
Chapter 13

"F-for real?" Madison stutters.

"That's great to hear, Shiloa." -Micah

"How did that happen?"

"It appears that you're not pleased that I'm remembering things now."

"H-hey, we're happy," Kanela and Madison pretended to smile.

"Of course I'm happy; you just said you want to remember everything when we're together." Micah's sincerity is palpable.

"IT'S A JOKE!" I exclaimed. I saw Kanela, and Madison felt relieved.

I believe there is a problem in this call. I don't think the two of them were happy, based on what I recall now.

"Shiloa." Micah is now disappointed.

"I'm sorry; I was just trying to lighten the mood and see how you reacted."

"Where are you right now?" Madison changed the subject. I can tell she's uncomfortable with the joke.

"Right now, I'm living with my brother."

"Can you tell me how long?"

"It's only for a week."

We conversed and did not waste any time. There were a lot of laughs and horror stories. We say our good-byes and take a break to our beds. Dean sent me a text message informing me that we will attend church tomorrow.


I awoke to find my brother preparing breakfast.

"Will you be joining us?"

"I was supposed to be there, but my secretary called up."

"All right, bro, take that one first."

We sit down to eat our breakfast. As you can see, it's quite dull.

"I'll do the dishes; you should clean up; he'll be there in a few minutes."

I texted my Mom about our plan before going to the bathroom.

"If he's there, Steve, tell him to wait twenty minutes for me."

"Get moving, sis. It's time."

Since hearing his voice in the living room, I've been moving as quickly as I can.

"Let's go?" he says, a smile on his face.

"So that's why it took you so long to change, huh?"

"Yes, what are your thoughts?"

"It's quite nice."

"Is that it?"

"Yes," my brother said.


"Stop throwing tantrums, and get out of here."

"Bye, Steve/Dude," we said as we parted ways.

Our arrival coincided with the start of the service. I can sense how relaxing it is to be inside the church.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes, and I'm at ease."

"This is something we do every Sunday before."

"I believe the saying goes, 'The mind can forget, but the heart cannot.'"


"I can still feel the connection I have with God; I don't remember how I used to praise and worship Him, but it comforts me."

"Okay, listen to the message."

The church service focuses on forgiveness. How God forgives us for our sins, and how God rescues us from death. It can be applied to our lives in that we should learn to forgive no matter what someone has done to us because if God can forgive, then so can we.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Do you know where the man you said is my father is?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure if they still live there."

"I'd like to meet him."

"Are you sure? It'll make your amnesia worse."

"I want to meet him despite the fact that I have no recollection of anything."

"All right," he said as he took out his phone and texted my brother.

We went straight to that man's house after the service. The door was opened for us by their maid.

"Can you tell me where the owner of this house is?" I inquired of the maid.

"First, Ma'am and Sir, go inside; I'll call him later."

We were led into their living room by her. She went upstairs and enters a room.

"Does he have any resentment toward me?" I asked.

"I don't believe he's angry with you; a father's love for his children is unquestionable."

We heard footsteps and saw the person I was looking for. We got out of our seats and waited for him to come down.

"Daughter?" I could tell he was ecstatic.

"Sir," I said as I was about to shake his hand when he hugged me. Because of that action, my mind went blank. I'm not sure how I feel.

"I am your father."

"Hmm, she doesn't remember anything." Dean arose in.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"Someone did strike her in the head, causing her to forget everything."

"I had no idea."

"It's fine, sir. I'm just stopping by to see you," I said.

I can see the longing of a father for his daughter in his eyes. He called up the maid and requested that she prepare food.

"I didn't know about this because your mother didn't tell me."

"She didn't say anything about you after the incident, and I only saw our picture in my secret place."

He nodded, as if he knew where my secret hideaway was.

"May I ask a question, sir?"

"Stop with the formalities; call me your Da like you did before."

"All right, D-da."

"It's a lot better now; what do you want to ask?"

"Why am I with Mom right now, and why am I not using your last name?"

"Won't it trigger her head?" He asked the Dean.

"I don't think so, but she wants to know about her past."

"I'm only going to answer one question because I don't want to endanger your health."

"All right, I get it."

"Because you are still under the age of minority, the child's custody remains with the mother; this is the law, and I can't go against it or they won't let me come near you."

"Do I have the right to choose between you two when I'm eighteen?"

"Yes, but there are many factors to consider."

"What exactly are you talking about?"

"Your present father."

Dean excused himself because he wanted us to have a private conversation.


"He's a powerful individual."

"Do you have any idea?"



"You must consider not only your current father, Shiloa, but also your mother's feelings."

"Steve is my true brother to you?"


I just wanted to double-check because my brother and I share a striking resemblance.

"I appreciate you not being prejudiced."

"It's not my choice; it's yours."

"All I want to do now is remember everything."

"Be gentle with yourself."

After that, we fell silent. It's a good thing the maid awakened us for the meal.

"Make yourself at home and eat whatever you want." I'm a little shy, but I managed to hide it while eating.

"Wait here while I go upstairs and get something."

"Do you think you're okay?"


"Are you sure?"

"I don't have any pain in my head."

"That's great; enjoy your meal." Then it went silent once more.

"Boo? Are you here?" yells a child, who is searching for someone.

"Yes! Kitchen!" Dean exclaimed.

I heard the footsteps of a child running. The door opens to reveal a young boy. He's so adorable.

"Hi boo! I missed you," the young boy said, requesting to be placed on his lap. He can't say words properly but his voice is so cute.

"I miss you as well."

"Can you tell me who she is?"

"She's your older sister, Shiloa."

"Loa?" I want to pinch his cheeks.

"You're so super cute."

"I appreciate it."

"Can you tell me how old he is?"

"He's three years old." Even though I wasn't talking to him, he showed me his three fingers.

"Hello, Dad!" He exclaimed as I turned to face my biological father.

"Sky, come here."

Oh, Sky is his name. Da whispered in Sky's ear, and Sky went onto Da's back.

"Here's your present from me."