
Your life system

Note: This will be a linear novel. The MC will be calculative( over time) as he will learn what he wants in life and must make the necessary decisions to achieve it. It is a set in a Modern world with limited fantasies (system & few supernatural or beyond human comprehension abilities). It will mimic real world powers but names of places will change seemingly feeling like an alternate world however real life persons may be incorporated to get a point across, understanding of characters or just world build in general. Synopsis: Zhang Nan Ke an above average (genius) orphan who is trying to live his life in this world to best he can, struggles with the day to day life like any other. Only after coming into contact with local powers within his city he starts to realize that to live the life where he is not at the mercy of others he needs absolute power. Ding. [Host detected.. binding system to the host] [System bonding complete] [Welcome to Your Life System] Join Nan Ke as he strives to builds his foundation so he can live freely. P.S. There is heavy influence from Chinese novels such as the “xiaobaiwen, shenhao and martial arts” with less face slapping. This is my first time writing a novel Slow updates. (1500-2000 words/chapter) 1-2/chapters per week no specific time Extra tags #martialarts (they will a whole realm system but nothing to drastic like shooting fire out of your hands) #multipleloveinterest (Harem? up in the air, depends on if I like the progress of the character relations however if any as a disclaimer they will be only 3-4 waifus)

Mind_Medicine · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 22: A Mu's Downfall

Mu Chen didn't need a second look at the container as he recognize the head of one person, he was Mako. He quickly pulled Mu Yen with him into the car before leaving this place, he was heading towards his family courtyard. ."Fucking ruthless, fuck" he cursed out scaring his younger brother. "Brother was going on?" Mu Yen asked, "he kill them, he kill them all, fucking bastard. Lets call dad and let him know what's going on." The older brother spoke, not in the slightest of trying to calm down his brother fright as he too was scared himself. However calls to the Patriarch went unanswered which increased his fears.

He always been the one to make others feel fear, he didn't even know he can feel such emotions until know. Making their way to his family courtyard all they heard was police sirens on their way there. Upon closer approach, police cars, ambulances and even s.w.a.t vehicles were station in and around the courtyard. A premonition was felt by Mu Chen, he didn't want to exit the car knowing what he might fine but he had to be sure.

Upon arriving at the entrance to the courtyard he was stop by police officers, funnily enough these officers were the same ones that had arrested him before, "young master Mu, are you okay?" They asked him. They thought that he would have been caught up in the tragedy that occurred here. "I'm fine, what the hell happened here, where is my father, where is my family?" Mu Chen said angrily, but looking at him you can see his tears are flowing form his eyes clearly in distraught fearing the worse.

"We don't know young master Mu, when we got here only the women and children were found in a state of despair. We ask them what happened but all they could say was that man came into the house shooting all the men, I'm afraid your father was shot as well. What's strange is no bodies or shell casings were found on the scene. We have no idea who did this as of now." The officers explained to the Mu brothers.

"It's him isn't big brother, it's that bastard we went after, first the bodies of Mako and now this, w-we-we shoul-…no I shouldn't have mess with him" *Sobs* Mu Yen said as wailingly as he bawled his eyes out. "Do you have any idea who cause this second young master" the female police officer asked. "We don't know who he is but we have a picture, we had some problems with him in the past but this….I didn't expect this." Mu Chen said trying to hold it together as he showed them a picture of Nan'Ke, the officer reaction was a look of surprise, "This….ar-are-are you sure this is the person who you think did this, weren't you at war with the other families" Officer Yuan asked.

Seeing the reaction of the officer Mu Chen thought something was off, "what do you mean, I said he was the one troubling us in the past few days, I know that he is powerful, do you know who this person is Officer Yuan?" Mu Chen asked.

The Officer responded calmly, "he seemed familiar, but I'm not sure where however we will take this matter very seriously, rest assured young master Mu we would do everything in our power to bring justice to your father and family." The police officers said before leaving the brothers as he wanted a full picture of what the actual fuck is going on, 'base on Mu Chen report they believe that the attacker has a considerable background but the photo…the one in the photo is little Zhang, who is just an orphan what sort of background or status can he have?' Just as he was in thought of the actual happenings he was brought out of his thinking by a subordinate, "Sir you need to see this." Following the underline he was led to the main hall that was drench in blood but no bodies was found, he was led to a wall where the words 'ZHANG' was written in blood; "No Fucking way" was his only utterance.

Mu Chen didn't wait around any longer, his father and his uncles have all died, he only had his brother now, although he treated him like a lesser person they was still share blood. Their mother died not long after Mu Yen was born, which may have played a part in how they relationship was form today. He didn't care about the rest of the family's as it can be seen that their life wasn't in danger because if it was they would have been killed else why leave them alive.

