
You Can Do That ?! I Can Do That !

Imagine waking up one day to find out you’ve got powers that let you see your own stats like in a video game, right? That’s what happens to Lin Feng, just a regular guy from a tiny village. After some crazy visions, he realizes he can check out his skills and growth on this cool status screen only he can see. So, Lin Feng thinks, “Why not explore the world?” and takes off to find out what’s up with his new abilities. He faces off against weird creatures and meets people who actually help him get stronger and understand his powers better. They’re all trying to figure out why Lin Feng’s so special. The thing is, it’s not just about fighting and getting stronger. Lin Feng’s adventures are going to take him way beyond his world, like, to different realms and maybe even across the universe! It’s all about grabbing what life throws at you and rolling with it. So yeah, it’s about this guy who’s learning to deal with what he is, making some friends, and maybe shaping the future of not just his world, but like, the entire cosmos! Sounds epic, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been cooking up this story for quite some time, expect as many releases as I can every single day, I've got a stockpile of them in my writing vault and I'm simply making as many as I can. Lin Feng is going places, you can be sure of that.

Saint_Of_Love · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The Challenge of Entry

The early morning sun cast a golden glow over the bustling city of Zhuyan, bathing its ancient stones with a light that seemed to whisper of endless possibilities. Lin Feng emerged from the cramped quarters of the storage closet in the inn, stretching his limbs and embracing the new day with a sense of determination that felt almost palpable.

He had spent a restless night mulling over his experiences in the library and the harsh reception at the inn. Each moment had been a lesson, and now, fortified by his newfound skills and the gritty endurance he had developed, Lin Feng was ready to face one of his most anticipated challenges yet—the entrance exam of the Azure Dragon Sect.

Walking towards the sect's grand hall, Lin Feng felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. The Azure Dragon Sect was known for its rigorous standards and the elite status of its disciples. As he approached the massive doors, Lin Feng could see other hopefuls gathered, their faces etched with nervous hope and fierce determination.

With a deep breath, Lin Feng stepped forward and joined the queue. When his turn came, he confidently stepped up to the registrar, a stern-faced man who looked him over with a skeptical eye.

"Name and cultivation level?" the registrar asked in a clipped tone.

"Lin Feng, Qi Condensation Stage 1" Lin Feng replied, trying to keep his voice steady despite the intimidating aura of the place.

The registrar raised an eyebrow, his gaze slightly mocking. "You do realize that our minimum requirement is Qi Condensation Stage 3? We appreciate your... enthusiasm, but come back when you're not so embarrassingly underqualified."

Lin Feng's heart sank. He had anticipated a challenge but being turned away so bluntly was a blow. However, his recent trials had steeled his resolve, and he wasn't ready to give up just yet.

"Please, is there any way I can prove myself worthy? Any trial or test I can take?" Lin Feng asked, his voice tinged with both humility and a hint of desperation.

The registrar sighed, perhaps moved by Lin Feng's earnestness, and after a moment's hesitation, he replied, "Fine. There's a preliminary trial tomorrow at dawn. It's designed for our junior disciples, but it's tough enough to weed out the unprepared. Pass that, and I'll consider letting you take the entrance exam."

Grateful for the opportunity, Lin Feng bowed deeply, "Thank you. I will not disappoint you."

As he left the hall, Lin Feng knew he had to prepare. He decided to use the remainder of the day to train and further refine his cultivation techniques. Seeking a quiet spot near the edge of the city to sit and gather his thoughts.

Settling down, Lin Feng closed his eyes and began to meditate, focusing on drawing in the ambient Qi from the surroundings. The early morning air was crisp and saturated with a vibrant energy that seemed eager to be harnessed. As he breathed in deeply, Lin Feng could feel the Qi flowing into him, filling his reserves slowly and steadily.

Determined to make the most of this chance, Lin Feng pushed himself to go even further. He attempted to extend his Qi capacity, to go beyond the limits of his current cultivation stage. The energy swelled within him, growing more intense with each passing moment.

