
You Must Be Mine

one word trouble when you finally make your way to the top and luckly or unluckily, catch the attention of a multi-billionaire who is as hot as fuck Please tell me, what will u do?

Chisom_Queen · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 3; we will get back to you ...

Well we finally reached and Sianna also blew my ear off for coming late you must have imagined.

we didn't wait fo long before my turn came and my name was called " Bianca Jones " "am here " I answered

"okay girl you can do this okay. for us, for your parents, for your dreams and most especially.." tiana said and hugged me this time Sianna joined us in the hug and the both continued and said together "for my job as your assistant"

and I chuckled and shock my head at the childish behaviour I can't believe that they are still fighting over the position of being my assistant "that is if I pass the audition" I answered with uncertainty I mean you have to get the job before having assistants right..

oh well..

I passed my things not forgetting my certificates and took a deep breath before walking to the room where the audition was taking place.

on reaching I knock when I got my signal to come in I walked in side and greeted the judges. I walked up to the stage and introduced myself and the asked for my certificates and I passed it to the judge's assistant and he gave it to the judge who looked through it and was like "hmm... miss Jones I am liking what I am seeing here and the ready of the judges nodded in agreement and the first judge spoke up again to ask me "do you know how to play any instruments " I nodded and answered him "yes sir .." and continued "I know how to play a piano and guitar too" I added and they looked at me and I continued "umm I also have my certificates from my piano classes it's in-between the green folder and the judge holding my certificates checked and was surprised and finally said the words I have been waiting to hear since I entered this room "okay miss Jones you can begin now." " are you singing with any instruments " he asked and is answered "yes sir, a guitar " and he nodded and signaled for me to start and I was given a guitar and I said the name of the song I was to sing and the type of song I was about to sing a love song obviously I mean I am full of love anyways. yeah am bragging .

I started singing because am really anxious right now.

"what do I do without your smile now"

I started singing while playing the guitar oh and your right

am singing 'all of me '

I just love the song because it poured out the emotions into the lines and if you don't have a good voice no no perfect voice you can't sing it the way am doing it right now and trust me amazingly perfect, hey don't blame me okay I can't help it okay am too perfect.

when I finished singing I bowed before giving the guitar back to the man who gave it to me and looked at the judges who looked very stunned and one of them asked me "where have you been all this time my dear" I laughed awkwardly while scratching my head and one of the other judges nudged the woman who asked me the question and she gave a guilty smile and whispered something which I did not hear.

the judge holding my certificates finally spoke up "good job miss Jones, we will get back to you" he said and i swallowed and nodded "okay sir" and his assistant face me my certificate I thanked him and left.

on walking out tonight and Sianna rushed up to me and started the questioning

"how did it go..."

"what happened...."

"did they say anything..."

"whoah ...whoah...whoah slow down guys I need some water first" seriously how do they even want to be my assistant without even knowing when I need something.

"oh sorry" they replied with a sorry face and Sianna the mother of the group finally gave me a bottle.