
Young Madam Is Completely Different

Starnight · Urban
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4 Chs


Su Mingxia woke up with a slight headache. She frowned as she sat up.

She touched her fore head and felt the white bandage that was wrapped around her head. She looked at the pyjamas she was wearing with confusion and jumped out of the bed with fright when she noticed her surroundings.

A beautiful and expensive chandelier hung above her. The room was tastefully furnished with expensive furniture.

Su Mingxia stood in shock as she tried to recollect what happened.

She was in a yacht in Paris enjoying the view of the ocean while enjoying a bottle of french wine when someone snuck up on her and held a knife to her throat. She struggled and managed to injure his hand with her sharp fingernails. Her eyes were almost closed when the yacht suddenly exploded. She fell inside the water along with the man after that, she had no idea what happened or how she got out of the water or even where she is.

The door suddenly opened. Su Mingxia turned around and saw a girl in a maid's dress walking towards her with a trolley of food.

"Good Afternoon Miss" The girl said in English with an Italian accent.

"Dove sono?"[1]Su Mingxia asked. The maid was a bit surprised but she quickly replied and said


"Italia?"[3] Su Mingxia asked as she went towards the window and opened the curtains. The first thing she was was the beautiful garden neatly arranged and the beautiful bougainvillea hanging on the wall.

Apart from the harmonious chirping of birds, the area was entirely peaceful but Su Mingxia was extremely disturbed. She was a bit relieved. At least she's still in Europe plus she can speak Italian fluently and she knows her way around the country.

"Ti ho portato del cibo"[4].

Su Mingxia left the window and walked towards the trolley.

Su Mingxia sat on the bed and glanced at every corner in the room

"Chi possiede questo posto?"[5] Su Mingxia asked

"Maestro Aldo Ricci" [6] The maid answered.

Su Mingxia nearly choked on the water that she was drinking when she heard that name.

Aldo Ricci is one of the most famous and influential businessmen in Italy. She couldn't count how many times she has seen him on the covers of Forbes Magazine. That was when it dawned on her that she forgot to ask one important question. How she got in Master Aldo's home.

"Chi mi ha portato qui?"[7] Su Mingxia asked as fear was written all over her face.

"Maestro Luca"[8] The maid answered.

A dry smile appeared on Su Mingxia's face. Her eyes became distant and a glint of disappointment flashed through it.

"Se c'è qualcosa che vuoi fammelo sapere. Puoi fare una passeggiata in giardino, se lo desideri. Ho già preparato dei vestiti per te" [9]. The maid said.

"Grazie"[10] Su Mingxia said with a smile.

The maid nodded with a smile as she left the room.

Dove Sono-Where Am I


Ti ho portato del cibo-I brought you some food

Chi possiede questo posto-Who owns this place

Maestro Aldo Ricci/Alex-Master Aldo Ricci/Alex

Chi mi ha portato qui-Who brought me here

Se c'è qualcosa che vuoi fammelo sapere.Puoi fare una passeggiata in giardino,se lo desideri.Ho già preparato dei vestiti per te-If there is anything you want let me know.You can take a walk in the garden if you wish.I have already prepared some clothes for you.


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