yes, I feel fine now." I said to Robin while eating my breakfast.

'I almost died yesterday because of the continuous sneeze. Damn Mr. 3 and those girls who keep talking bad about me behind my back. I will turned them in to ice sculptures the next time we met.' I vowed to myself, since I got a feeling they were the one who keeps badmouthing me yesterday.

"Glad to hear that!" Robin replied to me while releasing her angelic smile.

"Robin, I've got something for you." I said to her while giving her a pill from my pocket.

"What's this?" Robin asked me while holding the pill in her hand.

"It's a pill to remove the curse from your Devil fruit. Luffy, Chopper and me already ate it before. Don't worry it's completely safe to eat" I said to her.

"Really? Wait a sec, you ate a Devil Fruit too?" Robin asking me while staring at me.

"What? Dan, You're a devil fruit user too?" Sanji asked me while the rest of my nakamas also looking at me with their questionable gaze.

"Yeah, I ate it after we fought with Arlong back then." I said to my friends while Robin begin to put the pill in to her sexy mouth and swallow it immediately.

"We never saw you used your Devil Fruit's power before." Ussop said to me.

"Yeah, why did you never used it?" Nami start questioning me too.

"I never used it because the power was still empty back then." I said to them.

"Empty? What kind of Devil Fruit that you ate?" Zoro asked me.

"It's a Special Paramecia Devil Fruit, the Copy-copy no Mi. It allows me to permanently copy the same exact power from a person who already ate a devil fruit. I can only used it to copy only one power, that's why I never used it before." I tried to explain my Devil Fruit power to my nakamas.

"So if you copy my power, you can become a rubber man like me?" Luffy asked me with a star in his eyes.

"Yeah, if I choose to copy Luffy's power. I can become a rubber man too." I said to them.

"So you keep your power blank until you find a person with the power that you like?" Chopper asked me.

"Yes, I already choose to copy his power since the day I ate the Devil Fruit." I said.

"Who is he? What kind of power is it?" Nami asked me.

"I already met him at Alabasta. I also already copy his power back then, now I just need to train my power to become powerful like him."

I said while smiling to my friends.

"WHO??" They all asked me the same question.

"Aokiji, the Marine Admiral from the Marines."

I answer their question while drinking the hot tea after finishing my breakfast.

"WHATTTTT??????" they all scream at the same time.

Robin looks so terrified when she heard the name that I mentioned. She then hit me at the back of my head hard then start hugging me while crying.

"Idiot! He could've killed you in less than a second if he wanted to." Robin said crying at my shoulder, while feeling a little bit of relief that I still alive right beside her.

"How did you escaped from him?" Robin asked me while my friends also eager to know my answer.

"He was in a good mood and choose to let me go." I said while grinning.

Nami then start hitting my head too.

So I told them how I met with Aokiji back in Alabasta.

(I already told my nakamas about the powerhouse in the Marines while we were sailing. Including all the Devil Fruit's power of the Marine's Admirals.)

"Fool! Never ever do something dangerous like that again." Nami said to me while the rest just nodding their head.

"So now you can use Ice too?" Zoro asked me while Luffy, Ussop and Chopper has stars on their eyes waiting to hear my answer.

"Yes, I can." I said while smiling at them.

"Show us!" They all told me to show the power of ice that I copied from Aokiji.

So we all head outside from the kitchen to the deck of Going Merry.

I just jump in to the ocean while releasing the power "Ice Age!" to the surface of the ocean before my feet touch the water.

Soon, all the sea water in radius of more

than 2 Km from me start to freeze that make Going Merry unable to move forward anymore.

"COOL!!" Luffy, Chopper and Ussop said at the same time.

"Nice! Now we can train outside the ship." Zoro said.

"We can have a party on the frozen sea now." Sanji said while smiling.

"Wow! Can you melt them too? Our ship is now stuck in the middle of your ice." Nami asked me.

