
You Must Be Mine

one word trouble when you finally make your way to the top and luckly or unluckily, catch the attention of a multi-billionaire who is as hot as fuck Please tell me, what will u do?

Chisom_Queen · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 9; are your kidding me right now...

"ahhhh ... OMGGG I swear your here, your here, your so... ahhh..."

well let me explain what is going on here. I just ran out of the elevator because I don't want to be the one going back in time, heading to my door and inputting my code to unlock the door and a wild animal... ' not my words though, totally not my words '.... jumps on me. what do you expect me to do to do except screaming bloody hell and cursing at the thief who broke into my house and instead of stealing, jumps on me and the screams all those lines up there which I really didn't understand right now because the person who jumped on me is very, very, very heavy.

"what the heck .... thief thief there's a thief on me I don't know but it's trying to steal me "bianca yelled. "what the fuck why are you guys standing here help me the thief is trying to steal me " she yelled again this time to the two ladies and the gentle man standing in between them crossing their arms and shaking their heads while looking at me like I have gone mad. can't they see that some thief is in our apartment and is trying to steal a superstar like me.

"girl chill it's just Sianna being Sianna" Tiana explained to bianca. "wait Sianna ...which Sianna our Sianna Sianna? " bianca being bianca decided to ask a very stupid question.

" okay now am angry " Sianna said withdrawing from the hug more like jumping down from bianca. " did you guys make another friend abroad also named Sianna ..." she continued " ...like you guys replaced me ... oh my god you finally replaced me"

"what..... of course not baby we can never ... it's just you jumped on me and I was so confused and you were so heavy ...." bianca paused and continued as if remembering something important " wait a minute you gained weight .. why did you gain this much weight "

"umm are you questioning my eating ways now. I did not gain any weight it's you who has lost weight " Sianna said

"well duh am Bianca Jones " bianca said in you know in a duh tone.

"which reminds me omg I missed you guys " Sianna said and hugged bianca again this time a normal hug and waved at the others to join them for a group hug.

" its good to see you guys again. it's like you guys became even prettier and ..." Sianna said but couldn't finish the rest because she was about to cry.

"there, there my love we missed you too, I think even more than you missed us" bianca said trying to coarse Sianna. and Sianna laughed and said " that's not true though I missed you guys more because I was the only one left back here in New York"

"oh trust me that's not true. do you even know you spoiled us especially bianca. when we get a cut you are the one who cleans it. and also even when we go to get groceries and forget to get sanitary pads the obvious things you remind us. uhh I swear we barely survived without you " Tiana was the one to say and Rick laughed at them and said " oh I swear I laughed me ass off when the forgot to get one three weeks ago "

"okay.. that feels weird being heard from a man " said Sianna. " trust me it is but don't bother your self his gay " bianca. " huh .." Sianna said looking shocked . "your surprised right " Emily said and continued "that's good news for us though because we are safe ..." " ...and a bonus on top we can walk around the house freely naked or half naked " she finished shaking her butt in front of Rick and running off to hide at Bianca's back while Rick chased her around bianca.

"hey stop now children your making mom dizzy " bianca said in a motherly tone and patted both their heads.

"ugh I swear living here is fun, I mean you can do what ever you want without jugding eyes watching you." Sianna said as if she was missing out on a lot . " oh well .. that's not why am here. the main reason am here is for us to celebrate bianca for getting the net worth of two billon " she said clapping her hands excitedly. "what?" the remaining four shrieked "what do you mean by two billion" bianca asked curiously .

" ugh ..someone please kill me. can you believe that a person is super famous and doesn't even know that "Sianna said talking to her self. " wait wait wait I know am famous but not super famous " bianca said while moving her hands in the air expressingly

" well you've heard it now your super famous. so if I didn't tell you, you wouldn't have known that. " " is this how you would have brought shame to me if you would have heard this from the paparazzi. and them maybe they spot us together and say the famous superstar BJ has a friend who is a journalist and she doesn't know that she is super famous and not just famous "she continued while holding Bianca's shoulder and shaking her vigorously.

"bitch do you want to spoil my perfect

image which I took years to build " Sianna said accusingly.

"there there am sorry. so non of you heard of this " bianca asked and the rest nodded except Sianna of course. "what do I do with you guys "bianca said to them while face palming. " so what do we do to appease her majesty now" she asked them while running her hand on her chin and turned to look at Sianna who raised her chin arrogantly while looking at them and turned sharply to the couch to take a sit "anyway that matter aside, we have to celebrate" she said. " celebrate what ?"bianca asked confusedly.

" what? are you kidding me right now. oh there child you don't know the height you have reached in your career do you? honey your at the peak, at the Pinnacle." she said as if trying to teach bianca something. " okay let me ask when last did the paparazzi see you and when did you have your last news and gossip interview. I mean the media are supposed to see you at the airport while you were coming back right" she asked.

" umm no I haven't seen the paparazzi in along time now and while coming back we took the VIP route out of the airport. and my last interview was a month ago." bianca answered Sianna's questions.

"what?" Sianna shrieked and looked at Tiana, Rick and Emily shook their heads. "oh you don't mean it do you. okay that's it Rick prepare for a concert next week and an interview the day after tomorrow and make sure you don't stop working if you know you don't want to lose your game and for you guys to lose your money." Sianna said like a boss. "yes madam " they answered and she continued " but for now we need to celebrate. we are going to drink out, De ' lànzos now" Sianna continued in her bossy manner " oh and the drinks are on you " she finished pointing at bianca and the remaining three except bianca rejoiced and bianca shouted "what? hey that's not fair " while taking her phone and wallet and they all left the apartment.

Yay about to meet our meet lead!!!

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