At first, the pressure was almost unbearable. Lin Feng gritted his teeth, channeling all his focus and willpower into containing and expanding his Qi. Then, suddenly there was a moment of intense clarity and a feeling as if a lock had been sprung open within him. Lin Feng knew he had made it; he had broken through to Qi Condensation Stage 2. The realization came with an overwhelming sense of release as all the Qi he had gathered rushed to stabilize his new cultivation base, leaving his Qi reserves temporarily depleted.

Exhausted yet exhilarated, Lin Feng checked his status screen to gauge the changes:


Name: Lin Feng

Race: Human

Class: Novice Cultivator

Level: 2

Cultivation Stage: Qi Condensation Stage 2


Basic Qi Gathering - Level 32

Enhanced Perception - Level 1

Rapid Fire Fist - Level 1

Deep Meditation - Level 26

Enhanced Qi Flow - Level 32

Elemental Harmony - Level 22

Mystic Symbol Mastery - Level 1

Unique Skill:

Heart of True Belief - Level 1


Health: 180/180

Qi: 0/120

Stamina: 120/120

Strength: 25

Agility: 23

Vitality: 28

Endurance: 24

Wisdom: 20

Intelligence: 18

Dexterity: 21

Charisma: 10

Luck: 8

Spiritual Awareness: 40

Mystical Affinity: 35


Legacy of the Crystal Oracle - Level 1

Free Skill Points: 4

Free Stat Points: 0

The surge in his skill levels was a testament to the intense focus and dedication of his training session. Each skill had improved significantly, reflecting his enhanced understanding and control over his Qi.

As Lin Feng rose to his feet, his body felt different—stronger and more attuned to the natural energy flows around him. His Qi was depleted for now, but his overall capacity had increased, and he knew it would only be a matter of time before he could fully recharge.

Lin Feng's steps were buoyed by a new strength as he walked away from his secluded meditation spot, yet his mind was restless. Despite his recent ascension to Qi Condensation Stage 2, a daring thought flickered through his consciousness—why not strive for even greater heights? Why not reach for Qi Condensation Stage 3?

The idea was audacious, possibly even reckless, considering the drain on his Qi from the last breakthrough. But Lin Feng felt an irrepressible urge to test his limits. He returned to his quiet corner, sat down once again, and centered himself. Closing his eyes, Lin Feng began the arduous process of gathering ambient Qi once more.

The energy in the atmosphere felt thinner after his recent extensive draw, but Lin Feng's resolve did not waver. He focused intensely, channeling all his mental power into condensing the sparse Qi into his core. Slowly, the familiar feeling of fullness began to return, his Qi reserves starting to replenish.

As he pushed further, Lin Feng noticed a sudden surge in his skills. The interface updated with a significant notification:

Status Update:

Basic Qi Gathering has reached Level 100 and evolved into Advanced Qi Gathering.

This evolution marked a significant enhancement in his ability to gather and stabilize Qi, facilitating even faster accumulation than before. Lin Feng continued, his mind almost solely focused on drawing in Qi and consolidating it within himself. It wasn't long before other skills also evolved:

Status Update:

Enhanced Qi Flow has evolved into Refined Qi Circulation.

Elemental Harmony has evolved into Basic Elemental Integration.

These advancements significantly boosted his control over his internal Qi and his interaction with the elemental energies around him. With these newly enhanced capabilities, Lin Feng pushed onwards, his senses acutely tuned to the energy dynamics within him.

