
young miss talents shock the world

Bella howell who was called many names like a bastard, mistress daughter, ugly, etc. But only a few people knew about her heavenly beauty and even fewer knew about her talents. James Hunt was the most popular bachelor in the country. His handsomeness knew no limits or bounds. There were tons of feelings and secrets between these two, which will be uncovered in the novel.

minirules · Urban
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33 Chs

chp 3: Predicament

James, who was following him, got confused, so he asked


" Fine howells lad, you should be grateful to your lucky stars that i am a man of my words, since it was promised that we will become a family so we will become a family."

He paused and then announced

" My james will marry your second daughter bella howell,"

There was pin drop silence now.

Everyone couldn't comprehend what just happened or what the old master hunt was saying. It was too unrealistic to believe.

Even bella and james couldn't understand what the old master was saying. Melissa was also surprised at first, but she got happy for bella.

"Wow, Aunt bella, you are going to marry the most handsome uncle," evelyns childish and excited voice woke everyone up.

"No," diana screamed.

'How could this happen? Has this old man lost his sanity? That bastard getting married to the hunts? no way over my dead body!'

She fell to the ground and started crying and begging.

' You better think twice, you sanile old man. How did that video get on the internet? Plus, why today of all other days? Should i say that it is edited, or should i say i was drugged? I have to stop this'

She thought of something and said

"Grandpa hunt plz you and my grandpa promised to marry your firstborns together. Also, bella is a Mistress daughter she is a bastard she has no right to marry in the hunt family. "

old master hunt got angry and was about to say something when

" I refuse."

These two words echoed through the hall and stunned everyone once again.

Everyone looked at bella as she was some kind of alien.

Maids started whispering to each other.

"she has rejected young master hunt plus old master hunts offer at the same time she is so dead."

Bella noticed everyone's expression, so she cleared her throat and changed her tone a little

"Old master hunt, i m so honoured that you thought so highly of me, but i must respectfully decline as i am not a suitable match for young matser hunt."

there was visible disgust in bellas eyes when she said it, so she bowed, trying to hide it.

Alas, the disgust was noticed by an old masrer hunt

'So this child hates my james? What could b the reason?' So he insisted

"wow child you are quite sensible, but it's ok. You still have howells blood in your veins, plus you top the beauty criteria we hunts have for our daughters in law."

Old master hunt wanted to see how bella will react now.

Bella couldn't believe her ears.

'She has clearly and quite respectfully given her rejection, right? so how polite can she be now?'

She was thinking of the best way to reject again when Mr. Howell chimmed in

" bella, u must accept. It's truly an honour for us. "

Diana started screaming again, " Father, how could you do this to me?"

"Shut up!" Mr. howell roared

At this moment, bellas eyes, which were full of disgust and hatred, met james confused eyes, and a bulb light up in her head. She hid her emotions and said

"Old master hunt, this wouldn't be fair to young master hunt.So why don't you ask young master hunt about his opinion?"

Now She smiled smugly.she knew there was no way in hell that james would accept it, and as per her expectations, james was surprised at first, but he quickly replied

" Of course, i refuse. Grandpa, i don't want this, so plz stop. Let's go back,"

All of this didn't go unnoticed by old master hunts' eyes, so now his interest was more piqued by bellas tactics. this time, he ordered

"James, if u want to take over the hunt corporation, u have to marry Bella howell and also Bella child, you will be given howell corporation if you marry this rascal."