
Young Justice: Copy Wheel Eye

Sadness…Confusion…Hatred… These are the emotions he carries as he roams the fictional world. Where men in tights fly and shoot lasers from their eyes. What chance does he have to survive if he remains weak? After all, to take his revenge he needs…power!

Arokey · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Chapter 69: Unknown

Sora looked down at Brainiac whose skin was still being burnt by the small remnants of the black flames.

Sora had extinguished most of them, leaving a small portion on Brainiac to keep his regeneration busy and slow it down. It seemed to be working as Brainiac took more time to heal, the fire burning faster than he could heal.

'[Conjuration: Hellish Wasteland]' He invoked, their surroundings changing completely as the skies turned reddish almost like blood, the only source of light being the moon.

The sandy ground they stood on was replaced with solid ground with slight cracks in it. The temperature increased exponentially as sweat dripped down the alien's face.

Looking around, all Brainiac could see was a vast wasteland that stretched further than even he could see. He had lost the connection to his ship that was supposed to be floating over them but looking up, he could see nothing but blood red skies.

He took a step back only to hear a crack under his foot. Looking down, he saw what he had crushed under his foot…a humanoid skull.

He would have been unaffected by it had the skull not been laying beside a familiar metallic suit.

"That's…!" He could barely find his voice as he looked at it in disbelief before looking up to Sora who had yet to move.

'[Conjuration: Hellish Wasteland], a spell that summons and imposes a pocket dimension upon the real world while separating its fundamental rules from that of the normal world outside.' He had gotten the idea from a certain ability called Domain Expansion.

"What is this!?" Brainiac questioned aggressively.

"Do you really think you're in a position to make demands!?" Sora mocked as the book in his hand glowed with power.

Before Brainiac could argue, black shadowy hands erupted from the ground, holding Brainiac in place.

"Let me humor you a bit. This place…" He started as the Brainiac struggled against the shadowy hands, managing to free one of his hands.

"…is your grave." Sora finished as the ground below Brainiac crumbled apart, a stream of lava flowing up and engulfing him completely.

Before he could scream in pain, his entire being was engulfed in a tsunami of water that seeming appeared out of nowhere, solidifying the lava.

The sky rumbled as dark clouds gathered over them. The sky opened up above him as a column of fire descended from the sky, washing over Brainiac who struggled to even scream.

Somehow managing to push himself out of the pillar of fire, he was immediately stunned as lightning fell from the gathered clouds, striking him powerfully.

"AHHHHHH-!!!!!" He wasn't even allowed the reprieve of screaming as space folded around his body before imploding on itself as he was sent crashing towards the floor.

Unlike what he thought would happen, he crashed through the ground and found himself falling towards a pool of darkness.

As he descended closer to it, he felt his very life essence being drained out of his body at an alarming rate. He activated the thruster that had somehow managed to remain functional, even if only barely.

As he attempted to fly out, gravity seemed to actively work against him as it pushed downwards, pushing him downwards and closer to the dark pool.

As he struggled, a black wispy figure shot out of the pool of darkness, speeding towards him. It was soon followed by multiple wispy figures as they approached him rapidly.

Upon reaching him, their hands pulled at the thrusters, immediately destroying it as Brainiac fell freely towards the pool.

On his way down, the wispy wraiths circled him, constantly tugging at him as he saw more than felt his body get dried up and drained even faster by whatever they were doing.

'This can't be!!! I-!' His train of thought was cut off as he was submerged into the darkness, silence finally reigning in the pocket dimension.

Sora stared down at the pool the Brainiac had fallen into with a thoughtful expression.

'That didn't take too long. It was rather boring if I would describe it.' He thought as he descended for the floor, his mind briefly going to the book in his hand.


[Item: Chronicle]

[Durability: N/A]

[Type: Soulbound Item]

[A high grade soulbound item created by Makoto Sora. It is an item that functions on the borders of impossibility. It serves as a library to record and store skills and spells. While the book is open, the user can use all recorded spells/skills at their full power. Abilities used by others can also be recorded and stored, allowing the user to access them provided the user has the required amount of energy to perform them. While open, all of the user's skills are raised to their maximum power and efficiency.]

[Chronicle Owner: Makoto Sora]

[Skills]:[Necromancy Magic][Ice Magic][Fire Magic][Earth Magic][Wind Magic][Water Magic][Thunder Magic][Canary Cry][Teleportation Magic][Puppet Magic][Barrier Magic][Aura][Chain Magic][Contract Magic][Creation Magic][Shadow Magic][Enhancer Magic][Clone Magic][Weather Magic][Space Magic][Time Magic][Gravity Magic]…


This was his ultimate weapon. Almost nothing was beyond his reach anymore as long as he could provide enough chakra to bring it to fruition.

With a simple thought Brainiac's shriveled and dried up body floated out of the pool of darkness below and towards Sora.

Probing around the body carefully, he found it to be completely lifeless. The metallic body had been destroyed, leaving his body separated in two halves, the two halves being burnt and disfigured beyond recognition.

Brainiac was officially dead but Sora didn't want to take any chances.

Easily channeling his chakra, a purple rune formed in the air as Brainiac's remains were pulled towards it. Upon touching it, the area lit up in a brief flash of light as what was left Brainiac was erased from existence.


In a somewhat empty room, seven monitors that hung from the ceiling showed a white screen with a shadowy figure in them, each looking different.

The figures in the monitor were all focused on the holographic screen in the middle of their gathering.

The screen showed, the scene of a destroyed and scorched desert land. At the center of the desert land was a decently sized black dome the size of a small house.

You wouldn't be able to look into it no matter how much you tried which caused the seven individuals a certain level of concern as Sora had summoned that dome around him and Brainiac after he revealed that strange book.

"This is quite an unexpected development." The wizened voice from earlier stated, a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"Whatever that dome is, it's preventing us from knowing what's happening between them." A deep male voice said.

What looked like a black dome, was actually the pocket dimension that Sora had imposed on reality. While from the outside, it wasn't that large, it was like an entirely new world inside.

It had cut off their view just when he summoned it and pulled Brainiac in.

"Oh? What is this?" The previous voice asked in an intrigued tone as the dome disappeared, leaving Sora standing and looking every bit unscathed.

"Where iz monseur Brainiac?" A heavily accented voice asked curiously as one of the males in attendance hummed.

"The boy continues to amaze us. Though I expected his victory against Brainiac, I didn't expect it to be this swift. Both the boy and girl are extremely powerful."

"Though we weren't successful in gauging his full power. We have observed enough to understand that he is not one to be taken lightly." A strong but old voice spoke as a female spoke up.

"That begs the question, what do we do now?" She asked as silence spread through the room.

"We continue as planned. Do not directly interfere with him. Our identities and agenda must remain hidden from him as long as possible. We will focus our attention on the heroes and use them to bring him down."

"Eventually, everyone will see the light." The aged voice answered as his monitor turned dim, the others following suit.