Getting into his car he drag his brother with him to leave to the only safe place he knows, or the only remaining option he had. He was now heading towards Si City hoping his organization 'Ninth Heaven' can buy him some more time before this unknown person he only had a photo of reaches him. However unknown to Mu Chen this was a decision that eventually cost him his and his brother's lives.

Nan'Ke currently was currently getting rid of all the bodies he had the 'Reaper' bring to his warehouse. He spent another 8,000LP to get an additional supply of liquid nitrogen, he wanted to freeze and break down the remains into smaller chunks before crushing them, creating a thick mush of just human remains. Then the human slush was loaded into barrels before being loaded back onto the container truck. With the 'Reapers' at work it didn't take long before the trucks left the warehouse to the their new destination, the port where these barrels will be loaded onto boats before being dumped at sea all before the next moon arrives.

Nan'Ke night wasn't done however, as he was tracking the location of Mu Yen using his remote tracking program he had used before. It told him of the current location of the Mu brothers and where they were heading as he was listening on their conversations. 'Let's end this fast, it's already morning, I have a lunch date with Bai Xiu Xiu' he thought before heading into the unmarked car heading to Si City.

It didn't take him long to reach the destination, which was a building opposite the current hideout of 'Ninth Heaven' in Si City. He made his way to the rooftop, he was thinking of using his sniper rifle seeing he has the necessary amount of life points. 'Buy Sniper Rifle'


McMillan TAC-338 Sniper Rifle(with suppression) fully loaded 7,500: 6days left]

[Consuming 7,500LP]


Now armed with the weapon in hand which felt like he was at peace with how it felt with him. Getting into position, he made a phone call to Mu Yen cell, "Did you get my present, considered it a thank you for the gift you gave me" Nan'Ke spoke as he thought it was Mu Yen who answered the phone but it was Mu Chen who spoked back, "you fucking bastard, why did the fuck you did that, you could of just killed me but you had killed my father and my family, you better don't show yourself to me else I would fuckin- *crash*

Just then a bullet flew through the window and hit Mu Chen in the head killing him where he stand right in front of his younger brother Mu Yen. *Screams* "Nooooo….Mu Che-….fuck..noooo you son of a bitch". Mu Yen shouted, cried and curse out in disbelief and in utter contempt as well as wallowing despair. "Pick up the phone" a faint sound was heard in the room, which was coming form the phone that was on the floor next to Mu Chen body. But Mu Yen didn't move he was grieve stricken.

That didn't stop Nan'Ke from speaking over the phone as he continued to taunt Mu Yen about how is all this is his fault, and that one girl's rejection was enough for his family to perish. While continuing his taunting Nan'ke was making his way down the building towards the 'Ninth Heaven' safe house. It was not guarded by any, he noticed this as he did recon from his sniper vantage point. Making his way up the steps he spoke once more over the phone, "how can I let you go, huh? I mean this all started because of you, so shouldn't end because of you also. All you had to do was to let me kill you, but no, you went and brought others into our squabble, for a girl no less, Mu Yen you are truly pathetic."

Under the berating for Nan'Ke, Mu Yen couldn't take it anymore as he ran out the room, but only to run into the barrel of a pistol pressed on his forehead, "I told you, I will be the last thing you see before you die"



Name: Zhang Nan'Ke

Level: 2 (0/5,000)

Age: 18

Life Points: 15,833 (31,333-8000-7500)

Strength: 20 (average strength 10)

Intelligence: 20 (average intelligence 10)

Vitality: 20 (average vitality 10)

Charm: 15 (average charm 10)

Martial Artist Realm: Minor Apprentice

Martial Arts: Basic MMA, Slight Steps (level 1/3), Refined Fist Set (level 1/3), Great Wall (level 1/3), Eagle Eyes(N/A)

Innate skills: Genius Mind, Perception.

Other Skills: Gun Play, One-Shot, Driving

Skills: Quantum Programming: level 4 (3,500/5,000)

Business Management: level 2 (35/500)

Arts & Graphic Designer: Level 4 (100/5,000)

Weapon Smith level 4(4000/5000)

Life Point Generator: 10pt/day

Auxiliary System: Life Point Multiplier: 1.2 (Applicable on LP Received and not stored)

Quests: Daily, Main, Hidden

Shop: (waiting for input) ]

Money:57,483,520 (4,483,520+53mil)

Chapter 22: So yes sir, the fall of the Mu's, pretty anti-climatic but with our MC capabilities should it end any other way. However did he expose himself to soon or not...As The Great Wayne once said "Real G's move in silence like lasagna"

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