
Your Girlfriend is My Fiance's Ex-girlfriend .

Her fiance is goddess, handsome and such a beautiful person almost like a Male God but has a ex-girlfriend that makes her hold her from falling for him ,but she has a black past too which always stops her from falling for anyone ,but what if the nightmare you never wants to happen ,happens with you .....

Ddevil_Staeswife · Music & Bands
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Your So Selfish.......Yes I Am 2/2

Ara's POV

soon we came in and we met some of jungkook's friends we ate dinner and jungkook took some drinks with his friends and soon it was time for us to go home ,well I moved in with jungkook yesterday only since we decided to date in a normal way and in a lovely way he told me to move in with him "baby let's go ?" jungkook said as he held me by my waist as I was about to say yes taehyung came and said "guys already leaving please stay for tonight my house is big enough for a couple to stay " I rolled my eyes at him as jungkook looked at me for permission I sighed I know jungkook is drunk too maybe we should just stay ...and I have to talk to liya too so I nodded as yes "sure hyung please show us our room " taehyung nodded smiling and we followed him as we reached first floor he said "you can stay here kook and Ara you can---" before he can continue jungkook cut his words "don't worry hyung we will stay in one room " he said as he held my waist again I smirked as I looked at taehyung who was glaring at me already "don't worry taehyung shi we are fine " he forced a smile and said "great then if you need something please call the maids " and gone away I sighed as I looked at jungkook and said "shall we go inside now ?" he nodded as he pulled me inside .

Taehyung's POV

I came downstairs as guests started leaving after all the guest left liya came to me and said "when did jungkook and Ara left they didn't even said goodbye?" I looked at her with what the fuck look "what the hell are you talking about ?" she sighed and said "are you dumb or deaf ?" I glared at her and said "they are staying here for night " she glared at me and said "why would they do that ?" I again glared at her and said "because I told them to " she sighed and said "whatever am going to sleep don't you dare disturb me " I chuckled and said "same to you bitch " .

As I came to my room I took off my clothes and got a shower and changed into my normal clothes and sat on my bed how can they stay in one room I mean it's not like they are already married or something but then again why do I care....

Ara's POV

As jungkook came out of the shower wearing only a towel my eyes widened how can someone be this perfect ...is he really Human ...."I know am handsome " he said as I gulped and said "I never said that " he laughed and said "yea you didn't but your eyes told me " I rolled my eyes and said "hurry wear your clothes and dry your hair " he nodded as he wore the clothes that were in the closet and came out I sighed he still didn't dried his hair so I took a towel and told him to sit on the bed and he did so I started drying his hair he smiled and said "you know I never thought we would be doing this kind of things " I smiled and said "never did I " ...

Time skip

I came downstairs to bring some banana milk for jungkook because I know he likes it there was no maid available so I came myself as I entered the kitchen I saw taehyung there I sighed and walked towards the fridge searching for it as I got it I closed the fridge door and turned around only to get pinned on fridge by taehyung "don't you dare Kim Taehyung " I said as he smirked and said "how can you be this selfish Ara " I smiled and said "just like you are Mr.kim " I pushed him away and started walking towards the stairs but he said something that made me stop "Did you slept with jungkook too ?" How dare he ask me this ...

Am back ....!;)

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