
Young Master Ye's All-Rounder Wife

Her mind resist all kind of emotions for her childhood experiences. Happiness, sadness, pain... She felts nothing. But for some reason she felts happy for him,felts the longing for wanting to being close to him. So her brother made some arrangements to make her stay close to him and requested him to help her to get ride off this Knot of her heart. But he never cared, neglected her, did whatever he wanted to do. Repeated disappointment made her heart to close for him too, her mind started to resist emotions even more. She distanced herself from him, but still stayed by his side for a chance to repay the favour. She got the chance very soon. After replying the favour, she left decisively. By the time he sorted out his feeling for her, before he could do anything she left his world without a trace. He almost gone crazy in order to find her but still could't find her. He found her again after many years later.But her eyes lost the beautiful smile she used to have whenever she saw him. Even if he beg her for it, she doesn’t smile at him anymore. But it doesn’t matter, he will remain persistent. He will make her smile again one day. (English is not my first or second language. I have never written English like this before, so I believe there might be many mistakes. I have tried to revise and correct it multiple times. If anyone feels that this book is written poorly, please overlook it or avoid my work. Thank you.)

WinterMorningDew · Urban
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56 Chs

Chapter 6 Search for Huo Yao

Grandfather Ye was angry after seeing his grandson's condition.

"You didn't cherish the girl when she was near; why are you doing this now? Who are you doing this drama for?"

Ye ZhengYu remained silent and smoked. His grandpa got angrier seeing his silent action.

"I order you to stop smoking,"

Ye ZhengYu put down the cigarette.

"There is no use in searching like this now. The world is so big; where will you find her among all these people? Or will you close yourself off like this until you find her?"

"Now regretting won't change anything. When you and Shen Tian's scandals spread out, you didn't deny it or handle it. You didn't think about what Yaoyao would think when she hear this news."

"Since then, you needed to prepare yourself for something like this. She has waited for half a year even after seeing these rumors of yours, but still, you didn't clear anything."

Ye ZhengYu remained silent; he used to not care about all those rumors.

Moreover, Huo Yao never cared about all those fake news.

If he cleared his name, would Huo Yao come back? His eyes dimmed.

Grandfather Ye sighed when he saw his grandson's dejected look.

"Huo Yao is only nineteen years old this year, and she waited every day for a chance to repay your favor. That night, that's why she helped you. She left because she had repaid what she owed."

Ye ZhengYu was surprised to hear his grandfather's words and looked at him.

This girl was only nineteen, but she still came to his room that night. He covered his face with his hands; his hands were trembling.

He whispered to himself, 'she came to me that day for this reason, she let me do whatever I wanted. I tried forcefully or softly to make her talk, but she did not open her mouth.'

"I haven't seen her before our engagement, so when did I do her a favor?" he asked his grandpa.

Grandfather Ye was also surprised about this. "I don't know, even after asking her, she didn't say anything."

Grandfather paused for a moment and then thought about something and said again,

"Don't look for Huo Yao now. Even if you find her, her brother seems like he won't let you go near her. The last time I arranged your engagement with her, her brother was very angry."

"Who is Huo Yao's brother? Isn't she an orphan and broke all relations with her foster family?"

"Yue Chen is her brother, they are not blood-related but they treat themselves more like siblings."

Ye ZhengYu nodded.

He pursed his lips. Huo Yao never mentioned anything to him, let alone her brother, he thought bitterly.

He won't stop looking for her. He will find her and will apologize for all of his negligence.


The next few days, the capital's almost all big families learned some shocking news:

Ye family's eldest grandson, Ye ZhengYu's fiancée, left him after breaking their engagement.

As a result, that guy went crazy looking for his fiancée.

Another piece of news was that Ye family broke all business relations with Shen family.

The reason is Shen family's daughter, Shen Tian, spread false news on the internet about her and Ye ZhengYu being a couple and his fiancée being a third party.

She also tried to drug Ye ZhengYu at Qin family's banquet last time.


After a few days, Ye ZhengYu went to find Yue Chen after being unable to find Huo Yao.

Before his engagement, he and Yue Chen used to be good friends, but for some reason, Yue Chen stopped talking to him suddenly.

Their friend circles all knew that this guy had a sister who was not related to him by blood, but he protected that sister of his like a demon. He never brought his sister for meetings with them, nor did he show them any pictures.

Now he knew why Yue Chen did this. Around one week after his engagement with Huo Yao, a scandal broke out about him and Shen Tian, but he didn't care about it and even left the country the very next day.

Now he himself wanted to slap himself for being such a jerk before.

Yue Chen is an international superstar. He won the best actor award and the movie king award for consecutive three years.

His fans were everywhere, so they chose a private restaurant.

By the time Yue Chen arrived, Ye ZhengYu was already sitting in the private room.

"Sorry for being late," he apologized very politely as he took his seat.

Ye ZhengYu's expression became bitter after hearing his polite apology.

"Do you have to be so polite with me?"

Yue Chen sneered, "You are such a big guy; how can we small characters not be polite? Why did you ask to meet?"

"Where is Huo Yao? Can you please tell me? I am sorry for all those jerk behaviors, okay? I will apologize to her."

Yue Chen's expression turned cold from his previous indifferent look.

"You deserve to know her whereabouts? Ye ZhengYu, my little girl can't express her emotions, but that doesn't mean that she won't feel bad. She used to only feel emotions for you. If not for this reason, I would have never placed her in your house."

"That's fine now. You made her feel nothing for you by doing all those disappointing behaviors. Now you are a stranger to her like all the other random people."

Ye ZhengYu's eyes turned red hearing this; he felt like thousands of needles were stabbing his heart. It was painful and suffocating.

"I beg you, okay? Tell me her address. I will accept any kind of punishment she wants to give."

Yue Chen was stunned for a moment; he had never seen him so humble to anyone. His eyelids were dropping.

"Don't ask me; I also don't know where she is now. She's always like this, never telling anyone about her whereabouts."

Ye ZhengYu sat in his seat in a daze; why did he feel like he had lost her?