
You & Time (English Version)

Jefran Emelard Delonix, an orphaned teenager who loves numbers and time. All the time he spent just making friends with various numbers, but it seems the trauma of the past is now getting to him. He has a phobia, always afraid of life without light. This fear also caused him to be shunned by many people. Rainaxy Flysire Azzora, a teenage girl like an angel who will appear in Jefran's life. Jefran's past life was very dark and bad. His love for mathematics, made him forget important events in the past. One time he was trapped in the dark, that's where the two of them met.

Piano_Dell · Teen
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26 Chs

Chapter 9

The morning arrived but this beautiful girl had not yet woken up, suddenly her cell phone rang a sign that someone was calling her.

"Monkey, who is calling in the morning. People are still very sleepy," the girl grumbled.

"Hello Ra, you're awake right," who is the person on the phone?

"Ha, who is this woi. I'm still sleepy going to sleep again," Rara replied in a deep voice, typical of just waking up.

"It's me, Jefran, if you're still sleepy, I won't bother you," answer the person on the other side.

The person who called Rara this morning was Jefran. Realizing that it was Jefran, Rara immediately corrected her position from sleeping to sitting.

"Oh, Jef, I'm sorry, it was my aunt who picked up the phone. I just finished taking a shower. I'm sorry, my aunt," lying Rara.

His voice is different now, not like before, the sound of waking up.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Then can I ask you to accompany me?" Jeff asked.

"Friends? Where's Jeff?" Rara asked confused.

"Accompany me to buy equipment for tomorrow to X Village." Jeffran said.

"Astaghfirullah Jef, Rara is also not ready for anything. If that's the case, how about gas now," replied Rara hastily.

"Ra, it's still 7 in the morning, you know. We'll just go at 9 or 10, I'm also still getting ready and cleaning the house first," obviously Jeff.

"Okay Jef. When you want to get ready, call me, I'll get ready too," Rara said.

"Ready to carry out boss," Jeff said with a laugh.

Then he turned off his phone, Rara was still collecting lives in her bed. He was also still gathering the intention to take a bath. Sunday as usual he was only at home. Sometimes he wakes up at 12 noon, but today because he wants to accompany me, Jefran, he is willing to get up early. It was already 9 o'clock and Jefran had just finished calling Rara to get ready. Rara was ready since 8 am, she was wearing a casual suit. A plain white t-shirt and jeans hot pants that make her long legs look. Rara went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Ra, how come you woke up this morning. You've already taken a bath, which smells really good, son. What kind of perfume shower?" Mama Rara said when she saw her son going to the dining table for breakfast.

Before going downstairs, Rara used a lot of perfume, she wanted to look nice when she was near Jefran.

"Rara wants to shop for necessities to go to Village X Mah. The paper that Rara gave to Mama for a signature that day, it says in the letter that tomorrow she will go to Village X." Obviously Lara.

"Oh, that's it, you go there on Monday, don't you?" Mama Rara answered guessing.

"Yes, that's right, I've been there on Monday, so Rara has to get ready," Rara said.

After talking, Rara had breakfast with bread and milk.

"Mah Rara first walk. In the afternoon, Rara comes home," say goodbye to Rara to her mother.

"Yes son, be careful on the road," Mama Rara replied.

Today Rara went to Jefran's house using her favorite car, she arrived at the parking lot of Jefran's apartment. He went straight into Jefran's apartment because he knew the password for Jefran's door. When he entered there was no one in the front room so he lay on the sofa waiting for Jefran. Jefran still stays in the bathroom, because he was still cooking for breakfast.

Today he doesn't want to order food because he's not busy.

Jefran went out of the room for breakfast, he was used to not wearing clothes in the house. Only wearing long pants with hair that is still wet after washing it. Rara, who heard the sound of the door opening, got up from the sofa.

Jefran was surprised because Rara was suddenly in his apartment, because he couldn't believe it was Rara, he approached Rara.

"Jef, what are you doing. It's still early, don't you think?" Rara said surprised.

Jefran who had approached his face, Jefran sat beside Rara and began to hold Rara's face.

"Ra is you, not my hallucination right," said Jefran confused while holding and watching Rara face.

