

Eli, you are my brides maid on my wedding , i hope you will catch the bouqet, so that you will be the next bride"...

If only she is interested to catch it,,, look at her,

She is a total beauty, elegant, have money, a doctor, have everything but only waiting for a person that we dont know if really will come back, Jacky said to Danny.

Danny , jacky , stop talking about him. I think i need to move on and find my happiness with someone else. I dont want to grow old alone. I want to have a happy family also like other.

Both of her friends widen their eyes, it looks like they see a ghost, because for how many years, Elisse is just quite about this matter. Now she knows she is getting old. she is now 26 years old, and maybe its the best time to say goodbye, to a person that will not really meant for her.

Oh my god, im happy for you girl... Jacky said

I know Carlo is your one and only,,, but ,,, i think you already did your part on waiting for him.

It might soud bad for you, but how is it if he is already married and you are waiting for nothing...

Im sorry Eli, but im just concern to you because you are like a sister to us. We dont want you to be alone.

In 10 years you also proved yourself .

You study hard to proved yourself to his family and now you are a successful Doctor.

You are like a Zombie now, with no feeling , You are Just keep on working Nonstop.

How about you when you get old.

Next chapter