
You Are My Precious

Amy was waiting for 10 minutes at the station for him to come. They were not in touch for 6months after the graduation....she was wearing a green top with golden design on it and black trousers. "wow, you look nice"...he came talking.he was wearing a magenta coloured shirt with a light purple half blazer and blue jeans..he was charming and so gorgeous. Amy's heart was beating so first that she can hear.. she was confused why this was happening to her.... Where she didn't know same thing was happening to him by looking at her. she was gorgeous.look in her eye was innocent. Both were happy...but their happiness was different. Amy was happy that she met with her best friend after 6months whereas her best friend Was happy to meet his secret lover whome he had crush for the first time and also the last..... want to know their sweet love story... then please read my story....I would love to share my story with you my dear readers ❤️❤️

eugeneamy · General
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33 Chs

Luke's protection

Amy thought what in the world Luke did and how. She open the official page of her company and saw that the post was deleted and there was a new statement regarding this topic. That annonymous person publicly apologized for this and Amy is innocent. She was with her friend which has nothing to do with anyone as it's her personal business.

She was shocked but relieved that everything is cleared up. But how Luke managed this. But she thought she would ask in person.

After knowing that someone frame and made a wrong accusations about Amy Luke was so furious. He then immediately called one of his friend who work in the same company as Amy's. It's Ron, who also was a classmate in college of both of them. He was in the IT department so it was not a easy thing for him track down the post and the person. It took sometime for figure out that the person who post this also works in the same department of Amy, named Kate. They got to know that she did this out of jealousy when they pressure her. Ron threatened her that he will complained this to higher authorities and also police because it's cyber crime. Then she was afraid and spill out everything. That evening when Luke came to pick up Amy Kate saw them. Kate was new joinee whereas she is working in that company for 3 years. She liked a boy named Harry who never glanced at her but always look after Amy. He help her and try to approach her. Kate was very much jealous of Amy because of that. Whereas Amy has no idea about this. In her workplace she respect everyone as senior and always has a smile face when talk with anyone. But in the eyes of girls like Kate she was a girl who seduced man by looking innocent and pretty. Kate hate Amy . So she captured them. She also came early in the morning and luckily got another picture of them. And then she open a new fake account and post them so that everyone hate Amy and also Harry. Everything was clear to Luke and Ron.

Kate was afraid of them and then she delete the posts and also apologized publicly.

Luke was so worried about Amy. He knew that she was innocent girl who knows nothing about that cruel world. She alway has smile on her face. She never argue and never badmouth anyone. If anyone misbehaved with her she can't speak back or fight all she can do cry silently.

Luke thought I have to protect her from this cruel world. She was still like a kid. But she was not alone. She had Luke's protection, nobody can harm her. He will do everything to protect her. As usual Amy had no idea that Luke was worried for her. She was in her own world. She worked full day without any problems. After finishing her work when she left the company's gate she got a call. It was Luke. She happily received the call.

" Look at your right side I am waiting for you. Come."

Amy then saw that Luke was waiting but not in front of the gate but in a little distance so that no one can spot her. She then ran towards him. She open the car door and entered. As soon as she entered the car Luke put his arm on her and hugged her tightly. Amy was stunned but happy. She said blushing "Lu what are you doing let me go." Luke "I missed you so much. Let me hug you please."

Amy blushed and smiled shyly. She didn't say anything and let him hugged her. She also felt warm in his embrace. She also missed him wanted to see him but couldn't said that to him. But when she saw him she was happy.

After sometime Luke released her. Looked in her eyes. She was glowing like an angel. Her cheeks were blushing. Her ear was red from shyness He chuckled at looking at her. She was adorable.

Then Luke said " Am I don't want anyone to bully you. so from now onwards if anyone talked to you, you have to understand if he or she have any ill intension. Don't eat or drink if anyone give you. You have no idea that they can mix something in your food also. So keep your food in your presence always. Don't talk with anyone except for your job. Don't ever hang out with anyone. Always remember that in workplace no-one is friend. You don't know them. Always maintain professional attitude. And always remember I am always with you. If anyone will try to harm you I will always protect you. Don't worry dear. "

Amy was speechless. But then she listened everything Luke said. She nodded and promised him to listen to him.The. Luke was relieved. He smiled and pecked on her lips. He was really very happy to have her.