
You Can Do That ?! I Can Do That !

Imagine waking up one day to find out you’ve got powers that let you see your own stats like in a video game, right? That’s what happens to Lin Feng, just a regular guy from a tiny village. After some crazy visions, he realizes he can check out his skills and growth on this cool status screen only he can see. So, Lin Feng thinks, “Why not explore the world?” and takes off to find out what’s up with his new abilities. He faces off against weird creatures and meets people who actually help him get stronger and understand his powers better. They’re all trying to figure out why Lin Feng’s so special. The thing is, it’s not just about fighting and getting stronger. Lin Feng’s adventures are going to take him way beyond his world, like, to different realms and maybe even across the universe! It’s all about grabbing what life throws at you and rolling with it. So yeah, it’s about this guy who’s learning to deal with what he is, making some friends, and maybe shaping the future of not just his world, but like, the entire cosmos! Sounds epic, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been cooking up this story for quite some time, expect as many releases as I can every single day, I've got a stockpile of them in my writing vault and I'm simply making as many as I can. Lin Feng is going places, you can be sure of that.

Saint_Of_Love · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Elemental Foundations

As Lin Feng's successful execution of the Wind Blade Technique set a high standard, the other participants followed, each showcasing their understanding of the skill. Lin Feng watched attentively, clapping and offering words of encouragement as his fellow competitors tried their hand at the technique. His display of sportsmanship didn't go unnoticed; several participants nodded in appreciation of his support, fostering a sense of camaraderie among the hopefuls.

Post-demonstration, an elder with a commanding presence and a deep understanding of elemental forces stepped forward to address the gathered crowd. His robes, embroidered with intricate symbols representing a myriad of elements, fluttered slightly in the gentle evening breeze.

"You have all shown commendable skill with the Wind Blade," he began, his voice resonant and carrying across the quiet courtyard. "However, true mastery within the Azure Dragon Sect requires familiarity and proficiency with a broader spectrum of elements."

He paused, surveying the attentive faces before him.

"Let us delve deeper into the elements you shall encounter and learn to master as part of your journey in our Sect."

Fire - "Symbolic of passion and chaos, mastering Fire requires courage and control in equal measure."

Water - "Fluid and adaptable, Water teaches flexibility and the ability to harness one's environment."

Earth - "Solid and enduring, Earth provides defense and substantial power to those who stand firm."

Wind - "As you've seen today, Wind offers speed and precision, granting agility that can often turn the tide of battle."

Ice - "Colder and more rigid than its sibling Water, Ice demands precision and offers formidable control over the battlefield."

Lightning - "Erratic and powerful, Lightning embodies raw energy and explosive force."

Metal - "Unyielding and sharp, Metal cultivators are formidable in offense, capable of slicing through the toughest barriers."

Wood - "Versatile and ever-growing, Wood symbolizes life and persistence, thriving under any conditions."

Light - "Pure and illuminating, Light is rare and revered for its healing and purifying properties."

Shadow - "Elusive and mysterious, Shadow thrives in stealth and deception, ideal for those who favor subtlety over brute force."

Poison - "Deadly and silent, mastering Poison can be a dangerous path that tests the moral boundaries of its user."

Ether - "The element of the void, Ether is difficult to comprehend and even harder to master, known for its ability to warp space and perception."

Time - "Intricate and elusive, Time offers control over the very fabric of moments but is a path few can follow."

Sound - "Oscillating and pervasive, Sound manipulates the battlefield subtly but can command powerful vibrational forces."

Gravity - "A rare and powerful element that deals with the very essence of weight and attraction."

The elder's voice infused each word with a sense of deep respect and awe for the elements, illustrating the vast array of paths available to the cultivators under his guidance.

"As part of your foundational training, you will be expected to demonstrate basic proficiency in at least three of these elements. This diversity will not only ensure a well-rounded skill set but will also prepare you for the multifaceted nature of the challenges you will face as you advance," the elder explained, his tone both encouraging and stern.

He paused for a moment, letting the participants digest this information, then added, "The purpose of today's trial with the Wind Blade was not solely to assess your proficiency in wind manipulation. More importantly, it was to evaluate your comprehension abilities and the depth of your cultivation."

The gathered participants exchanged glances, some nodding slowly as they came to understand the deeper layers of the trials they were undergoing.