"Yes, I can." I said while releasing another power to the frozen sea and soon all the frozen water start melting and turned to water again releasing our ship back in to the sea while I start jumping back to the ship right beside Robin.

Meanwhile Robin just keep her silent while observing me and my power.

"So how was it Robin?" I asked her.

"It's a very powerful power that can make the World Government and the Marines to start hunting you everyday if they know you have Aokiji's power." Robin said to me.

"With this power I can better protect my nakamas, especially my lovely girlfriend"

I said to Robin while kissing her cheek.

"Like I said before, I will fight the whole world just to protect you Robin and I really meant it with all my heart." I hug her from behind while whispering those words.

Robin's tears start coming from the corner of her eyes. She then turned around and kissed me in the mouth with full passion.

"Get a room! Perverts!" Nami said to us while walking back to the kitchen.

"Let's continue our journey, also we need to make a party for Dan's new power." Luffy said to all of us.

"Dan go and freeze the ocean once again in a small area just so we can have a party there. Can you control your power to do that?" Sanji asked me.

"Okay, wait a minute." I said to Sanji while releasing Robin from my hug.

"Ice Age!" I freeze the ocean again but this time the radius were a bit small just 100m in radius.

"Make it a bit bigger, I want to train too." Zoro said to me.

So I start expanding the area of freeze to 450m in radius.

After that we start having a party on the frozen sea and some start training right after that.

Meanwhile me and Robin sneaking in to the girl's bedroom and start making out on the bed, while our nakamas having a party out there on the frozen sea.


Since I never check it my self, I never know that I already got taller and reach 185 cm now. I guess this growth came from all the sea king's meat that I ate these couple of months.

Those sea king's meat can make people in this world to grow taller than the people on Earth.


Inside the girl's bedroom (R-18)

(first time writing sex scene, if it's bad then next time I will just skip it)

"I love you!" I said while kissing Robin's mouth and gropping her perky butt and boobs.

Robin just smiled at me while her hand went inside my trousers and start stroking my dick till it get super hard.

We then start undressing our clothes till we get completely naked.

Looking at Robin's huge natural boobs and her perky butt really makes me horny.

Robin suddenly used her Devil Fruit's power on me, many hand emerges from the bed and start pinning me down till I can't move.

She then start licking my feet and moved her tounge slowly till it reach my ear.

She gave me a bath with her tounge like a cat all over my body. She also massage my body using her huge boobs.

She then sit on top of my face while licking my hard dick aggresively while being on top of me. So I start licking her pussy back with my mouth in 69 style.

She deepthroating my dick that makes me shiver all the time while feeling like in heaven since she is so freaking damn good at it.

When she release my body from her Devil Fruit's power, I start using my hand to grope her ass and boobs, while keep playing my tounge with her clitoris inside her pussy.

Soon her pussy start having an orgasm from my tounge's play. Her liquids spray on my face in which I tried to swallow as many as I could. Meanwhile Robin start moving her head faster while deephroating me, till finaly I can no longer hold my self and start releasing my cums straight to her throat and inside her stomatch.

She keeps deepthroating me until the last cums were released in to her throat and swallow all of them till the last drop.

She then released my dick from her mouth, after finished cleaning my dick with her tounge and mouth she then turning around to face me.

I hand her a towel to clean her face and body.

She throws the towel away not using it, and start kissing me aggresively.

Her hand then grab my still hard dick and aimed it inside her wet pussy.

After it went in, she start grinding me hard while being on top of me and riding me like a cowboy. (or cowgirl?)

Her big boobs swaying up and down making me turned on even more.

So I fondle her boobs and pull her boobs closer to me, so I can suck on them like a hungry baby.

We fucked like a horny rabbits for the next 3 and a half hours with different positions.

I released all my cums inside her pussy after freezing it inside my body so she will not get pregnant, but after it get released from my body it didn't feel cold anymore but warm instead just like normal cums. She said my cums taste amazing. (I can control the power of ice inside my body to kill the sperms)

After we had sex, she hug me tight and sleep beside me. So we sleep together until the door get knocked by Nami at night.

