
Young Justice: Copy Wheel Eye

Sadness…Confusion…Hatred… These are the emotions he carries as he roams the fictional world. Where men in tights fly and shoot lasers from their eyes. What chance does he have to survive if he remains weak? After all, to take his revenge he needs…power!

Arokey · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Chapter 31: Consequences

[Alchemy has leveled up!]

[Poison Resistance has leveled up!]

Four days had passed since the alchemy book arrived and Sora hadn't gotten over his wonder of the skill and it's possibilities.

He had made different manners of concoctions with what he could get his hands on. Though he hadn't managed to make a healing potion yet, he had found something else that he had completely overlooked.

With the amount of combinations possible, it was only a matter of time before he found it.

[Object: Potion Of Weakness]

[Effects: Temporarily weakens the user for a period of time.]

It was stupid to try out dangerous potions on himself but he was less bothered about that. The path to strength was filled with risks that are too great for the weak of heart.

'As the expression goes; no pain, no gain.' Sora thought as he watched the notifications pop up one after the other.

Poison Resistance was now at level 11 and he couldn't feel the effects of the potion for any more than two seconds.

Alchemy sat at level 39. With him and his shadow clone going hard at the skill, it was no wonder that it leveled faster than his other skills.

He still did other things like going to the dojo and the repair shop but he was too fascinated with alchemy.

He looked at the time and sighed while grabbing a tiny vial from his inventory. The vial had the same yellow color as the Wake-Up potion but it seemed to be even purer.

With increase in level also came increase in power and effect of the potions he made. He downed the vial in one go, moderately filling his body with energy.

He had gone three days without sleep due to the wake up potion. He didn't have to worry about running out of ingredients as Zatanna went to the store to restock and also bring new things that could work.

Sometimes it seemed like she knew what she was doing as most of the things she brought back with her brought about a new recipe for him to try out.

With him not needing to hide her away from the world, things were a lot more convenient for them both.

Speaking of the homo magi, she was currently in the living room. With him being occupied, she was left to study the magic books that Zatara had left her to keep up her magic training.

*Knock* *Knock*

At least that's what he thought.

The door opened slowly as she walked into his makeshift workshop that had been improved with the parts that Kaito sent over.

A point to note was that the things Kaito sent were too neat to be used parts. They were like brand new which raised a lot of questions.

The computer had been upgraded a lot from when he first made it. The bulky monitor had been replaced with a slim and compact monitor and there were three of them standing together, connected.

The system unit grew a bit, now taking up more space under the table. The keyboard remained mostly the same with slight modifications making it look more advanced.

"You know you can always take a break." Zatanna said as she watched Sora mix different ingredients and items.

"I'll rest later. Right now I have to test the limits if what I can achieve with this." Sora said, still focused on the small vial of light green liquid in his hand.

She sighed as she rested her back on the wall.

"That's what you said yesterday and the day before that." She said exasperatedly.

"You're exaggerating." The boy said simply, finally looking up at the girl.

"Am I? You haven't eaten anything in two days."

Her tone sounded a bit but the concern on her face was apparent. What he hadn't noticed as she entered was the tray floating an inch above her hand.

She brought food.

The plate on the tray was covered to prevent it from going cold but that didn't contain the slight scent that it gave off.

Just as he was about to respond, his vision shook as the world seemed to spin. He found himself hunched over the floor as the vial left his hand, falling to the floor.

'W-what?" He thought hazily as he tried to balance himself.

"Sora! Are you okay!? What's wrong!?" She questioned hurriedly as she rushed to his side.

"My chakra…" He managed to say before everything went black.



He was pissed….and not just anybody could achieve that.

"Would someone mind explaining to me how the hell it is that we've lost almost thirty five percent of our men in the last couple of weeks?" A deep male voice said.

In a building somewhere in Tokyo, a meeting was being held. A middle aged man with grey hair in a formal black suit sat at the head of the table.

The other seats were empty as nobody dared to sit while the boss was passed off. He may have sounded calm but he was more furious than he had ever been before.

In front of the table, five other man stood straight with slight fear apparent on the road faces as the man's black eyes stared them down.

"Boss, I don't know how to explain it. Someone has been hitting all our meeting points and hideouts for sometime now." One of the more courageous men said as he took a small step forward.

"Do you know who they are? How did they get that kind of info?" The man asked as his palm clenched under the table.

"No sir. Nobody ever survives whoever it is that's doing this. As for the information, whoever it was may have tortured one of them for it but that seems highly unlikely." The underling said the man, not able to look him in the eyes.

"From what you said, the bodies didn't have any sign of torture so how is that possible?" The boss questioned.

"I…I don't know sir." He said, bowing his head down a bit in shame.

The man's anger seemed to increase ever so slightly at the incompetence of his men.

"Thankfully besides the six of us, nobody knows about this location. That means that there only one place that they would go next. It's the only place that hasn't been hit." The man in the chair reasoned.

"Sooner or later, whoever this is will be there looking for us but they will find nothing but death. Get me a phone, I need to make a call." He ordered as one of the men fished around in his pocket before handing over the device to the boss.

"Whoever this is, they're going to pay for messing with me." He said as he dialed in a number.


Before tapping the call button, he paused before raising his hand that had been below the table during the entire conversation.


The man who handed him the phone fell to the floor clutching his bleeding chest as he uselessly took gasps of air.

"Next time I ask a question and you have an answer, don't hesitate to answer. You'll only end up like him." The boss said as he dropped his hand back beneath the table as the phone now rang.