
young miss talents shock the world

Bella howell who was called many names like a bastard, mistress daughter, ugly, etc. But only a few people knew about her heavenly beauty and even fewer knew about her talents. James Hunt was the most popular bachelor in the country. His handsomeness knew no limits or bounds. There were tons of feelings and secrets between these two, which will be uncovered in the novel.

minirules · Urban
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33 Chs

chp 4: terrifying memories

Hearing this, diana felt like someone had pulled oxygen out of her lungs as she couldn't breathe anymore. Soon, she fainted.

No one could blame diana for that as she had lost not only the love of her life bt also her right to take over the howell Corporation as its legitimate heir in a single day.

Bella and melissa were astonished, and Mr howell was stunned and thought

'So this is the punishment this sly old man has decided for diana and me.'

James was infuriated now.

" Grandpa, what kind of condition is that? I m the sole heir of hunt corporation if i won't take over it, then who will?"

"I would rather give it to your second uncle than give it to somebody who can't even get a girl to marry him."

'Now bella howell wht will you choose?' Master hunt was waiting for bellas answer.

This time, bella gave up all the facade and said directly

"i m sorry old master hunt your offer is quite hard to deny but i must refuse as i have no interest in young master hunt" saying that she bowed and pointed to evelyn who had fallen asleep on the couch.

" we must put her to bed, mel." she hurriedly carried evelyn and flee the scene.

Melissa had no choice but to follow her awkwardly.

At this moment, old master hunt started laughing

" hahahaha interesting," saying that he left howell Residence with james following him.

In the car, old master hunt asked

"Why, does that girl hate u so much?i thought you said no girl could resist your manly charms and handsome face."

"How would i know?" james said angrily

'That girl was never like the rest of them'

Looking out the window, countless memories flashed through his mind.

At howell residence mr howell went to bellas room and knocked. She opened the door, but before he could say anything, bella said

" Don't try to use me as ur pawn. I returned only to attend my friends wedding and will leave after that." With that, she closed the door.

At night, bella had just slept when she started dreaming again.

"Hey wakeup, hey bella wakeup," a young boy's voice kept shouting her name, so she slowly opened her eyes to see his handsome face, which was full of worry right in front of her.

"Are you ok? We need to get out of here right now, "

he started to untie her quickly.

"they must have hit u really hard. Look at ur face. it's all bruised and swollen. "

bella got embarrassed. She didn't want him to see her in this state.

At that moment, huge puffs of smoke enveloped the factory, and waves of heat started coming their way.

"Cough cough," the boy coughed

"Oh no, the factory is on fire, hurry bella cough, let's run." Due to all the smoke, bella couldn't breathe in her dream, and she woke up panting and coughing

'These dreams again, this is all his fault'