Lin Feng absorbed this revelation, realizing that each trial was intricately designed to test more than just surface skills—these were assessments of their very adaptability and potential as cultivators.

Soon enough, the elder began a new phase of the trials. He approached each participant, placing a hand on theirs, a silent exchange of energies occurring as he sensed their communion with the elements. The criterion was clear: attain at least a Medium Communion with three different elements to pass.

One by one, the hopefuls stepped forward. Lin Feng watched as many were turned away, their faces reflecting a mix of disappointment and disbelief. The anxiety in the courtyard was palpable; each rejection heightened the collective tension among those waiting their turn.

Lin Feng felt a growing unease. He reviewed his skills and training in his mind and realized with a sinking heart that he might not meet the criteria. He had no known skills that directly pointed to communion with any element. The fear of failure, of being inadequate, began to gnaw at him. He stood, disheartened, on the verge of tears, as he contemplated the possibility of failing such a seemingly simple test in the grand scheme of his cultivation journey.

At that moment, Lin Feng felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a young woman, a fellow participant who had been waiting quietly for her turn. She gave him a kind, empathetic smile.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice that you seem a bit troubled," she began politely, her voice low and comforting. "I just wanted to say that your performance with the Wind Blade earlier was quite impressive. It really wouldn't surprise me if you had a natural affinity with Wind, and perhaps Sound and Lightning as well. They tend to be linked. Maybe just believe in yourself a little? I certainly think there's a good chance you have what it takes."

Her words, thoughtful and encouraging, were like a lifeline to Lin Feng. He nodded gratefully, bolstered by her belief in him. She stood with an air of quiet confidence. Her eyes were keen and observant, reflecting a thoughtful mind. She wore her hair in a simple yet stylish braid that hinted at meticulousness and practicality. Her robes were modest but well-fitted, adorned with subtle patterns that seemed to weave together elements of wind and storm.

Feeling a newfound hope, Lin Feng stepped forward for his test. As the elder's hand rested over his, a moment of silent anticipation filled the air. Then, to Lin Feng's astonishment and relief, his status screen flickered:

Status Update :

Medium Communion with Wind Acquired

Medium Communion with Sound Acquired

Medium Communion with Lightning Acquired

The elder looked at him, a hint of a smile playing around his lips. "Well done, young man. You do indeed have the required Communions. You may proceed."

As he stepped away, Lin Feng's heart was full of gratitude. He turned around, looking for the young woman who had inspired him, wanting to thank her once more and perhaps learn her name. However, before he could reach her, a sudden commotion broke out around the area where she was being assessed.

The elder who was testing her had suddenly trembled, stepping back with a look of sheer astonishment on his face. Murmurs and gasps filled the courtyard as the elder announced loudly, "This young lady here has achieved a Third Stratum Highest Communion with not one, but four different elements! Fire, Light, Earth and Time!"

The surrounding crowd of young sect cultivators and other applicants buzzed with confusion and awe, many not understanding the full implications of such an achievement.

Seeing the puzzled looks around him, the elder who had conducted the test cleared his throat and addressed the crowd. "Let me explain the significance of what we've just witnessed," he began, his voice reflecting a mix of pride and seriousness. "Just as the legendary 33 Heavens stand as layers above our heads, elemental communion is divided into 33 strata, each increasingly difficult to reach."

He paused to let his words sink in before continuing. "The requirement for entry into our sect was merely a First Strata Medium Communion. Achieving a Third Strata Highest Communion is something that many seasoned cultivators strive for their entire lives without attaining."

The other elders present shared looks of disbelief and respect. To them, the achievements of this young woman signaled the arrival of a prodigious talent among their ranks. Her mastery suggested a depth of connection with the elements that was extraordinarily rare, especially for someone of her apparent age and experience.

As the revelation of the young woman's extraordinary elemental communion settled over the courtyard of the Azure Dragon Sect, Lin Feng felt compelled to speak to her, to learn more about the seemingly modest cultivator who had shown such remarkable prowess. As he made his way through the dispersing crowd toward her, a mysterious and unforeseen event unfolded.

A figure shrouded in an almost tangible aura of power and mystery appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The air around the figure seemed to distort slightly, a testament to their immense power. This hidden figure walked directly toward the stunned young woman.

