
You Are What You Eat

As a Hunter, I must be strong. If I'm strong, then I'll be able to fight powerful Monsters. If I'm able to fight powerful Monsters, then I'll be able to receive a higher income. However, I've been weak for the past 4 years. I'll make sure that that changes. With this Skill that I've been granted, I'll change. It'll be tough, but I'll eat anything I have to to get stronger. I don't care if this Skill leads me to being some sort of monster or if this leads me to being hated. For the sake of my loved ones, I must be strong.

MystyCry · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Level Up

"Maybe I can eat their nail clippings…," I thought aloud as I dismantled the dead rabbits on the ground.

As I was dismantling them, I got attacked two more times, but I was able to successfully defend against the Monsters. I ended up deciding to dismantle the rabbits when I was done hunting for today since it would be dangerous if a rabbit Monster or the Boss Monster snuck up on me while I was doing that. The smell of the Monster corpses also might attract more Monsters.

So, I continued to stand in the same spot, killing the rabbits that tried to bite me with their fangs. Most of them attacked by themselves, but they would occasionally attack in groups. The biggest group that I'd encountered so far was a group of four rabbits. Two of them had hair and the other two didn't.

The four rabbits surrounded me. I stood carefully, eyeing each of them for the slightest movement. Then, one of them lunged towards me. Raising my sword, I slashed at the rabbit, drawing an arc of blood in the air.

The moment the rabbit died, from the corner of my eye, I could see another one approaching me. I quickly pivoted my foot and stepped into a wide slash with my sword, cutting through the rabbit's entire body.

After that, my head whipped around to the other two rabbits who were also running towards me. Without thinking, I jumped away from them in order to dodge their attacks. The moment they landed on the ground, they both jumped at me again. However, I was prepared for them. I thrusted my sword forward, impaling one of the rabbits, and dodged the other one. Then, I turned my body and slashed at the other rabbit before it could attack again.

I looked at my bloodied sword while catching my breath. My gaze shifted to the corpses that littered the ground around me. At this point, I had stopped counting how many rabbits I had killed, but I knew that there were a lot. To be honest, having all these corpses around me was tempting me.

I really wanted to just get stronger quickly. I knew that it could be a bad idea to start dismantling the rabbits and washing the parts that I would eat, but I was starting to get impatient.

I've been in this Dungeon for almost two hours by now, so there were a decent amount of rabbits to dismantle. If I were to gain Stats from each of them, I could get much stronger. They're low level rabbit Monsters, so their Stats would be pretty unbalanced. Their highest Stat would definitely be Speed, and their Strength, Vitality, and Magic would be pretty low. However, there were so many rabbits that it didn't matter that much to me.

After a lot of thought, I decided to dismantle the rabbits. For each furred rabbit Monster, I would pluck out one of its hairs and put it into a large bowl that I brought with me. As for the hairless rabbits, I would use a knife that I used for dismantling to cut a small piece of their nail and put it in the same bowl. I would put the rest of the dismantled parts into the bag that I brought. All the while, I had my sword right next to me in case I got attacked by Monsters.

I finished dismantling the rabbits. I had a bag filled with the Monster parts and a separate bowl filled with hairs and nail clippings that I planned on eating. Of course, I would only eat them after washing them. That's why I put them in a bowl and didn't just eat them directly.

I got some bottles of water from my backpack as well as a small bottle of soap. I put a lot of soap into the bowl before putting some water into it. Then, I put my hands into the bowl. It felt really weird. I made sure that there was soap all over the hairs and nail clippings. After that, I put more water into the bowl and washed it more thoroughly.

After a while of scrubbing, I drained out the soapy water and used more water to rinse the hairs and nail clippings. I drained the water again, before putting even more water into it to make sure that there wasn't any soap left in the bowl. Then, I drained the bowl one last time.

Once I finished, I just stared at the bowl.

"I have to eat this…," I murmured to myself.

It was a sentence that I never thought I'd say while looking at a bowl of Monster hair and nail clippings.

There was only one way that I could think of to eat all of this efficiently. My idea was to put some of it in my mouth before drinking some of the water that I had. So that's what I did.

I put some in my mouth, drank water, and put more in my mouth before drinking more water. I did the same thing a couple times until the bowl was half empty.

The hair didn't really taste like anything, but the nail clippings felt unpleasant in my mouth. I decided to stop for a while to check on my Status Window.

Name: Marin Skye

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Job: The Avatar of the Envious Glutton

Strength: 29 / Speed: 32 / Vitality: 18 / Magic: 6

Skills: Envy of a Glutton(S)

Just like when I first used my Skill, I was dumbfounded. It was no surprise that my Magic and Strength didn't go up by that much, but my Speed went from 12 to 32. It went up by 20! Even my Vitality went up by 9, which doesn't seem like much, but rabbit Monsters aren't known for their sturdiness.

It's too bad that I didn't get any new Skills, but the fact didn't bother me too much.

While I was being distracted by my Status Window, I didn't notice the white rabbit that was sneaking up on me. I was only able to dodge at the last second. However, the rabbit Monster ended up running into my bowl of Monster parts that I was going to eat.

All of the Monster parts spilled onto the ground and the rabbit turned around to face me. It looked like it was preparing to attack me. Despite this, I just stared at the bowl that was previously filled.

"...," I stayed silent.

The rabbit ran towards me.

"You little bastard…," I said, picking up my unsheathed sword.

The little rabbit bastard tried to attack me, but I was able to dodge. I was able to avoid the attack much easier compared to before. Without even blinking, I brought my sword down on the rabbit before it could even touch the ground, cutting it in two.

"Woah…," I said to myself, "I'm fast now… and my body feels so light compared to before. This is great!"

I was a little upset over the Monster parts being spilled, but I quickly got over it after seeing my new physical abilities. To be honest, it was kind of weird. I think that if I'm not careful, then I won't be able to control myself very well if my Stats change drastically.

Even though I cut the tall grass, there was still grass on the ground. The Monster parts that I was going to eat were now lost in the grass. It was unfortunate, but there was no point in crying over spilled Monster parts.

When I was about to grab the rabbit corpse to dismantle it, I heard a noise. It was a high pitched screech, one that I hadn't heard from any of the rabbits yet.

'Boss Monster!' I thought frantically.

I turned around, gripping my sword with both hands as I got ready to fight.