
Disaster After Disaster

And I spoke too soon...

We then traveled to Shibuya to experience and taste that famous Shibuya Wagyu Beef BBQ but lo and behold, the very same idol group had beat us to it, now we couldn't even get a meter near the eatery and hundreds of fans came just to watch them eat!

"See!? What did I just tell you!?" I tossed my hands to the swarming crowd to add visually to my frustration. "This is a disaster!". I then brought my hands to my waist and sighed heavily.

"Come on, Jeanne, we can still go back some other time." Vince tried to console me. And his girlfriend back him up, "Yeah, we still have the... that, um... What was it called again? The 'Memory Lane'...?".

"'Omoide Yokocho'..." Louie said to remind her.

"Right, that one... Plus we still have to visit the redlight district and drinking alleys, yeah...?"

"'Kabukicho' and 'Golden Gai'..." Louie corrected her again, "Come on, Ebony you should at least say the correct terms.".

But instead of concurring, Ebony sticks out her tongue and said, "You have that covered, why should I bother? Anyway, let's just come back tomorrow." She then turned her focus on me, "I'm sure they're not going to be here, too.".

I just then exhaled loudly, "Fine, fine... Well, at least the kids' having fun…" My then frustration was briefly lifted as I saw our juniors having the time of their life as they include themselves with the crowd of watchers. The rest of us just giggled at them.

We ended up eating in a restaurant within the Omoide Yokocho but it wasn't that easy because of the growing number of people hanging around since news of Out4Blood eating in Shibuya had spread and some restaurants had been packed with fans, we're lucky that we had found one that isn't full yet. And because of that, we decided to check in to our hotel first so we could enjoy the rest of the afternoon and evening touring outside. But then again…

"WHAT!? How could you do that to us!? We've booked that room months ago!" My blood had once again boiled. "I demand an explanation!" I exclaimed at the reception. Apparently, our designated room had been changed without us being informed. The poor receptionist in front of me clearly doesn't understand so I tried calming myself down. I then felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw Louie beside me.

It slightly caught me off-guard since he never usually talks to me after our, well, 'intimate disagreement'. "Calm down, Jeanne… You've been stressing all day and it's just been day one. I'm sure there's a good reason for the switch… Do you want me to handle this one…?" Oh… Wow, this has been the very first time he's actually concerned about me. Well, I shouldn't let this chance go, right…? So, I straightened up and breathed long and deep.

"Whew, you're right… Thanks, Louie but I got this…"

"You sure…?"

"Yeah, yeah… I just need to communicate more effectively."

"Okay…" Oh, boy, finally he left me. My friends don't know it yet but my feeling for this guy hasn't completely left me, maybe a new love may do it but that isn't the main concern right now. I faced the scared receptionist once again but this time her face expressed relief as I communicated with her in the language she knows.

"[Excuse me, I'm sorry about earlier but what you said had made me so upset… May I know why our room had been changed? If you don't know then can I speak to someone who does, please?]" Yes, that is right, I know Nihongo, I've been studying and learning this language specifically because of this trip but I didn't expect to use it in this kind of situation.

"[Apologies, Miss…]" Finally, she relaxed a bit and then bowed at me, "[The exchanged had been approved by our upper management, I know very little of this incident. Would you like to talk to one of our managing officers for clarification?]".

"[Yes, please. Thank you.]" The receptionist had then briefly bowed again as she left and get their manager. Not a minute longer, a middle-aged man had then approached me and introduced himself to me as the managing officer.

"[We are sorry for the inconvenience Miss, it's just that VIPs had arrived and the ideal room for them was the one you have. Their agency had then settled an amount covering the switch and had upgraded your stay as VIPs also to compensate for the sudden incident. Again, we're deeply apologizing for the confusion.]" He then bowed to me along with some staff that was behind him. VIPs, huh…?

"[Fine, fine… Is our new room even fit for the six of us?]"

"[Yes, yes… It's actually a few rooms across the original room.]" I can't help to raise a brow once again. Just a few rooms, does that mean that we're in the same room…? Huh, so why can't they just take that in the first place? Urgh, anyway, there's just this one thing that I want to clear my head into.

"[Okay, okay… Say, are these VIPs that had snatched our room happen to be… a Korean idol group…?]" And the shock on the manager's face had confirmed my suspicion, damn, it was because of them again. This has been the second time! The manager was going to say something else but I had no intention of hearing more, "[No, no, no, don't say it… We just liked to be checked-in, please…?]" The manager nodded and then instructed the reception to process our stay.

I then returned to my friends with the keycards in my hand. Louie then asked me, "So…? How did it go…?" Sighingly, I just handed them keycards to our room as I answered, "Some VIPs requested our original room and they were considerate enough to upgrade our stay with another suitable room.".

"Whoa, VIP!?" Justin then exclaimed as he recognized the markings on the keycard. "Those VIPs must be loaded! One VIP pass is expensive but SIX!? This is insane!" Yeah, I totally agree but still, it's a little annoying how the hotel management just accepted their request versus the months I've tried applying and settling the reservation. And knowing that THAT group is behind all these just make my blood boil even harder. What else can they do to ruin my most awaited vacation?