
You Will Call Me Sir

If you were given a chance to obtain Power or Happiness, which one would you choose? Kate once had it all. Clothes, food, a place to stay, and a loving family. However, it all ended when her parents were murdered by a mysterious organization. Stella, her split personality, was the reason she barely made it out with her life. A few years passed as she lived everyday in desperation. Tired, hungry, bitter, and on the verge of collapse, she was saved by a young boy when things took a turn for the worse. His name was Ciel Summers, her future dearest one. Things were going smoothly until she managed to pass the entrance exam to the prestigious Saint Claire Academy. Hidden schemes played behind the scenes as a serum capable of awakening the latent powers of anyone below the age of 15 was developed. They set their eyes on the elite students of the academy, and kidnapped Ciel, who became an unwilling test subject. It was the beginning of a series of events, which led Kate to discover the name of the organization that killed her parents and the secrets that were buried deep within her body. ----- If you get tired of the Kiddy Arc and want to read their adult lives then feel free to jump chapter 327, but I doubt you'll understand anything at that point xD! [Disclaimer: I will be changing POV's from time to time. This is how I wanted this story to be written. So please, bear with me. Thank you.] Updates: 1 chapter a day. Feel free to donate in my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/YourSir Chat with me on discord!: https://discord.gg/haeYN7N ---------- Feel free to check out my other story! "Go! Go! Summons: Summoning the Perfect Boyfriend" [Fantasy Romance, Female Lead, Comedy, Slice of Life.] https://www.webnovel.com/book/17411890805745005/Go!-Go!-Summons! Special thanks to RedPandaChick for helping me edit my novel. Thank you very much! P.S Cover Photo is not mine. All credit goes to their respective owners.

Elyon · Fantasy
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350 Chs

What Happened While I Was Sleeping?

Kate pulled back from the sensual kiss and gave Ciel a reprimanding look. 

"You're not allowed to do this again inside the girl's dormitory," Kate whispered. She was afraid that the wild ducks had returned to stand in front of their dormitory room, and were currently sticking their ears against the door to hear what was going on inside the room.

"I'll think about it." Ciel's deep and teasing tone tickled Kate's ears. 

"Don't think about it, you'd better not do this again," Kate insisted as she pinched Ciel's waist. "Just wait until the weekend or tell us to go to the abandoned building. I don't want rumors to start spreading in the dormitory because of you."

"Mmm," Ciel gave a non-committal reply. He was enjoying Kate's anxious expression as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Haven't you had enough?" Kate asked.

"Have you had enough?" Ciel countered. "If you have then it's time for me to leave."