

Have you ever fallen in love? How does it feel? Is it as magical as people say? Well, I wanna know.... It's not that I haven't fallen in love. I have fell in love too. But it's a little bit different. I fell in love with a dream, to be exact with the person from the dream. And since then, everyday I've desperately waited for that dream to come true. Seven years.... I waited for seven years until that dream became my reality, until I saw him.... The man from my dream standing infront me. That day even the reality felt like a dream to me.

Blue_Ocean_4710 · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Raidan -

I've been driving for half an hour now. I've tried to make small talks for more than 5 times. But she didn't respond at all, which made me shut my own mouth and stop my attempt of making a conversation. She is still mad at me.

"Where are we going?" she asked not being able to recognize the road we are going through. This is the first time she has talked throughout this journey. "We have been always travelling far and far places and that's why we failed to notice the beauty we have near us and", she cut my sentence by rising a hand, which meant 'stop' I guess. "Get to the point", she said in a cold voice. "We are going downtown. And then London Thames River", I replied keeping my eyes on the road. " Downtown? We are not in America. We don't have downtown in here", she said narrowing her eyes. I hold both of my hands up with a grin in reply. "What we have is the center of the city, which I'm sure you know. But why London? I'm not interested. I've got tons of assignments and few thesis. So, I don't have time to waste", she said looking out the window.

I stopped the car, abruptly. "What the hell?" she said out loud. "That's exactly what I wanna ask you.... What the hell? Why are talking like this with me? Do I owe you money? Cause that's exactly how you are making me feel", I let out everything from my head without thinking twice. She looked at me with an unbelievable expression, as if she can't believe that I actually told her all these things. "No you don't owe me money. And I'm... Maybe I'm being rude but I've my reasons.... And IT'S YOU..." "What me?" "It's you who talk with everyone as if they owe you money not me", she said in a low voice putting her hands up in defense.

"Really? Do I?" I asked her with 'I don't believe you' written all over my face. "Don't look at me like that. And yes you do. Why else do you think everybody else is so afraid of you?" "What? Is that's how...? I'm so.. I...." I stammered. I'm so shocked right now. "You what? Do you think you are kind or something? Let me tell you you're not. You are only kind and friendly to your friends not to anyone else. Yeah somehow good to me. Now." she said with a shrug. Well, I'm at lose of words right now. I don't know what to say.I somehow only managed to say "Is that's how you think of me?"

She didn't reply. I started the car again. "Well, I'm sorry for disturbing you like this today. I mean without any notice. But I just wanted to update you about that case and so I thought it would be good to take you out. I thought you would enjoy it. So.... I'm sorry". "Oh, um.. What update about the case?" she asked in a soft voice. Even though I didn't look at her face but I knew that her face looked apologetic. Cause that's just how she is.

"The hearing of the case was today. With all the evidences and witnesses present, the court has put that man in prison. He has got three charges against him. 1.Murder

2. Attempt to murder

3. Cheating .

He is likely to rot in prison until he dies", I finished with a sigh and found her sighing at the same time. "What happened with the kids and the property their mother left behind for them?" she curiously asked. "All the properties are devided between kids. But since they are not old enough and don't have any immediate family, the government will take care of the property for them until they are eighteen. And the kids will be sent for foster care as soon as possible. Don't worry they will be safe from now on".

"Thank God. I'm so thankful to the judge for his/her wise decision", she let out a breath of relief. She looks as if she is already in a better mode. "Lam, I'm wondering about something. But I'm not sure you will like it if I ask you!!" I said with a grin. My eyes are still fixed on the road. But I still steal a few glances of her when she isn't noticing. "I'm in a good mood. So you can ask", she said with a smile.

"How did you find out everything on your own? Regarding this case you know. Cause last night the story you told was so accurate". "Wrong question. It's not 'how' it's 'why'. Well and the answer to why is.... I have to stand with you guys. And that's why I investigated the whole case on my own", she said with a shrug. "You said you didn't know what grudge is, when you are clearly holding grudge from the first week". "Wow.. You remember the time so clearly. And of course I said I don't know what grudge is. Cause if I knew it, then I would have had grudge against the whole world", she said rolling her eyes.

I laughed hearing her. "Lam do you really think that I'm that bad?" I asked in a low voice. It went out almost as a whisper. I don't think she had heard that. Maybe that's why she didn't reply. We drove by the downtown opps center . But I didn't stop in downtown, I mean in the center. I just wanted to go to London before night. I've to leave at 10 for Harvard University. I've to take class tomorrow. I stopped the car infront of a restaurant near the Thames River, from where one can clearly see the river including the sky.

I opened the door for her. "Is there anything special today?" she asked as she looked at the crowd that had gathered near the bridge. "There is going to be a fireworks show today. That's why I brought you here", I stared at her while she was looking in between the crowd and the sky. "I see. But don't you have to leave today..?? I mean tomorrow you have...", "I know. I'm leaving at 10", I said cutting her sentence. "It's already 6. When's the show?" she stole a glance at her watch. " It's at 7, I guess". "What? It's so late? Where are you leaving from? London?" she exclaimed in confusion. "Yeah. I'll have to ask you to drive my car back", I said with a grin.

"Sorry, I can't help you with that. Haven't got my driving license yet", she also gave a grin. "Really?" "Yeah". "How will you get back then? Should I call someone?" I took my phone out to call one of the boys. But she stopped me. "I will call Elvis, our driver". "You girls do live a luxurious life, you even have driver", I said giving a thumbs up. She looked at me blankly. "Actually Elvis is our driver. And by 'our' I mean whole DT. He is there for all the members including you". "Really? We had driver?" "Of course, who did you think drive our bus from one venue to another?" she asked curiously. "Doesn't Mr. Kim do it?" "I don't believe you!! Did you really think it's him? He is a professor not a driver". I didn't reply. I think I've insulted myself enough so I looked away shamefully.

"Lam, I wanted to talk to you about our wedding. I think.." "You don't want to marry me anymore?" she asked cutting my sentence. "No, of course not. I want to tell you that, it would be better if we could have the wedding within 15 days". "15 days? Why the exact time?" she asked narrowing her eyes. "Because...."