

Have you ever fallen in love? How does it feel? Is it as magical as people say? Well, I wanna know.... It's not that I haven't fallen in love. I have fell in love too. But it's a little bit different. I fell in love with a dream, to be exact with the person from the dream. And since then, everyday I've desperately waited for that dream to come true. Seven years.... I waited for seven years until that dream became my reality, until I saw him.... The man from my dream standing infront me. That day even the reality felt like a dream to me.

Blue_Ocean_4710 · Fantasy
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55 Chs


"Well about the last show, I heard you were informed at the last minute. So, how hard it was for you to handle it? Or was it hard at all, given how good you've performed??"- Laura ,the chief interviewer of The Oxford News asked.

Honestly I wasn't at all prepared for this question. Actually everytime we do an interview, we'll be given the script beforehand. But only Oxford News is beyond that. They just ask whatever they want. But the fact that I had replaced Hope in the previous show, wasn't a known fact. Not everybody knew about it. Only few of us, which got me wonder how did she know.

"Um...." I felt confused about what to say. How to explain in words. "Well, the last show... It wasn't too easy nor too hard but still I wasn't able to give it my best. I could do better only if I were informed at least an hour before the show instead of 10 minutes", I replied after thinking carefully.

Actually I didn't tell her the whole thing. There is this thing among us, in the team, whenever we have a competition or a show, all of us will prepare for it and that's how we save our asses even at the last minute arrangements.

"Ok, but your overall performance was great given those 10 minutes", she expressed with a soft smile.

"D, we heard from a reliable source that, you are thinking of walking down the aisle with Raidan, and that you guys are doing it this weekend. Is it true?" she asked again, with a curious look.

When I heard of the interview yesterday, I knew that this was the main reason behind their sudden arrangement of interview.

I cleared my throat before answering her. "Well, your reliable source is actually very reliable and accurate, might I add", I let out a soft laugh.

"It's true. I'm thinking of walking down the aisle with him. But about the date, well it's not fixed yet. We are talking about wedding not a last minute meeting. A wedding have lots of procedures and it can not happen that fast".

"You can at least tell us about when it can! Like when you guys are planning to have it. "

"Well, if I were to give a time, I'm afraid that it would be difficult. But I think it'll be either before the Internationals or after the Internationals. But the formal one is most likely to happen", I say to her.

"All right, this is really a good piece of information. Thank you for the information and the clarification. Ok, one last question and we are done".


"When are you guys thinking of officially announcing your relationship? Like you know making announcement? A press conference maybe?"she gave a lopsided grin.

"Are you asking me all the questions? Save some for R...!! And on top of that, I just confirmed that I plan on spending my life with him, isn't it official enough?" I looked right into her eyes, with amusement.

Cause, she is known for her, 'knock out tongue'. She is the one who leaves people speechless but hardly have been speechless herself. And now it feels good to see someone like her at lost of words.

I had classes through out the afternoon. Actually we girls, we were supposed to go for shopping, since we got our paycheck today. And so we were supposed to treat ourselves with a little bit of our time with each other and few good foods, games and stuffs like clothes, shoes and other girly things. But I don't know why Mr. Steve suddenly scheduled a class. So I wasted my whole afternoon listening lectures about State Politics.

Steve is the youngest professor of political science of the university of Stanford. He is a guest professor of this university. He'll be here for 3 whole years. And apparently he has already spent 2 of those 3 years. He leaves as my first year ends. He indeed lives of to his name, 'The devil of politics'. I don't even know how his mind circulates. I think it's good that he isn't in politics, like in actual politics. Otherwise those politicians would have to run to save their lives. Which would be a pitiful sight to watch.

"And this would be all. Next week, I've cancelled my class since I've an important seminar to attend. Don't sleep these days away. Do some real work. Make presentation on the topic I just talked about", Steve leaves after scheming us into a presentation.

As I was about to leave my seat, I felt the viberation of my phone. As I took out my phone from the back pocket of my jeans, I noticed a massage poping up. It's from Raidan, his personal number.

Raidan - "I'm outside the backgate",

Disha - "So??" *with one confused emoji*.

Raidan - "Waiting for you".

Disha - "Why? Do I owe you money?"

Raidan - "Got to discuss something. And no, you don't."

Disha - "Oh, sorry but I'm busy".

Raidan - "I'll be waiting".

His last text sounded so commending that I almost forced myself to let go of this 'pitying others habit', when nobody pity's me. But I don't know why did God made me so kind and forgiving..? I reluctantly walked towards the back gate only to see his Blu Hera Lamborghini, parked infront of the backgate . And he is actually waiting inside for me. I had seen his blue Ferrari 488( I had google the model with a picture of his car) parked outside the club yesterday and today it's Lamborghini. Well, I must say that he doesn't even surprise me anymore. He is weirdly obsessed with cars. Not that I ain't. But definitely not as much as he is. Nor do I owe as many cars as he does. I don't even know how many. And I bearly knew any car name until he showed up in the club in different car every now and then. I wonder if he spends all his money on cars!?! Even last time when we had gone out, I remember he had driven his Red Volvo. Gosh I think he must have earned a lot to buy these many expensive cars.

He must've seen me coming and probably that's why he walked out of the car, and as I came closer he opened the door for me, as if I don't have hands or I don't know how to open a god damn Lamborghini's door.

"Seat belts!!" he gestured towards the seat belts which I hadn't put on yet. "So how was today? So much for this lame interview huh?"