
Can’t Help Not to Help

As we reached our designated floor, I could tell from the commotion on the other floors and the frequency of young people going in and out of the elevator that someone famous or rather famous people are staying in the hotel. And the tight security on our floor had raised my suspicion that they are already in their room.

Though I'm still bitter at the fact that they snatched our original room, heck, this new room was quite a sight to see, it was really a suite fit for VIPs.

"Wow, this room is awesome." Vince had then commented as we laid our bags to the bed, we wanted for ourselves. The rooms were quite big and the beds had small dividers much to everyone's privacy concern. And there are two restrooms! We wouldn't have to share it with the boys. Huh, this room is not bad.

"Alright, who's ready for some night exploring, eh?" Vince had then fired up the group, "Come on, let's go!".

We were making our way to Kabukicho when I noticed I forgot something. "Oh, shoot!" My exclaim had gathered my friends' attention. "Jeanne…? Is something wrong…?" Ebony asked me as I rummage my sling bag. I kept reaching down but heck, it really isn't inside my bag.

"I'm sorry guys but I think I left my Suica card at the hotel."

"Oh, then we should go back –"

"No, no, it's fine, I got this." I interrupted Vince and suggested they go on ahead, "I can go back on my own and get it. You guys just go on ahead, I'll catch up with you later."

"Are you sure, Ms. Jeanne…?" Elise had then asked me, "I could go back with you.".

"Thanks, Elise but I really got this, don't you worry."

"Alright, then… We'll meet you there… Take your time, Jeanne." Vince said to me as I waved them goodbye and made my way back to our hotel room.

Back at the hotel, there were a lot of people surrounding the place, it quite annoyed me once again. Security was doubled outside the hotel and I could hear different languages along my way, oh god, how the hell did these people know the group's hotel? Urgh, anyway, it's not my problem I'm just back here since I forgot something in our hotel room, better get it before tighter security comes.

Going up our floor was quite a hassle since the elevator done kept on opening and closing, and people kept going in and out. I don't even know if these people are guests of the hotel, then finally I reached our designated floor. Quickly, I went to our room, get my card, and made my way back. But before I pushed the button for the elevator, I had a thought; I don't want to experience that hassle again and get worst when going down. So, I made a quick decision to take the stairs but not on the open stairs, I could hear a lot of people running up and down from there, it's like they're having a police search or something so I settled on a more private route; the fire exit.

I made my way there and just as I thought, there was no one there. Ah, sweet silence, finally. I then descended leisurely as I had the route all by myself… Or so I thought. While going down further, I started hearing whispers from down below. I slightly got scared, is it a ghost…? Well, a ghost is better than anything really, at least I could run the hell out of here.

The whispers had gotten louder and from where I'm standing, it was definitely under this next flight of stairs, At the very last one, I calmed myself down for a moment to gather my courage and then made my move, "Who's there!? –"

"AH! Please don't hurt us!" Oh, it talks… I descended further and realized that they were just people, two guys to be exact. "Please… We don't want to be seen." Seen…? I wondered why but then I got closer to them, heck they're so tall! I had to lift my head just to make eye contact and when I did, I got the shock of my life when I recognized one of them.

"You! –" I exclaimed but they immediately covered my mouth with their hands as they shushed me then we heard some people outside and their footsteps are coming towards the door.

The two guys had then silently panicked and clearly doesn't know what to do. Ugh, fine, I'll help them just this once. I quickly then dragged them to a blind spot behind the door as I quickly open the fire exit door and acted a bit hurt. "Ouch, my butt – Oh, can I help you…?" Luckily, one of the two people outside was just about to open the door when I did, my timing was just right.

"Hmm…?" I hummed again as I stared innocently at two foreign but definitely Asian girls. Like some locals, they seemed to be shy around foreigners too, especially the ones who only speak English. The girls then just shyly bowed at me and quickly went out of the way. I waited for them to be out of sight and made sure no one was looking before I closed the door once again.

"Whew, that was close…" One of the guys commented while the other one was continuously bowing at me, "Thank you, Noona. We don't know what will happen to us if you didn't help us, you have our thanks." Noona…? Well, I am indeed older than them.

"Yeah, whatever…" I then cross my arms over my chest, "Why are you two even here, in the first place? Don't you guys have to run errands or something…?" The two of them then looked at me surprised.

One of them asked, "You… You know who we are…?" I then rolled my eyes and pointed out some things to them.

"How can I not recognize you? You two don't even wear masks plus your hoodies couldn't even hide half of your heads. Almost all of the people outside are your fans, one look, and everyone will be shouting Out4Blood…"

"Oh…" The two then became embarrassed, this must be their first time sneaking out. Anyway, I have to go as I don't want to be involved any further. But then a tug on my shirt stopped me, "P – Please, wait…".

"What is it? I already –"

"Please, help us one more time… We promise it'll be the last time… PLEASE!?" Both of them were practically begging as they had their hands clapped in front of their faces. Ugh, god, why me? "Please…? Please…? Please!? -".

"Fine! Fine… How can I help you?" I tossed my hands up in surrender, ugh, I just can't turn my head away from someone in need, I just hope that it isn't something that I cannot do.