
young village woman

DaoistMz5UJX · Realistic
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33 Chs

Questions in the office

Mrs. Tie's office is a small room of more than ten square meters. In addition to a desk and a chair for office use, there is only a single bed that she usually uses for rest.

Frightened, Lu Yun followed Mrs. Tie into the office, and quickly scanned the room. Fortunately, he didn't find any weapons such as sticks, so he felt a little more at ease.

Old Mrs. Tie sat down on the chair and stared at Lu Yun like that. She didn't speak, and she didn't even look like she wanted to beat people. She didn't have the slightest expression on her face, as indifferent as a statue of a sitting old lady .

Lu Yun's heart shuddered when she saw it, what does this trick mean, is it possible that he has to stare until the get out of class is over?

"Teacher, I was wrong, I apologize to you, but I really didn't do it on purpose, I..." Lu Yun couldn't hold his breath for a long time, and there was a fine cold sweat oozing out of his forehead. There's no way to explain it.

"Lu Yun, how old are you this year?" Mrs. Tie asked blankly.

Lu Yun sighed secretly, as long as you speak, I can deal with it, and hurriedly replied: "I am thirteen years old...and a half."

The old lady Tie smiled coldly, got up and poured a glass of water, and said as she drank, "I heard that your parents are gone..."

Lu Yun nodded hurriedly: "Yeah. - Lover's Court - Reading - Lover's Court - I didn't expect the teacher to know my background. I was bought back by Lu Feng's father when I was two years old. When I was two years old, Lu Feng's father and mother I died in an accident, and I was raised by my neighbors." After speaking, she winked and two crystal tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Since you know that you were raised by kind neighbors, why don't you think about studying? When you were in class just now, you didn't study your homework carefully, what did you do, and the smile on your face was not what a child your age should be? Yes." Mrs. Tie slammed the water glass on the table with a bang, and the splashed water dripped down the edge of the table.

"Teacher, I was wrong. I promise that I won't be distracted in class in the future, and I will study hard." Lu Yun struck while the iron was hot and said a few soft words, maybe today's affairs could be mixed with him.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Tie was indifferent to his words, glanced at Lu Yun coldly, and hummed, "Tell me the truth, are you not a man?"


Sir, this question is very difficult to answer.

Let me ask, how many thirteen-year-old boys are still pure broilers?

Someone once asked: Who was the first time for a man?

Answer: Hands - The content of the masturbation by yourself and the machine is the text content of the 017 chapter of the country sexy woman. - Lover's Pavilion -Read- Lover's Pavilion -

Ask again: which hand?

Answer: Left hand.

Also asked: Why is the left hand?

A: Because when watching a movie, I have to control the mouse and keyboard with my right hand, so I can only use my left hand to play the handjob.

The questioner vomited 800 liters of blood!

When Lu Yun wanted to come, he accidentally touched her chest. Old Mrs. Yitie's temper should be to beat herself up (don't tell my brother that it is illegal for the teacher to beat others, it is good for the rural junior high school students not to beat the teacher.) , I didn't expect this time to be very different from usual, and at the beginning, he mentioned his own life experience, and bluntly did not mention the one that touched her.

As a teacher who is a teacher, he can actually ask the students whether they are male or not? Only old lady Tie can do this kind of thing.

Lu Yun couldn't guess what medicine was sold in Mrs. Tie's gourd, so he didn't dare to answer blindly for a while, and stood there blankly, a little overwhelmed.

"The teacher asked you, didn't you hear it?" Mrs. Tie forced her to ask again regardless of what Lu Yun was thinking. - Lover's Pavilion -Read- Lover's Pavilion -

Lu Yun raised his head, rubbed his nose, and said bravely, "No... not anymore."

When Mrs. Tie heard Lu Yun's answer, she looked like she did. She squinted at him and said, "Tell the teacher, who did you give it to for the first time?"

"Teacher, this... It's hard to say." Lu Yun felt more and more that Mrs. Tie was unusual today, and she didn't seem to be a teacher at all.

"If there's anything that's hard to say, just answer honestly if I ask you anything. You don't have to worry about anything else." Mrs. Tie squinted her eyes again, and if Lu Yun didn't tell the truth, she had to start repairing it. his posture.

Lu Yun was forced to do nothing. He thought that this is what you told me to say. Don't regret it after listening to it?

With a smirk in his heart, Lu Yun pretended to be afraid and whispered, "Teacher, don't be angry when I told you."

"Tell me, I'm not angry." Old Mrs. Tie's face flushed red.

Lu Yun was still hesitant and said, "Are you really not angry?"

"Hey, what are you talking about? I said I'm not angry, but I'm not angry. If you drag on, the teacher will be angry, and the consequences will be very serious."

Lu Yun babbled like he was having a bowel movement, and after a long time he said with a blushing face, "I gave it to you, teacher..."

"Ah... what did you say?" Lu Yun's answer surprised the old lady Tie, who was not prepared in her heart. Her open mouth was enough to swallow a big steamed bun.

When the old lady Tie screamed, Lu Yun quickly took a few steps back, covered his head with his hands, and said, "Teacher, you asked me to tell the truth, I told the truth, you Don't be angry. what."

After being stunned for a long time, Mrs. Tie regained her senses. Two red clouds suddenly appeared on her little wrinkled face, which was as bright as the morning glow.

"You...you dare to think that teacher..." She was too embarrassed to say what she was doing, her furious eyes stared at Lu Yun's face, wanting to see if he was lying.

Lu Yun closed his mouth tightly, his face turned pale, as if Mrs. Tie had turned into a ferocious beast who wanted to choose and devour her. Of course, these expressions can be faked by Lu Yun. Your old man is not ashamed to ask me such a question. Anyway, I touched you. How do you like to clean up with me? Take advantage of it before you get beaten up.

"You do it." Mrs. Tie sighed and pointed to the bed and said to Lu Yun.

Lu Yun looked at her suspiciously and asked in a low voice, "Teacher, you...you're not angry."

Mrs. Tie shook her head and sighed: "The teacher promised you that as long as you tell the truth, you won't be mad at you, sit down."

Lu Yun sat down on the bed tremblingly. After all, Mrs. Tie's methods were well known in the school. Although Lu Yun was stubborn and never forgot to take advantage of her, she still had a trace of fear in her heart.

"Tell the teacher, why do you treat the teacher as your object?" Old Mrs. Tie got up and closed the door of the office, walked to Lu Yun and asked a little shyly.

At this time, Lu Yun's mind turned abruptly, thinking about the current purpose of Mrs. Tie, after thinking for a long time, he couldn't find a reasonable explanation, he lowered his head and said: "I just think that you are very feminine, teacher, and other young people in the school. Compared with the teacher, there is a mature beauty that they can't match, so..."

"So what?" Mrs. Tie continued pressing.
