
Your Potty Partner : Adult Jokes Added Daily

Hello WebNovel Readers, "Your Potty Partner" is the new-age way to get your daily dose of Adult humor, anytime, anywhere - with WebNovel's easy-to-use app and website. Don’t blush: 80 percent of the mobile users admit to using their phones in the bathroom. 'Add This Book to your collection' - for your next bathroom visit: check out the latest added Jokes to pass the time during your next extended reign on the throne. These adult jokes are guaranteed to put a cheeky smile on your face. You can also share your own jokes in the "comments section - below the chapters". Have Fun!! -------------- Yang Studio is a writers’ circle which is a support group for writers who wish to be among like-minded people. If you want to start writing and are looking for inspiration, this circle is for you. Books published on WebNovel are works of the respective writers from the circle. For reporting any content, readers can contact us. --------------

Yang_Studio · Fantasy
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351 Chs

Set 240


One morning two priests head to the showers. It isn't until they were already in the shower, that they realized they did not bring any soap. Father Bob decides he'll run back for the soap. Rather than get dressed, he peeks out into the hallway, and since no one is around, he decides to make a run for it.

He gets the two bars of soap and checks the hall before heading back to the showers. All was clear, so he makes a break for it. Just as he turns the corner to the showers, he spots three nuns walking toward him. With nowhere to go, and hoping that the nuns will think he is a statue, he stands perfectly still, holding the two bars of soap.

The nuns approach and the first nun says, "Oh my, look at that! Isn't that the most life-like statue you've ever seen?" She steps up for a closer look, reaches out and gives a couple of tugs on the priest's weenie. Startled, he drops the first bar of soap.

"Oh Heavens," she exclaims, "I got a bar of soap!"

The second nun is also amazed at how realistic the statue looks, so she steps in for a closer look. She takes a couple of yanks on the priest's weenie, and he drops the other bar of soap.

"My goodness, I got a bar of soap also!"

The nuns can't believe it.

The third nun, overcome by the miracle statue, walks up to it and gives a few tugs to the priest's weenie.

"My God, this is amazing," she says, "I got liquid soap!"


3 Married Couples

These three married couples died and when they got to the pearly gates. St.Peter told the first husband, ?I can't let you in. You let alcohol run your life. You even married a girl named Sherry.? Dejected, he turned and walked away.

The next married couple stepped up, and St.Peter told the husband, ?Can't let you in sir. While you were on earth, you allowed money to run your life. You even married a girl named Penny.? The guy hung his head, turned and walked away.

The husband of the third couple waiting in line, overheard both conversations and said, ?Come on, Fanny, he's not going to let us in either.?