
Chapter 1: The Legend

Hi. My names Summer.. Summer Lily, I'm considered a lower power since my sign is Gemini. I had a twin sister but he passed away in February. We were identical, I'll be 18 on the 22 May, since Lake passed away before our birthday we sort of go and celebrate in his favourite area, by the lake in the forest. I'm different you see. Despite me being lower power you would expect the rest of my family to be lower aswell, thats far from the truth. They are Capricorns. Me and Lake was the only Gemini's in the family, you see normally when a person thats not born according to Zodiac sign like the rest of the family, they're usually given to an adoption centre or just abandoned. But my family is different. They prefer to keep their children, lower power or not and make them stronger, strong enough to fight for what was right, although us Gemini's are supposed to bow down to every other sign. But not me. Not this Gemini. Hell I'd fight before I bow down to anyone to prove them wrong, I'm stronger than they would think so they can't dare touch me or make me do anything they please. Most Gemini are just toys to play with emotional wise.. or worse.. I looked into a mirror and seen my medium length curly midnight black hair. It was shining in the sunlight glow, my dark blue eyes seemed lighter today. My Olive coloured skin making me look tan. I put my hair up in a braid and went to go and pack my bags. Today was my first day of College and I was leaving soon. I went to the college me and Lake discussed about going to. The Zodiac History College, since we were both really into History we talked about going to study there so I'm keeping my promise. I'll be the strongest Gemini known in our world, just everyone wait and I'll surprise everyone.