Apparently we already spend more than 8 hours inside the girl's bedroom.

After getting dressed we come out from the room and faced a red face Nami from getting embarrased facing us.

"Next time go to the middle of the sea, since you can freeze the sea and create a room or an iglo on that frozen sea with your power now." Nami said while looking at me.

"Okay, sorry for taking the girl's room for so long." I said to Nami with an apologetic tone.

"It's okay, but you owe me money now. Since the time you spend there were counted as one million belly per hour. So you owe me ten millions belly now." Nami said to me after making a quick calculation inside her head.

"Fufufufu..... He will deffinetely pay you Nami." Robin said to Nami while smiling at me.

"Sighh.... Okay, next time I'll go the sea with robin. As for the payment, maybe later after we found some treasures in our next adventure." I said to Nami while heading to the kitchen since I feel very hungry after the intense workout with Robin earlier.


The next day

I really love my nakamas, since they all seemed chill and acknowldeged my relationship with Robin with open arms.

When I went to the kitchen last night, all the guys were just grinning while pointing their thumbs up at me. They then congratulated me for being a man with Robin inside the room.

"I want to do it with Nami too" Sanji said last night.

"I will only find a girl if I already reach my dream and fullfill my promised to my friend." Zoro said to us last night.

"I will only do it with Kaya when we met later after my journey" Ussop said.

"I prefer to eat a lot of meats than dating a girl" Luffy said with an innocent smile on his face.

"I don't know what I want" Chooper said while looking sad.

"Relax Chopper you will find the right girl or deer later" I said to Chopper.

"Which one you prefer Chopper? Human girl or female deer?" Ussop asked Chopper.

"That's why I said I don't know earlier" Chopper answered while still looking at the floor.

We all then started tapping his shoulder to encourage him last night.


Today while we were sailing with Going Merry on the ocean, suddenly Zoro yells that many ships were heading towards us.

Those ships then start shooting their canons at Going Merry when we reach their shooting range.

Zoro then released his swords from the scabbards and create many air sword waves in to the sky then blow the canons up in the sky.

While Ussop shoot the canons using his slingshot's bullets and make them explode in the air after being hit by ussop's bullets.

Luffy and Sanji just run in to the air to intercept the canons and throw or kick them back in to those ships.

When I look at those ships, I noticed they were all bounty hunters from the Grand line that were targetting our bounties.

So I start running using geppo and soru towards those ships. When I land on one of the ship, I saw many people inside the ship were aming their swords and guns at me.

"Dan 184 Millions Belly, your bounty will be ours soon, along with the bounty from the rest of your friends" One of the man said to me with cocky smile on his face.

"We will see about that" I said to them while releasing the ice power from my feet to their ship and start freezing the ship along with all the men inside it in less then 2 second.

"What?? Careful! He has the same power with Aokiji" one man said while jumping in to air avoiding the freezing ship below him.

"Too late for that" I said to them while releasing fishman karate skill with the combination of ice power.

"Karakusa-gawara Ice Seiken!" I said while punching the air right in front of me that send countless freezing waves towards those men whom earlier managed to escape being frozen by jumping in to the sky, but now facing my new attack they can't run anywhere and being hit continuously with the freezing waves.

Those men then start turning to human ice sculptures and drop to the frozen ship below them one by one. When their frozen bodies hit the frozen ship, their frozen bodies shatters like glass along with the frozen ship since it started to shatter too and drown in to the sea.

"Flawless Victory"



Shao Khan's laughing voice keep ringing in my ears that were coming from my imagination.

Meanwhile Luffy and Sanji facing their own enemies on different ships with their own difficulty.

Zoro, Robin, Nami, Ussop and Chopper defending Going Merry from the attacks from many ships that were surounding them.

After sensing their power level with my observation haki, some of them has the same strenght with Luffy since some of these bounty hunter were just coming back from the New World. Which will be dangerous if this fights continuous on for a longer period of time.
