
Your's, Heaven

Heaven Archer is a successful architect working in the biggest architectural firm in New York. She comes from a middle class family and had worked very hard to become successful. She is a strong headed woman who made her way in a man's world by herself. She doesn't take shit from anyone. She only has two weaknesses, chocolates and Hades. Hades Anderson comes from a rich family of doctors and surgeons. He is the most successful cardiovascular surgeon in the city and he owns it. No one annoys him more than Heaven, but he has known her since she was 7 and adores her. The journey of two people who have known each other for as long as they can remember and understand each other more than anyone else. No drama, not many complications just a simple story of two strong souls. ---------------- "It's funny how you never noticed." "What?" "How much I loved you." ----------------

bhoomika_jha · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 3


Present, 26 years old

I woke up with the sun shining on my face, I covered my head, turned around and went back to sleep. I hate mornings. I woke up again after a while, and it's 9 in the morning now. Wonderful.

Oh fuck! I am late.

I am not a morning person, if you haven't already noticed. I hate them. I mean, what are they even here for? Get up, get dressed, go to work, deal with assholes. Ahhh! Too much work.

I go to bathroom, take a quick shower, dress up and run out of my penthouse.

Oh yeah! I'm rich now. I work at the best architectural firm in the city. I am at a high post and my boss's favorite.

Don't assume anything wrong, she is a wonderful married woman with an adorable son. He is turning 4 in a few days. He is actually turning 26, but his brain doesn't match his actual age. I am talking about my best friend Alex. He is adorable but dumb as fuck.

I reach my office and start walking towards my cabin. I don't want to praise my own self but I am pretty damn good at my job, that is a major reason why I am the head architect at the firm at only 26 years of age.

A lot of employees greet me good morning and I chirp one right back. I am happy today. It's Alia's birthday today. She is also my assistant. She didn't want to be but she had to start somewhere and she really looks up to me you know. I am her role model or something like that. Anyway, I gave her the day off to take rest and be set for her party tonight. Every year her parents throw this big ass party for her. And I absolutely love them. Something interesting always happens there, oh, and tea I get there, it's the best one.

One year, some rich woman, who I don't know found her husband kissing his mistress or something like that. Damn, the catfight after that, between the two women was better that any soap opera. I am not sadistic but drama is drama. Sure, the woman's marriage was ruined but atleast she doesn't have to live with a cheating scum anymore.

Another year, a boy came out to his parents. I have zero idea, why he chose someone else's birthday for this but he did. His parents did not support him though, that was hurtful, but his elder sister was all over the place yelling at the parents for being assholes. The was good I support the girl.

Lets just say its fun every year since something big always happens. And sometimes it's fun to watch from the corner and it's entertaining. I wonder what is going to happen this year. Maybe Alia will tell Alex that she likes him. It was cute at first, but it has been 3 years. Just tell him already. Like I said, I love going to her party, but Jessica always looks at me with sad eyes, probably because she knows how much in love I was with that asshole of a son she has, poor her, actually. She is a wonderful woman, just didn't get a caring son who would spend time with her. Or a husband for that matter. But that is another story.

I am in my office, while Martha, my boss enters. I have asked her to not knock. It feels fine that way. Besides, she is super cool. She always comes to me with chocolates.

"Good Morning, Martha. How are you this fine morning?"

"It's actually afternoon now sweetie. It's three already and you didn't leave for lunch. Besides you have to get ready for the party as well. Come on, get your ass out of that chair and run. Get something to eat first, then get ready for the party." she said all this, while shoving me out of my own office. Where the hell did the time go?


I enter the hall, and as expected, it looks beautiful. Champagne and wine and whiskey and whatnot. this party is in full swing. I see Jessica talking to a few people, well maybe I shouldn't bother her. Who am I kidding? That is what I do best.

"Good evening Jessica, you look so pretty." Somethings never change I guess. She still looks like a Disney princess.

"And you look like a true queen, Heaven. How are you, child?" She is the same woman who has all the love in her heart for others. But something is different. She seems happier today. She isn't giving me the regular sad eyes that I expected. Well, maybe because it is her daughter's birthday.

The conversation easily flows by, and Alia finally enters the party. She is looking stunning in that baby blue gown of hers.

"She looks pretty." I don't even have to turn around to know who this is.

" That is all you can say? She looks stunning dude, people are gonna die if she just like, I don't know look at them? What are you? Blind?" This bitch is too dumb. I am trying to explain it nicely.

Alex looks at me weirdly, then shrugs. "I meant it the same way, Heaven. She looks lovely. What else am I supposed to do? Bow? Stop acting all weird, look she is coming here."

Men are so dumb and ignorant sometimes. Saying this from personal experience.

We greet Alia and wish her a happy birthday. She gets all shy and quiet around Alex, it's so stupid. But anyway, not my problem. Party is going all good. I even met David. Alex's and my parents are also here. Everyone seems to be having a good time. Then the doors open and someone comes in. I am too occupied in filling my plate with food to care about someone entering, but the whole place goes quiet and Alia screams, more like a surprised scream and jumps and runs towards the door. Well now I gotta see what is happening. There is a man, real tall one and he is hugging her. Very tight. Cool. I turn around and put my plate on the table and pick up my champagne. Maybe this is the fun part of the this years party.

Alia breaks the hug and I see the man more clearly. He is handsome, I give him that. Seems like i have seen him before. He looks dashing in that fitted suit. He has muscles but not the body builder type. Like a normal human who works out type.

Everyone is looking at him with heart eyes (especially ladies), some men are flattered too. My mother looks a bit teary, why is she crying? And that is when I see them. Those grey eyes. The eyes I fell in love with. The eyes I have missed for the last sixteen years. The eyes that are still blank.

OH MY GOD! What the fuck? When did he come back? Alia looks at me. She looks so happy. Of course she is. Its her birthday and he is here for her. I never told Alia about my love for him. She was too young to understand on her own and I just never told her after he left. I cried for him, wasted my wishes on every birthday just for him to come back but I never did anything in front of her. She looked up to me and I wanted to be strong for her.

"Heaven. Heaven. Alia is looking at you, she wants to say something I guess." Alex shakes me to bring me back and I look at Alia who is smiling brightly at me. I try to smile but I am pretty sure it doesn't look real.

"Heaven, you remember my brother, Hades. He went to England sixteen years ago, but now he is back and he is going to stay here, in New York with us." What the fuck? He is going to stay? I might as well go in hibernation. His eyes meet mine, and that is the last straw for me. I don't care if I am this years entertainment but I am not going to stand here and look all happy, when all I want to do is punch him in the face.

The glass slips from my hand and breaks. Everyone is now looking at me, and I cannot care less. I look into his eyes, mine burning with the pain and anger I am holding in. With one last look, I walk out of there. People make way for me and I exit the building. I enter the garden in front of the hall, I really need some fresh air, but that gets wasted when I hear his voice.


"Fucking hell!"
