
Planning for a Date...

On the next day, I saw Aashito standing outside my house waiting for me to come so, that we both can walk school toghether. I gave him the company to the school. But from the expressions of his I can tell that he want to say something. But he didn't uttered a single word also.

In the lunch period we met again, I was waiting for him to say something but he remained silent and this made me really curious.

It was Saturday, so we had a half day and this time I thought that I will definetely ask him. Then he said"Hey! Mizuka, I wanna to say you something from a long time." I interrupted him in between"Yes, I know. so just speak up." He said "Do you have any plans for tomorrow." I said " No, I don't think so." He said in sweet voice "as we have a day off tomorrow, than we can hangout. I mean can we go on a real date." I was shocked as i have never gone on a date before especially with a guy. I blushed but before I can say anything he said "Ok Mizuka than tomorrow 11:00 am in front of Miyoma mall. See ya!." After saying this he ran away.

I was like "What the hell just happened, did i said Yes or No."

The whole night I wasn't able to sleep. I kept on thinking that should I go or not?.

It was 10:00am. I had break fast and thinking about Aashito.

I opened my cupboard and throwing and matching my clothes that which one should i wear because I had no idea as It was my first date.

My phone rang, It was Aashito" I picked, he said "I have reached where are you?." I got nervous that what should I say. I cut the phone.

It was 12:00...