
You belong to US

**********Trigger Warning********* This novel is for adults only it has more than one partner, abuse, sexual violence and lots and lots and lots of sexy steamy scenes. ********************************* Sucking more deeply her back arches first from pain. So much burning pain. It was agony. And then pleasure. The bite had pleasure. Suck more she begged inside. Suck more please. "Please" she moans. And the brothers moan in response. Riley rips off her pantys and she whimpers. Trying to close her legs, but they won't let her. Each man pulling apart one leg. They takes turns touching her pussy. At first lightly just around the lips. Riley and Oliver look each other in the eye and nod. Riley lets go with a smack of his lips he moves down her body.

Devonany · Fantasy
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42 Chs

daddy’s got you

Violet couldn't help but enjoy his touch. He pulled himself from inside her. He flipped her over and soaked her again.

"Call me daddy, Violet."

"What?" Violet asked

Gabriel grabs her by her hair pulling her head back. "I said call me daddy"

"Yes daddy."

"That's right baby. That's right." And he spanks her again. Putting his dick back in her.

She moaned. With her head pulled up, he dives in her now faster and and harder. She was grunting with each thrust. Again and again.

At that moment someone walked through the door without knocking. Gabriel looked over and growled violently "get the fuck out Riley".

The sound of his name made Violet stiffen and recoil.

Riley shocked a bit by his brother response, still moved forward and began to take off his shirt. She was his too, he could have her just as much him, right.?

Gabriel having noticed Violet recoil at the sound of Riley's name kinda pissed him off.

"Scum bag I said get the fuck out." He was practically roaring "if I have to tell you again I'll fucking. Break your nose, get out now."

Riley now knowing he is very unwelcome and not wanting to piss off the head of the family, put his shirt back on and left.

Gabriel turned his attention back to Violet, "don't worry, I will let him touch you when it's you us." Licking and nipping her ear. The feeling made her moan, and she relaxed a bit.

Feeling her relax he pushed his dick even harder this time. He just slammed her over and over. His hand now grabbing her throat. He spanked her again and again. She was crying and moaning from the pain and the pleasure. She never knew being hit could feel so good. That pain could feel like this. It was different than any of the other times. When she surrendered before it was out of necessity, but this was like a sort of freeing type of submission, she couldn't explain it. Orgasm after orgasm, she couldn't hold back her screams anymore. Grunting with each thrust, she was crumbling. Becoming limp from exhaustion from so many orgasms. But then with one final thrust he was so deep inside her she could feel his tip on her stomach. He pumped her full of his seed. He shook on top of her as he emptied himself completely. He collapses down on top of her, with his dick still inside her. And for a moment they lay there in silence. Just soaking in the last of their euphoria.

He rolls off her, unbinds her arms and unties her blind fold. She looked so tender and delicate with her big innocent pink eyes. Her smile as soft as ever. It melted something inside Gabriel in that moment.

He pulls the blanet out from under them he climbs under and pulls the blanket over both of them. He draws her in and strokes the back of her head. This was a side to Gabriel she didn't know could exist. Passed his cold demeanor, you'd have no idea he was capable of such and affectionate act. But here he was holding her tightly in his arms petting the back of her head.

"There there my little princess, daddy's got you."

And then she drifted off to sleep.

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