"It's me Jeff, you devil," Rara replied, still confused about Jefran's character this morning.

"Patience I have to make sure it's you or not," Jefran exclaimed.

Jefran started kissing Rara's face from her cheek. He kissed Rara's cheeks, then moved to Rara's forehead and nose. Jefran did not dare to kiss Rara's lips because she was still a minor. After all, they are both 16 years old.

"Jef, that's enough Jef. It's funny to know," Rara said while laughing holding back amused by Jefran's actions.

Jefran loves to tease Rara, but he also likes to kiss Rara. Moreover, today Rara is very fragrant, so Jefran is even more addicted.

"Hahaha, you're funny when you laugh like that," said Jefran while pinching Rara's cheek in exasperation.

"Rara already knows that Rara is cute and funny," replied Rara arrogantly.

"Yes, I'll have breakfast first, or do you want to have breakfast with me so I can feed it," offer Jeff.

"Heum, okay. Promise to be fed," said Rara accepted Jefran's offer.

Jefran also took a plate containing fried rice and brought it to the sofa, where Rara sat.

"Pray first before eating, beautiful," said Jeff.

After praying Jefran took a spoonful of the fried rice he cooked earlier.

"Ah, open his mouth," said Jefran while feeding Rara.

"Oh, it's really delicious, Jef. You're really good at cooking," praise Rara.

"Well, just fried rice is easy," Jefran replied while feeding himself.

"Jef, that's my old spoon, why are you even using it," Rara said surprised.

"The name is also eating a plate for two, it means that the spoon is also 1 for the two of you. If you don't like it, let me take a new spoon," said Jeff.

"It's okay, yes, you have fed me quickly," replied Lara.

After eating, Jefran went to his room to get dressed. He hasn't worn any clothes since. That was her habit when she was at home after taking a shower.

"Ra, let's go for a walk, it's already 10 o'clock," invite Jefran.

"Okay. Let's go for a walk," replied Lara.

"Ra, wait a minute I'm going to the room first to take this. Forget it hehehe …" said Jefran then into the room.

Jefran came out of the room carrying his Black Hoodie.

"Here, wear it at the mall. Just tie it around your waist, so you don't see your thighs. Your pants are too short, I'm afraid someone has bad intentions," said Jeff.

He was worried about Rara for eating pants that were too short.

"Oh thank you, Jef. I'll use it in the car," replied Lara.

The two of them went down to the parking lot and drove to the mall, this time Jefran was driving Rara's car. He asked Rara to sit beside him and he drove the car. After 10 minutes of traveling they finally arrived at the mall, the two of them entered the mall hand in hand. This is Jefran's suggestion so that Rara doesn't go anywhere, Rara also doesn't forget to wear the hoodie that Jefran gave her earlier. The two of them were busy walking around looking for what they would bring to X Village. Starting from toiletries to snacks.

After they finished shopping, the two of them didn't go straight home, they still walked around looking for a cafe to rest and have lunch there.

"Jef, how come you have more equipment than I do. Usually, girls have more equipment than boys," Rara said to Jefran who was holding 2 bags at once in his hand.

"Oh here, I bought a lot of snacks. Let's get there when you run out, you can take mine," Jeff replied with a smile.

They finally found a cafe for lunch, this can be said not to be lunch because they only ordered coffee and snacks. The reason is because they had breakfast earlier so they were still full.

"Ra, after eating do you want to go home or what?" Jefran asked between them eating.

"I don't have any intention of going home yet, Mama allowed me to come home in the afternoon, it's okay," replied Lara.

"Then don't you want to be with me anymore?" Jeff asked.

"Where else are you going?" Rara asked.

"I'm done eating then I'll tell you, you eat it, don't be in a hurry, you'll choke," Jeff replied.

"Yes yes!" Rara gas.

"Ra ..."


"Take it easy Ra, I'm a crocodile you have to get mad at."

"What is it Jef? You're so weird right now," replied Lara.

"You look at me like a crocodile, don't you?" Jeff asked.

"Indeed, you are like this many loose crocodiles. Lucky you are handsome ..." Rara replied ending with a small squeak.

"What did you say Ra?" Ask Jefran feeling good.