After what seemed like an eternity of focused meditation and Qi refinement, Lin Feng felt a profound shift within his core—a breakthrough to Qi Condensation Stage 3. The sensation was overwhelming, as if a dormant volcano within him had erupted into life. His status screen updated to reflect this monumental change:


Name: Lin Feng

Race: Human

Class: Novice Cultivator

Level: 2

Cultivation Stage: Qi Condensation Stage 3


Advanced Qi Gathering - Level 7

Enhanced Perception - Level 1

Rapid Fire Fist - Level

Deep Meditation - Level 94

Refined Qi Circulation - Level 2

Basic Elemental Integration - Level 1

Unique Skill:

Heart of True Belief - Level 1


Health: 230/230

Qi: 0/170

Stamina: 170/170

Strength: 28

Agility: 25

Vitality: 30

Endurance: 26

Wisdom: 22

Intelligence: 19

Dexterity: 23

Charisma: 12

Luck: 8

Spiritual Awareness: 43

Mystical Affinity: 38


Legacy of the Crystal Oracle - Level 1

Free Skill Points: 4

Free Stat Points: 0

Each of Lin Feng's attributes had increased in alignment with his growth in cultivation—a testament to his enhanced physical and spiritual faculties. His health and stamina had improved, reflecting his body's greater resilience and energy capacity. The increments in strength, agility, and other physical attributes illustrated his body's overall development from the rigorous internal training.

Standing up, Lin Feng felt a surge of vitality and power unlike anything before. His cultivation base had not only deepened but his understanding of Qi dynamics had fundamentally transformed. With these tremendous gains, he now felt truly prepared to face whatever challenges awaited in the Azure Dragon Sect's trial.

As Lin Feng approached the grand hall of the Azure Dragon Sect with a renewed sense of purpose, the same registrar who had initially dismissed him was there to greet him. The official's demeanor was dismissive at first, clearly not expecting Lin Feng to return so soon, and certainly not at a higher cultivation stage.

"I told you, we have no room for weaklings and pretenders, you can come back tomorrow for the preliminary trial." the registrar began with a scoff, folding his arms in clear skepticism. "If you insist on wasting my time—"

Lin Feng, however, stood his ground firmly. "Please, just check my cultivation level. I assure you, I have made genuine progress," he requested, his voice calm but insistent.

Visibly irritated by what he perceived as mockery, the registrar harshly acquiesced, pulling out a Qi meter with a huff. "We shall see," he muttered, activating the device and watching the needle skeptically.

As the needle whirred and finally pointed clearly to Qi Condensation Stage 3, the registrar's eyes widened in disbelief, and his earlier annoyance transformed into outright anger. "This... This is impossible! You must have lied before! Trying to make a fool out of me, huh?" he accused, his voice rising with each word.

Lin Feng tried to explain, "There was no lie. I genuinely reached this level through my efforts recently—"

"Not another word!" the registrar cut him off. He grabbed Lin Feng by the arm and roughly pushed him towards the courtyard where the other applicants were gathered. "Go on then, join the others. But remember, I'll be watching you closely," he warned with a glare.

As Lin Feng entered the courtyard, he shook off the discomfort from the registrar's rough handling, focusing on the task ahead. An elder of the sect was already demonstrating the first challenge of the entrance exam. He performed a precise and powerful technique that sent a slicing wind blade towards a wooden dummy, effectively cutting it in half.

Lin Feng's eyes didn't stray from the elder's movements, his mind rapidly processing and understanding the displayed technique. As he internalized the movements, a quiet confidence settled over him, and he felt a notification pop up on his status screen:

Status Update:

New Skill Acquired: Wind Blade - Level 1

When his turn came, Lin Feng calmly stepped forward, faced the wooden dummy, and executed the Wind Blade Technique with a clean precision that mirrored the elder's demonstration. The dummy was split in half, just as cleanly as the elder had done.

A murmur of impressed whispers spread through the crowd, and even the elder offered a nod of acknowledgment, saying, "Well done. That's an excellent grasp of the technique."

Despite the successful display, Lin Feng could feel the registrar's eyes boring into his back, his earlier accusations and anger adding pressure to the already tense atmosphere. Lin Feng knew he had to keep proving himself not just to advance in the competition but also to clear any doubts about his integrity and ability.

With the first trial passed, Lin Feng prepared himself mentally for the upcoming challenges. He was determined to use this opportunity not only to deepen his cultivation but also to earn a rightful place in the Azure Dragon Sect, free from suspicions and false accusations.