

I will always be with you no matter what, thats his promise, the day before he left her.

Thinking that day, still Elisse remerber the heart aches thats keep on killing her even 10 years has already passed.

Because of her family status, Carlo's Family look down on her. Thinking her a gold digger. Making their son, successful in life they send him to study abroad for a better education and for a reason that they need to make them stop seeing each other.

Remembering the last kiss.

" You are only the reason why i want to live in this world. You made my life more colorful and happy. You promise me, you will wait for me, no matter what. I will marry you,,, after i proved myself to my family. Just hold on to my promise.

With tears in each others face, they sealed the promise with a kiss.

February 14, 20xx

Valentines Day but for Elisse, its the day that she want to remove in the Calendar, the pain is still there, but not that painful since it happened 10 years ago.

Promises is made to be broken.

Its been 10 years but the person that made a promise to her is not yet showing.


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