As the figure approached, every elder present, including the one who had just praised Yue Xi's abilities, immediately dropped to their knees in a gesture of deep respect and reverence.

"Our Ancestor graces us," they intoned in unison, their voices filled with awe and a hint of fear.

The Ancestor, a figure of legend within the sect, rarely appeared in public. Their direct intervention now was a clear sign of the gravity of what had just occurred. Without a word, the Ancestor gestured to the young woman, who was seemingly in a trance as she was led away by the Ancestor, all saw them disappear into thin air.

Lin Feng stood there, stunned, along with the rest of the applicants, as they processed the sudden turn of events. He worried about the young woman's fate yet knew he couldn't do anything to potentially help her if she were to be troubled by the current events. However, there was little time to lament his lack of power, as the elder announced the continuation of the trials.

The elder had regained his composure and motioned for the next participant. As the assessments resumed, the reality of the competition set back in. One by one, the hopefuls were tested, and one by one, most were turned away. By the time the last participant had been evaluated, only 14 remained, including Lin Feng. The stakes were clear, and the tension palpable.

"The final test you will face today is the Trial of Heart and Will," announced a young man with similar robes to the other elders, he had a comforting smile and a soothing gaze, all 14 applicants followed him without a word. They soon reached an earthen tower with a simple wooden door for an entrance.

"Inside, you will find our 108 Hells Illusion Array, it will confront you with your deepest fears and inner demons. You must show not only the ability to face these fears but the strength to overcome them," he explained as he furtively drew symbols on the wooden door.

One by one, the participants stepped into the tower. All were violently flung out of the tower after some time had passed, most while being unconscious.

When it was Lin Feng's turn, he took a deep breath, centering himself before stepping into the tower. Almost immediately, the world around him faded to black, and then, as if painted by an invisible hand, his fears began to materialize.

Lin Feng saw himself standing before the sect elders, being told he was not worthy, that he should never have even dreamed of cultivating, despite all the powers he had been given, he accomplished nothing. He saw disappointment and even scorn on their faces as they dismissed him as a failure. This fear clawed at his confidence.

Another illusion showed Lin Feng as a mere spectator while others around him achieved greatness. Here, he was invisible, overlooked, his existence barely acknowledged. This fear of insignificance, of living and dying without leaving any mark on the world or achieving anything of note, filled him with a cold dread.

A deeply personal fear manifested as an endless void where Lin Feng was completely alone, the silence overwhelming, the isolation complete. This fear of eternal loneliness, of being permanently disconnected from others, was suffocating.

Perhaps the most harrowing was the vision of himself as a corrupted cultivator — powerful but utterly alone, having sacrificed his ethics and loved ones for power. The dread of losing his soul to his ambitions was a stark reminder of the potential costs of his path.

The most visceral illusion yet depicted him returning to his village of Qinghe to find it destroyed — homes burned, lives lost. The ground was littered with the bodies of those he had left behind, their hands reaching out to him, their voices accusing. "Why weren't you here? Why did you leave us?" they asked, a chorus of betrayal and pain. This fear of having abandoned his people when they needed him most, of being responsible for their suffering, was paralyzing.

Facing these harrowing scenarios, Lin Feng felt an initial surge of despair and a desire to flee from the damning accusations of his own mind. Yet, as he stood amid the illusions, a powerful realization dawned upon him. Each fear, while valid, was an aspect of possible futures—not the definite outcome.

With a deep, calming breath, Lin Feng addressed each vision:

"I recognize you, my fears, and I acknowledge your power. Yet even if you come to pass, one constant shall remain—my belief in myself and the path I have chosen. I will stay true to my course, true to who I am. Whatever may come, I accept you, but I will not let you define me."

With each declaration, the visions began to fade, losing their intensity and hold over him. His acceptance and unwavering self-belief acted as a beacon of light dispersing the shadows.

Walking out of the tower still conscious, he was immediately greeted by a robe and round talisman that the young elder handed him. "Your identification token and your outer disciple robe, go west towards the reception area, they'll tell you what to do. Now go."

Lin Feng was almost thrown away from the exam area, he truly thought that appearances were deceiving since such a kind looking elder was actually so cold and detached. Sighing, he walked towards the reception area, his entry into the Azure Dragon Sect now being official.