
You & Time (English Version)

Jefran Emelard Delonix, an orphaned teenager who loves numbers and time. All the time he spent just making friends with various numbers, but it seems the trauma of the past is now getting to him. He has a phobia, always afraid of life without light. This fear also caused him to be shunned by many people. Rainaxy Flysire Azzora, a teenage girl like an angel who will appear in Jefran's life. Jefran's past life was very dark and bad. His love for mathematics, made him forget important events in the past. One time he was trapped in the dark, that's where the two of them met.

Piano_Dell · Teen
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26 Chs

Chapter 10

Lunch was finished, Jefran and Rara returned to the car.

"Jef, where did you say you were taking me to?" Rara asked.

"Oh yes, I forgot to admit that I enjoy eating, so I want to take you to the park when I was little. I liked to play there. Do you want it? There's an artificial lake too? Guaranteed you'll like it," Jeff replied.

"Wow, this is really okay. I also haven't been to the park for a long time, when I was little I really liked going to a park with a lake too. I was with my male friends. It was still very small," said Rara.

"Why are we the same, I was also the last time when I was little I was with my girl friend," Jeff replied.

"Or don't let it be you, my little friend, Jef." Rara said while laughing, Jefran laughed too.

Finally they both went to the park. And it turns out that Rara's guess is right, the park is the garden she played there when she was little. They also looked for a parking space and parked the car there.

"Ra, let's go to the ice cream maker first! I haven't eaten ice cream in a long time," Jefran said asking Rara to go buy ice cream.

Jefran grabbed Rara's hand and jogged towards the ice cream vendor.

"Sir, it's chocolate flavor," said Jefran ordered ice cream.

"Haelah Jef, mas, the ice cream isn't going anywhere. So don't run, okay? Where I wasn't ready to run, you just stepped on the gas," Rara exclaimed while occasionally taking a breath. He was very tired even though he didn't run very far.

"Don't nag anymore, here's the ice cream. I'm afraid it will melt waiting for you to nag inexplicably," Jefran replied as he handed him the ice cream he bought earlier.

"Basic ... Where is there liquid ice cream waiting to nag?" Rara scowled.

"Shut up or I kiss?" Jefran threatened. Rara was forced to be silent.

"We sit there, well, there is my favorite place with my childhood friend," Rara said while pointing to a park bench that was directly opposite the artificial lake, the two of them ate ice cream there while joking around.

"Jef, take a look here, the Instagram filters are cute, aren't they?" Rara said while holding the cellphone.

"Why did you turn into a dog anyway?" Jefran replied, surprised to see that his face had dog stickers and dog ears.

"Oh my God, haven't you ever used a dog filter like this before? It's funny, you know," Rara exclaimed while occasionally setting the right style for the photo.

"Well, how do I know Ra, I just use Instagram to send messages. Then it's finished, don't do anything else. Then, I don't like photos," obviously Jeff.

"Jef try to come back here," Rara said and..


Rara also managed to take a photo with Jefran. Fortunately, Jefran's face is handsome, so it didn't look bad when he took it suddenly.

"Finally I can take a photo with you," Rara said with a laugh.

"See how handsome you are, right? Even if you don't smile, you're still handsome," Rara continued as she was surprised to see a photo of her and Jefran.

"Your eyes are blind, aren't you, Ra? I want to take you to the ophthalmologist tomorrow to have it checked. That's why my face is so ugly that I'm even called handsome," answered Jefran who was not confident.

"No, you're really handsome. I'm going to wash the photo and then I'll put it up in my apartment. It's funny to know the photo," Rara said smiling, they were joking in the park together.


Today Lidya was invited by Beby to shop for necessities to Village X. Most of the IPA 1 children have just bought equipment for Village X.

Beby was already staying in his living room, he was waiting for him who was still getting ready. Beby is talking to Lidya's mother.

"Auntie just got more beautiful, I haven't seen Auntie in a long time," says Beby small talk.

"You can do it, Beby. You're also getting more beautiful. Auntie used to see you in the magazine, just today I saw you in person. It turns out that you're even more beautiful when you look at it in person," Lidya's mother answered.

They also talked, until finally Lidya came down with neat clothes and hair in the booth. Today he did not wear glasses because he wanted to go for a walk. If he studied first then he used glasses.

"Beb, let's go for a walk. I'm afraid I'll be home late," invite Lydia.

"Oh, Auntie, let's go straight ahead. Later, if we have time, I'll come here to accompany Auntie and tell a story," goodbye Beby, who was still chatting with Lidya's mother.

"Yes, Auntie will keep her promise, take the car carefully, Beby." Lidya's mother said and invited them to walk.

In the car ...

"Lid, I told you yesterday that we were shopping with Mr. Nathan." Beby said, starting a conversation in the car.

"It's okay, it's okay for me to be a mosquito. After all, my main goal is shopping for equipment, not like you, walking around all the time," answered Lydia.

Pity only Lidya herself is single in the gang, plus Aditya is single too. After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the biggest shopping mall in the city.

"Lid, let's go straight to cafe A, okay. Mr. Nathan is already waiting there."


The two of them walked to cafe A to pick up Mr. Nathan.

Arriving at the entrance, Mr. Nathan was seen in a suit that made him look like a high school student.

"Afternoon sir," greetings Lidya bowed slightly.

"It's late, Lid. By the way, if you're outside of school, don't call Mr. Nathan. I'm your friend's boyfriend, so you can say I'm the same age," Mr. Nathan jokes.

"That's Lid, I told you to just call Nathan." Beby said blaming Lidya.

"Oh dear, don't be like that," Mr. Nathan said to win Beby.

If Beby has spoken, then there will be no semicolon.

"That's when you guys wait a moment, I'll call my sister first inside," Mr. Nathan continued as he went inside to call his brother.

"Eh Beb, Pak Nathan's younger brother isn't our student council president, right?" asked Lydia.

"Hooh, that's really handsome. If I'm not mistaken his name is Angga." Bebe replied.

Mr. Nathan finally came out with a tall guy wearing a black hoodie. Yes, that's Angga, the student council president and also Pak Nathan's younger brother. Lidya was stunned to see Angga's handsomeness.

"What's wrong with your lid? You're possessed by a demon or something, why are you still not blinking," Beby said while waving his hand in front of his face.

Lidya was still staring at Angga, Angga just looked down and didn't look up. His thick hair fell down to partially cover his eyes.

"Lid Lid Lid, don't be joking. Your mother told me to take care of you. Is it time for you to have this kind of possession," Beby said while patting Lidya's shoulder. He meant to awaken Lidya. Lydia woke up.

"Eh, sorry Beb, who is this and so, how come I feel like I'm seeing an angel," said Lidya when she realized.

"Hahaha, you're so funny, Lidya. This is my Brother, her name is Angga, he is the student council president at our high school," Mr. Nathan said to Lidya.

"Angga quickly, welcome to introduce yourself to Lidya." Pak Nathan nudged Angga with the shoulder.

"Aga." Said Angga holding out his hand, he still looked down and didn't see Lidya's face.

"Lydia." Lidya replied, replying to Angga's handshake.

"Angga, I'll leave Lidya with you, okay. Me and Beby want to find clothes first, I'll call when it's finished. You accompany Lidya to look for things to go to Village X. You haven't prepared things for Village X, so go with Lidya." Mr. Nathan said goodbye to Angga and immediately left with Beby.

Angga has not yet agreed to his brother's request, his brother has already left, "Tch.. You're dating ..." Lidya heard Angga's pout.