
Young Master Ye's All-Rounder Wife

Her mind resist all kind of emotions for her childhood experiences. Happiness, sadness, pain... She felts nothing. But for some reason she felts happy for him,felts the longing for wanting to being close to him. So her brother made some arrangements to make her stay close to him and requested him to help her to get ride off this Knot of her heart. But he never cared, neglected her, did whatever he wanted to do. Repeated disappointment made her heart to close for him too, her mind started to resist emotions even more. She distanced herself from him, but still stayed by his side for a chance to repay the favour. She got the chance very soon. After replying the favour, she left decisively. By the time he sorted out his feeling for her, before he could do anything she left his world without a trace. He almost gone crazy in order to find her but still could't find her. He found her again after many years later.But her eyes lost the beautiful smile she used to have whenever she saw him. Even if he beg her for it, she doesn’t smile at him anymore. But it doesn’t matter, he will remain persistent. He will make her smile again one day. (English is not my first or second language. I have never written English like this before, so I believe there might be many mistakes. I have tried to revise and correct it multiple times. If anyone feels that this book is written poorly, please overlook it or avoid my work. Thank you.)

WinterMorningDew · Urban
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56 Chs

Chapter 36 Drinking his blood

Huo Yao looked at Ye ZhengYu's dishevel state. He look quite pathetic in her eyes.

She step down and remove her helmet. Wave her hand at him,

" Hi young master Ye. Who dare to make you look so pathetic? "

Ye ZhengYu finally got see the person face clearly after she remove her helmet.

Hearing her sarcastic word he smiled at her helplessly,

" Can you please help me to get out of here Ms.Huo?"

Huo Yao smell strong blood smell coming from the inside of alley.

Her eyes darken and showed greed for blood. Most tempting smell coming from the person in front of her.

Huo Yao licks her lip subconsciously. Ye ZhengYu found the sudden look of greed in her eyes is little strange but he didn't ask her.

He waiting for next action.

Huo Yao felt like she is losing control over her brain as she feel like every cell of her body screaming to drink the blood from Ye ZhengYu body.

She take two step towards Ye ZhengYu without thinking .