
young village woman

DaoistMz5UJX · Realistic
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33 Chs


In the face of Mrs. Tie's pressing question, Lu Yun also went out and said something shameless: "So, I dreamed about the teacher in my dream, and I didn't know what was going on, so I touched the thing with my hand, and unknowingly There is the first 'flowing water'

Mrs. Tie naturally knew what Lu Yun was talking about, so she frowned slightly and said, "Then, have you ever thought about teacher again?"

Lu Yun nodded, and secretly observed Mrs. Tie's face.

What's wrong with this y today? Could it be that he has the legendary 'senile thinking-chunk syndrome'? Otherwise, as her teacher, why would she ask these unbelievable words?

"I think about it every day. When I saw you in class just now, I couldn't help but recall what happened in my dream, so I lost my mind and bumped into you by accident." After Lu Yun said this, he was frightened. Yijing, he never thought that one day he would say it in front of Mrs. Tie.

"I'm so old, I didn't expect you to think that way about me. You're still young, so you shouldn't think about these messy things. That's it for today's affairs. Don't get distracted in class in the future. - Lover's Court-Read- Lover's Court-"

As soon as Mrs. Tie finished speaking, the bell for the end of get out of class rang.

"Then, teacher, I'll go back first, thank you teacher." Lu Yun didn't expect this matter to be exposed by Mrs. Tie lightly. While shouting that she was lucky, she was always thinking about Mrs. Tie's abnormality.

"Go back. Eat more breakfast, it's time for you to grow up." Mrs. Tie said lightly.

Lu Yun was like a pardon, and bowed deeply: "Thank you, teacher, I'm going back." After saying that, for fear that Mrs. Tie would go back on her words, she rushed out of the office.

When she couldn't see Lu Yun's figure, Mrs. Tie was stunned and muttered to herself, "What's wrong with me, I was eaten by a student, and then I heard his words again, not only was I not angry, but I was heartbroken. Instead, there is a hint of joy." What made her even more tangled was that when he heard Lu Yun say that he dreamed of her every day in his dreams, she actually blushed, and even had a moment of effort, thinking about what Lu Yun was doing in the dream. what?

Sighing lightly, Mrs. Tie got up and walked out of the office. She wanted to go outside to take a breath. Summer mornings are not refreshing.


Lu Yun ran all the way back to the classroom, when a boy suddenly grabbed him, pulled him aside and said with a smile, "Lu Yun, do you feel good?"

"What's wrong? I don't understand. - Lover's Pavilion -Read- Lover's Pavilion -kankankan8" Lu Yun glanced at it, grabbed his boy, and looked suspicious.

This boy's name is Zhou Quan, and he woke Lu Yun up in the bedroom in the morning. Hearing Lu Yun's words, he said contemptuously, "Why are you pretending to be confused, when old lady Tie hit you on the head, your hand was not on it. Is there a big white rabbit on her? No one else can see it, but I can see it clearly. Tell me quickly, how does it feel? "

"Zhouquan, you don't want to live anymore? Old Mrs. Tie will know this. You must eat her iron sand palm."

"If you don't tell me you know, tell me quickly, I'm panicking in my heart."

"I'm so anxious to find that vixen from your third year of junior high school, and help you to purify the fire."

Zhou Quan waited for his eyes and said dejectedly, "You think I don't want to. Isn't she a relative at home today? If her aunt doesn't leave, I can't help it."

Lu Yun looked at him and said strangely: "Let her use her hands or mouth to get it out for you, can a living person be suffocated by urine? Hey... Zhouquan," Lu Yun looked around like a thief , said in a low voice, "Zhouquan, don't you want to have sex with Mrs. Tie?"

All the other students in the classroom went to eat, only Lu Yun and Zhou Quan were left, Zhou Quan pressed Lu Yun to the seat and giggled: "If she lets me in, will I still be polite. - Lover's Court -Read- Lover's Court-It's not that you don't know, I prefer mature women, little girls are like unripe apples, green and astringent, and they taste far worse."

Lu Yun thought for a while, then smiled: "Actually, it doesn't feel anything special. I was scared to death at the time. How can I think about that."

"You got it, I don't know you yet. Even if the sky falls, you won't hold back when it's time to take advantage." Zhou Quan rolled his eyes and despised Lu Yun even more.

"Then what do you think it will feel? It's just a little bigger and softer." Lu Yun rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Zhou Quandao: "You know shit, the two things on Mrs. Tie's chest are not ordinary. I dare to say that there are so many female teachers in the school, and no personal Mimi can catch up with him. I dream of holding her Mimi in my hand

"Get out of here, I'm going to eat, you can continue to daydream." Lu Yun pushed him away, and it was Lu Yunshang who wanted to get on the old lady. How could he get the round? .

Seeing that Lu Yun was really leaving, Zhou Quan said anxiously, "Lu Yun, let me tell you a secret."

"What's the secret?" Lu Yun kept walking, but he pricked up his ears and listened to every word Zhou Quan said.

"I heard that we are going to have a female teacher in our school to teach us art." Zhou Quan said mysteriously.

Lu Yun scolded: "What kind of secret is this, there are not many female teachers in our school, what's the fuss about another one."

"You don't know, I heard that this female teacher is from the city, and the long thief is beautiful."

"Oh?" Lu Yun stopped and turned around, "Who did you listen to?"

"You don't need to worry about it. You can accompany me to Mrs. Tie's office for a sneak peek at night. When the female teacher comes, I will try my best to help you get her." Zhou Quan said his thoughts bluntly. , It seems that he is really infatuated with Mrs. Tie.

"Let's wait for the female teacher to come. I just want to eat now, and I don't want anything else."

"Hey, I promise I won't let you down." Zhou Quan saw that Lu Yun didn't refuse, he already knew in his heart that Mrs. Tie would definitely help him, and said with a smile, "Today, I'll treat you to burn eggs, go, go and have dinner by the way. Wipe up."

Lu Yun pouted and said, "One pervert."

Zhou Quan didn't care, and said with a smile: "You are not a virtue, why don't we sleep together in the same bed?"

"Who the fuck is in the same bed with you, I'm not as boring as you. If you talk in your sleep at night, you can shake things out about you and your aunt."

Zhou Quan scratched his head: "Isn't that the same thing between men and women? Besides, she's not my aunt, and she took the initiative to seduce me. I'm such a good socialist and progressive youth, how could I have the heart to reject a weak woman? request."

"Fuck off, you're incest, you know?"


The two were arguing fiercely in low voices as they walked, and Zhou Quan almost fainted with Lu Yun's remarks.
