
The Maiden and Five Brothers

**********Trigger Warning********* This novel is for adults only it has more than one partner, abuse, sexual violence and lots and lots and lots of sexy steamy scenes. ********************************* Sucking more deeply her back arches first from pain. So much burning pain. It was agony. And then pleasure. The bite had pleasure. Suck more she begged inside. Suck more please. "Please" she moans. And the brothers moan in response. Riley rips off her pantys and she whimpers. Trying to close her legs, but they won't let her. Each man pulling apart one leg. They takes turns touching her pussy. At first lightly just around the lips. Riley and Oliver look each other in the eye and nod. Riley lets go with a smack of his lips he moves down her body.

Devonany · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


Violet awoke the following evening asleep in her room with Alexander asleep next to her. Something about him being so close just brought her a sense of safety that she's never experienced with anyone before, not even her own her father. Feeling drawn to him, she scooches closer to him. Even though he felt cold. The cold radiating from him didn't make her feel cold.

She didn't want to move, because she didn't want to wake him as he slept peacefully beside her. Just enjoying his closeness.

Feeling her awaken, he opens his eyes. Pulling her closer to him, she stiffened a bit. He kisses her. And he lets her head. Almost breathless because of this gentle affectionate moment they were having. She relaxed once more accepting his touch. Reveling in it. He pulls away ending the kiss, leaving her desperate for more. We have school still, have to get ready.

Ash had already brought his clothes into her room to avoid any possibility of Riley raping her before the day even starts. Ash always hated Riley, but since meeting Violet, he's gotten more aggressive and ballsy.

Walking down the stares,Riley stood in the entrance blocking their exit. Violet stops dead in her tracks, and Ash snarled noticing her tense up.

He walks toward her and all he said before walking away was

"Tonight's the full moon"


Violet was panicked not only has school been a constant problem. Tonight was the ceremony. Her chances of getting pregnant increased tonight so that's the brothers might very well go all night... At school each brother staking his claim in class reminding the student of her status. These girls in classes though were really getting annoyed with all the attention this human was always getting.

But the school day went by without any problems. Outside of barely eating lunch and them complaining for her to eat, the day was good. She could feel her bond with the 3 youngest growing. The brothers even looked closer today, even laughing at the lunch table.

She was happy with how today went. But the ride home shattered her illusion of happiness she had just had. Pulling up to the manor, her anxiety rose to an all time high. The brothers getting out first, Ash helping her to her feet, they walk her to her room.

"You have 2 hours to get clean and read for tonight. A small super will be brought to your room while you ready yourself for the full moon ceremony tonight." Gabriel said walking up the stairs. "Your dress for tonight is on the bed and no one is to disturb you before tonight, Riley has already been warned." He disappeared into his room.

She let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding and she walks into the room.

The dress on the bed was a simple red see through dress that clipped at the shoulders and at the hip. Showing both her sides and her cleavage.dress was practically nothing. She would be completely exposed. She turned pink with embarrassment.

Sighing she goes to the bathroom to bathe. Seeing it was already drawn and steaming, it had an herbal smell to it. It was lovely. As she is undressing a knock at the door start let's Violet.


"Hello milady I'm here to help you prep for tonight."

Violet was puzzled but allowed her in.

The woman looked kind. She has blonde hair and green eyes. She had a gentleness in the way she moved.

Violet climbs into the tub allowing the woman to pamper her. Enjoying the moments before tonight. The woman whose name was Bella short for Belladonna. She had a flower name like me, so it already made me feel closer to her. She washed my hair and my skin with a soft soap that made my skin feel and shine like silk. After the bath she dressed me and styled my hair in one long thick beautiful braid.

"Wow milady you look beautiful"

Violet looks in the mirror and she did look beautiful. She ate a small supper and then Bella handed her a piece of what looked like chocolate..

"This is an herbal chocolate, it's a special aphrodisiac that is meant to increase your desire and fertility."

Violet looks at the chocolate and eats it.

"Alright, you're already to go. The moon has risen in the sky and everything is ready."