
Chapter 2: Moving

I couldn't help but yawn, mum got me up really early today to give me some "exciting news" which can be anything and everything. Honestly if the house was on fire mum would come up to say it was exciting news. Even dad can admit mum can be too enthusiastic about anything. I got out of bed and walked down the stairs. Since the bathroom was downstairs I often just listen to mum and get my breakfast ready for after I brush my teeth so thats a win win for me! As soon as I got downstairs I started to make breakfast.

"Go on.. what's the exciting news?"

I asked. I seen mum get a letter out and smiled.

"You've been accepted!!"

Mum yelled, I just gave her a glare.

"Mum, I know! I have everything packed and ready to go!"

I said, mum's expression changed and she gave me a hug, along with my dad and my three other siblings. Meadow, Jay and Laura. Jay being the only boy now of course, I felt bad for him being the only boy but it's just fate!

"We'll see you soon lil sis!"

Jay, Meadow and Laura said in unison. I smiled at them and nodded, seeing mum in tears. I sighed lightly.

"Mum, can you take me down to the college?"

I asked. Mums face immediately lit up like a Christmas tree light. I smiled and went to brush my teeth. I was definitely rushing everything since I was up later than I intended but atlest everything is packed and ready to go. I heard some toast pop up and immediately knew it was for Meadow, she was odd, she only eats certain things so huge surprise, in the mornings she munches on toast, she skips lunch and for dinner she only has a bowl of soup but the odd time she'll eat meat, I cleaned off the toothpaste around my mouth and went to enjoy breakfast after a couple of minutes. I seen mum started to load bags into the car thats for me to take to college and knowing mum, she'll probably sneak something into one of my bags. I still can't believe I was accepted in though. I finished my breakfast and washed the dishes before hugging everyone goodbye and getting into the car. Mum started to drive and we had a conversation with each other. It was somewhat peaceful as I found it nice to chat with someone about my worries. I'm lucky mum sits and listens.

"What if I get bullied.."

"What if I don't do my best in school.."

"What if I get kicked out.."

"What if no one likes me and I end up being alone.."

I said. What if questions coming out as soon as the last stops.

"If you get bullied simply fight back. You're so strong, special too! You're my little star. If you don't do your best in school, we'll be mad, yes but we'll help you get back on track. If you get kicked out of school we can always homeschool you or find a way to get you into a different school, lastly not everyone will like you but there will be people that will love you! You're different.. unique, one if a kind! Gemini's usually are twins, both if which survive and has seperate powers. You however, your twin died.. which meant you got both powers since he died, making you probably the strongest of all!"

Mum said which was very sweet but.. I have my doubts. I'm just a Gemini, one of the weakest signs. I'm supposed to bow down and let everyone mess up my life, I might just let them. I'm weak compared to others. I'm surprised I didn't end up dead like my brother. He was drunk on power. Now I am the one that's drunk on power, the only difference? I don't intend on using my power at all unless its really necessary, I felt the car park and was brought out of my thoughts. I looked at my mum and smiled slightly

"I'll help you unpack"

Mum says I happily accept the offer and went to my dorm. My note had said what number my dorm was, mine was number 50 which was on the second floor. Each floor had roughly thirty rooms. Mum helped me unpack and I seen another bed. Please be a nice person.. I thought to myself. I started to put my stuff on my side of the room and smiled at the work. Mum came back in and brought homemade cookies, how she did it? No one knows. I was soon greeted by an unfamiliar face. Oh she looks like a bad girl. Tattoos littering her body, her hair dyed a dark mysterious purple, her deep green eyes and she was wearing black. There was one last bed here though.

"Hi! I'm summer! You?"

I introduced myself, the girl looked at me before she gave me a friendly smile.

"The names Katie"

The girl said

"I'm an Scorpio, you?"

Katie asked. My eyes widened

"I'm a.. gemini"

I said nervously. Katie raised an eyebrow at me, almost as if she's trying to work something out.

"Weird. I since a powerful aura coming from you.. almost like a Capricorn..? But it's stronger. For that I shall bow to you"

Katie said before bowing down. I raised an eyebrow.

"No need to bow! And how can anything be stronger than a Capricorn?"

I asked, Katie shrugged before standing up again and in came a beautiful girl with crystal blue eyes, brown hair and unlike Katie, she was dressed in pastel colours. She seemed bright and happy?

"Oh my god! You're the new student! My name is Bella, I'm a Capricorn"

Bella said. I blinked and looked down.

"I'm Summer, I'm a Gemini"

I said. Bella looked shocked at my answer.

"No. Way. You're aura has more power than even myself.. this is weird.."

Bella said. I groaned knowing I'll probably become a lab experiment for these two.