
Your Idol CEO, Kim Sunoo

"Don't act like you know me very well, because you don't." [On-Going] If Sunoo had a secret, what would it be? Would the members change their view about him? The always bright kid had a dark secret, is it bad if the fans and the members find out? Sunoo X Enhypen au Mystery au

ash04_red · Realistic
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𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕, 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗

It was Saturday morning, one more day before school starts, all over again for Sunoo, and Niki. However, the rest of the group still does not know, and they need to know.

The group was having a meal together, when Niki decides to break the silence. "Sunoo hyung has something to say, hyung." Niki blurts out while eating, shocking himself too, but felt a little ashamed to say so.

Sunoo, who was repelled at the sudden pointing of fingers, just looks up, staring blankly at his member's faces, before continuing to eat. "Oh, Niki and I are going to school." "What??? Didn't you just graduate? And why is Niki going too?" Heeseung's questions came one after another, but Sunoo just shuts them up with one line. "Can you just stop asking and stop being curious for once, hyung?" Sunoo gives them a cold shoulder, which they have never felt from Sunoo before.

Heeseung being Heeseung, instead of getting angry, he just lay his hand on Sunoo's shoulder, in concern, rubbing it as he tries his best to show concern, instead of anger, but Sunoo didn't reciprocate those feelings. He just shutters away from him, as he leaves the table from his half eaten food, calling out. "Niki." Niki just flinches, rushing to get up and follow Sunoo, bowing at his hyungs politely, before running off. "Sunoo ah!"

Sunoo wasn't annoyed or upset at his members. He was upset at his father, Kim Jung Sik. Everyone knows, Sunoo didn't deserve what he was experiencing now, but you can't always enjoy life, can you?

As the movie of thoughts were playing in his head, the doorbell rang. Sunoo got up, to see a man in a black suit at the front door, with the members. "For Kim Sunoo, and. . . Niki." Sunoo squeezes between them, to see two black uniforms and bags in the man's arms. "Thank you." Sunoo smiles gratefully, as the man leaves.

"You both are really going to school?" Jay asks in surprise, Sunoo only nods silently. Sighing, Sunoo spoke," Seung Bu High. Next Monday." "But why? What are you trying to hide?" Jungwon couldn't help but ask, as he had a feeling there was a lot the team did not know, about Sunoo, and soon, Niki.

Heeseung hurriedly gets to his phone, Niki explaining before Sunoo leaves. "Seung Bu Private High. The school only the kids of big shots go. They go through special training, to take over their parent's jobs in the future, taking their supposedly 'throne' in the society." Niki reads out on the booklet that came with all their school materials.

"Huh?? What throne? And why does Sunoo need to go then? Didn't he say he has no parents?" Niki had no idea how to answer what Jake has asked, and just keeps quiet, obviously knowing it was a lie. After meeting face to face with Chairman Kim, him having no parents is obviously fake.

Niki tries to whisper to everyone, without Sunoo, who was in the room. "Hyung, come here." The get into a tight circle. "Sunoo hyung is having a hard time now, we should just give him space. It's very tough for him now, we should just give him support and courage. But don't worry, I'm only attending his school to watch him, don't worry." Puzzling the hyungs, Niki walks away, "Sunoo Hyung!"

A day passes, with Sunoo studying to get ready for school. "Sunoo ah, I made this for you, drink some?" Sunoo looks up, to see Heeseung at the door, holding a greenish-brown drink. "What's that?" "Mint - Choco Latte," Sunoo got up so quickly at the name, as Heeseung just laughs, watching the boy gulp down the drink so quickly, finishing half at one go.

"Yes, hyung? Did you have something to say?" "Sunoo ah... If you need help, I'm here, ok?" Sunoo just smile gratefully at the older, before Heeseung leaves. Niki soon joins Sunoo to study for school the next day.

The next day, Sunoo gets ready for school with Niki, surprised to see Heeseung awake, preparing breakfast for them.

As usual, Niki wear's the uniform in his own style, as Heeseung chuckles, seeing the two. "Ready for school?" Sunoo and Niki, busy eating their cereal, take off for school, in the limousine down the road, greeting Heeseung goodbye. "What th- why the heck will there be a limousine there to pick them up?" Heeseung mutters in confusion.

In the vehicle, the boys were greeted to their driver, a.k.a. their chauffeur that Chairman Kim had assigned them to. "Young master, Niki. I am Jung Wook, I will be in charge of bringing you to wherever you want to go." The boys nod politely, as they leave for school.

After arriving, the driver proceed to drop the boys off. Before getting off, the driver hands Sunoo a envelope. Opening it, there were two credit cards, two golden ties, and a golden nametag with their names, Kim Sunoo and Niki, as well as a letter. Opening it,:

"To Sunoo:

Everyone in the school has a name tag according to their level of status in the school. As expected, you and Niki are at the highest tier, golden. I expect both of you to behave like how you should and wear them, and the credit cards are for both of your expenses. Have a good day at school, I will see you at the company at 1."

Breathing in a deep sigh, Sunoo helped to put the nametag for Niki, and the tie and nametag on himself. Handing him the card, they thanked the driver, before heading out.