
You Must Be Mine

one word trouble when you finally make your way to the top and luckly or unluckily, catch the attention of a multi-billionaire who is as hot as fuck Please tell me, what will u do?

Chisom_Queen · Teen
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16 Chs


So I was telling you guys why am not ordinary right, yeah where did I stop, oh yes I remember now because I am called drop dead gorgeous not just by men but also by women. I mean yeah I am very proud of it but sometimes I hate because it bring unwanted flies and leeches for example my ex boyfriend just broke up with me last week because I refused to have sex with him and give him my first time, I said no of course, like just because I am very curvy and drop dead gorgeous doesn't mean me sleeping around for money I can't do that I have a lot of dignity and pride in me. anyways back to where I stopped I am gorgeous yeah I said that and also curvy that too and then with my waist length blonde hair emerald eyes and a pinkish lips with made me a goddess, as I said not my words so.

with that gone oh my god where the heck did the taxis go to now when i need them, oh there is one. i stopped it and told it my destination and we left. you might be wondering where i am going to in such a hurry, well am going for a audition and I pray it will work out because am ready to start my career now and step into the spot light as a popstar now I seriously need the money. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that we arrived in front of the building the audition is happening, until the taxi driver called my attention "we are here" the man said, and I paid him and stepped down from the taxi and I immediately heard one of my besties Tessa Williams yelling my name. "Bianca" I turned around she was now standing in front of me "bitch you are late" she added and started pulling me towards the building " I am so so sorry i lost track of time " i said tryin to explain more like cover up

"oh yeah i totally believe you" she said and for one second there i thought she really did believe me until i remembered our sassy ways seriously if you are not in our group you will not understand us.

"so go thank your stars that you have great friends, i got you a number and its number forty five so u have five more before your turn and number forty is on stage right now soooo go practice your song lines or do you already know them" she turned to look at me for ones since she came outside to get me and i lifted my head and looked at her, well because i did not understand a single word she spouted right now, so i stared at her and she face palmed, and instead of repeating what she said she looked at me and asked "do you know the lyrics of the song you are to sing and i nodded.

tessa smiled at me and i smiled back trying to go with the flow to what ever she said and we headed to the waiting room where Sianna Toris my other bestie was waiting for us.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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