

Next day, I was very calm and cool in the morning ofcourse and left home by a thought that "I won't give pay any attention towards him."

It was lunch period, Chizoku came to me and said in teasing voice "that Aashito is calling you on terrace and wanna to talk to you." I politely said her "Tell your Aashito that Mizuka won't come and I am no one's puppet. I live my life with my own rules." I left from there and started murmuring.

Now, It was time to go. I picked my bag and started walking to the end of the corridor. But suddenly, I felt like going to terrace. But my mind said "that what business I have there?." On the other hand, my heart said "that atleast you should go and have a look to the terrace may be he's still waiting for you there."

Till the time I can decide, I already reached to terrace. I looked all around but he wasn't there. As I was about to leave i heard some voice from nowhere that" Why you came to terrace at this hour? What business you have here? Don't you wanna to go to home?."

As i turned around I saw him. The person whom I don't wanna to, but yet we always cross roads. It was that pervert Aashito.

I was surprised to see him there. I mean he called me on terrace but that was 3 hrs. back.

I asked him "Why are you here and from how long were you planning to wait here for me?." He replied with smile "Am here for you. Am waiting for you since lunch period and I was about to go and if you didn't showed up now, than tomorrow you might get a wonderful punishment for not showing up and making me wait l. But see, you really came to protect yourself from my evil side." I was horrified that is he an alien or what. I said "that your message did came to me in lunch period and if i didn't showed up than that means am not coming."

He gave me a satisfied smile and said"I knew that you will come, infact you wanna to come in lunch period even, but your ego come in between and yeah! I don't have any complain regarding this, I can wait for you forever and ever until I die."

His words really touched my heart but still I wasn't really satisfied. I told him that "I have to go home and am getting late." He respected my words and we walked together to home.

This time the feeling which awakened in me, was something different from rest all feelings I had for him...

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