
You Must Be Mine

one word trouble when you finally make your way to the top and luckly or unluckily, catch the attention of a multi-billionaire who is as hot as fuck Please tell me, what will u do?

Chisom_Queen · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 8; two years later.

Bianca's POV

woah two years, two fuc*ing years I can't believe it.

"BJ, let's go " Rick said, " we have been out of the country for do long now, so much has changed" he continued looking around.

" I know right I miss the NYC traffic, ahh I can't believe am saying this but yeah I do, I really really do " Emily said beside me.

well right now we are at the airport about to locate the car that is here to pick us up.

you might be asking where the heck we are coming from that we miss New York this much, well why don't I fill you guys up.

after I finally got the job at stars entertainment and I introduced Rick to Sianna and Tiana well ...you know what happened from there I got only one day to rest and move into the apartment given to me by stars, and trust the place was worth it it's so ... ugh I don't even know the word to use and I still can't get used to it. oh well.

okay away from the apartment topic. well after moving in, the next day work begun don't get me wrong it's not like am complaining though. I was super busy signing contracts, recording songs and shooting ads and all. I never knew that all it would take for me to become famous was just one concert where I sang my first album and I really can't explain what happened from there because I started getting jobs from other countries and all. oh and I was asked to do a world tour too. I wrote songs, sang a lot of albums and yeah here you have it am back to my country and city and not just that am back a superstar.

" miss bianca over here " the bodyguards said to me successfully calling back my attention.

" oh yeah .. where's Tiana?" I asked Rick "ehh she was behind us I don't know where she.." Rick said while looking around "oh there she is" he finished successfully finding here. "bitch be fast already were leaving " I yelled a little for her to be quick. "oh sorry I was on the phone with Sianna ... wanted to tell her that we are back to New York " Tiana explained. " oh what did she say " I asked expectantly "nothing much just the usual ' omg ahhh am so excited wth and already on my way to your place ' " she said dramatically and we both chuckled " that is so Sianna ... come on let's go guys I can't wait to finally see her again ". we all entered the car and headed to our apartment.

An hour and half later....

"oh my goodness I can't believe how long it took us to come back here again " I said while stepping out of the car.

" I know right.." Emily replied and continued " I can't wait to go in .. come on let's go already, before the house vanishes or maybe we wake up and realize that it was all a dream " she said and we all shivered in fright " what? " Tiana, Rick and I said in unison.

"what? you guys still don't believe me or.... wait do you want to test the theory.... oh no no no" she answered and then yelled "last person in gets to go back in time ...." and we all ran inside the apartment. what? no one want to go back in time, don't get me wrong but that was torture ehhh fun torture that is.

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